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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
ive been feeling sick for the past couple of days... not sick enough to not go to sholl but sick enough to strugle keeping myself awake in the middle of the day....i hope it goes away soon!
really soon!!
i made brownies!!!!yay for brownies. i havent eaten any yet but i plan to as soon as they cool!
*waits a minute and grabs the pan of brownies*
they are really good do you want one?? *hands you a brownie*
me list-me list was fun....but i don't want to sound like a little snob...when i said me i meant to be silly because im a silly girl!!!!!not to be snoby...
i got a new digital camra!!!!!!!
i like it alot
i love taking pictures of my cat and stuff

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Friday, November 24, 2006
im bored so im going to list the things i like in no real order!!!!!!!!!!!!^_^
4)pumpkin pie
5)vanilla ice cream
6)the color purple
7)the color pink
8)anastasia (disney)
9)SON (noggin)
10)degrassi (noggin)
15)the name alex
20)scarry movies
21)a good book
24)this list
25)all my great friends at school and online i love you all
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
i know that i have made people uber worried about me in the past few days...
im really sorry....
to anyone who who worried
im super uber sorry....
im better now
im really really better now actually
and i will be really really uber super better saterday...
happy thanks giving
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Friday, November 17, 2006
i want to tell everyone that im ok and that im happy and having fun and this is a good day but i can't i was really going to pretend that i was fine so that everyone else would be happy but really what good dose that do me...probobally the same amount of good that telling the truth is... i guess it's the same amount of good all my stupig blogs do or the net in genral.... just keep me distracted from thinking of her, but i always and up finding something that reminds me that she's not here... not with me. i guess im selfish on top of everything. i just want her so bad... is that so wrong??? really????
i found this article in school today about a girl who fell in love with another girl and everyone excepted her still... i showed it to my cousin who is like a year younger than me and her step mom went all crazy on me... she was like "i know it's out there but, i dont agree in fact it's compleatly wrong and i dont want my children to read about it" she is going to bo suprised when angel finally tells her that she likes girls...
i kind of want to be there...anyhoo she went on to say that her religion was agianst me...or the other way around.... it makes me hate her so much!!!!! idk what's wrong with people!!!
any anyhoo i hope she comes home soon... i really do....
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
ok ive disliked her before but i absolutley hate her for this
i know that "she" probobally wanted to go but the only time roberta even notices her daughter is when there is a chance to get rid of her...
why would someone want to get rid of someone so great...and grand and all of those sorts of things...
anyhoo i talked to "her" saterday night and she was FINE nothing could have upset her that much EXCEPT HER MOTHER this morning i had to ride to school with roberta and she was talking about "her" on the phone like her best friend wasn't siting in the seat behind her uuuuggg... i hate it!!!! i miss her soo verry much...i can see why she would want to get away from her mother!!!!!!!
but i hope she comes home soon...
and then at school ((yes i had to go to school)) everyone was all like wheres kayla wheres kayla making it worse and making me cry...
by the end of the day everyone was avoiding me...
i don't blame them i would avoid a phyco freak like me to...
but yeah on a brighter note i cane home after school and my favorite little cousin kirstin she is adorible... as soon as i walked into the door she screamed "kathie kathie i love you kathie" awww she's 2 i spent about an hour after school with kirstin then i got online to top off the most horible day ever... then i stepped outside and hung out with my parents and looked at the lights they put up while i was at school and planned to put up the rest soon... hopefully kayla will be there to help us... now im listining to tatu and doing everything to keep my mind off of kayla and going to school tomarrow...
im going to stop typing for now
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006
i had such a good day today...i don't know why... nothing special happened or anything...
i just feel alot more today!!!!
it feels really good to be all bubbly like my kid self once more i hope this feeling NEVER ends!!!!
but yeah...
i don't know if i told you this but im taking german in school. at first i HATED it alot but now i enjoy it alot (now that i understand what i didn't) but i will probablly tell you alot that i will or have learned because i like it so much!!!
but yeah HAPPY DAY!!!!
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
im not going to be here 4 a while agian maybe a couple of weeks...something happened w/ my parents and my mom is taking my computer it will be a couple of weeks before i get a new one...sorry...
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Monday, October 30, 2006
im sorry i havent been here...
i went top my mom's house and i didn't have the best weekend... saternight i went skating and it was ok but then sunday night was a nightmare....
my mom left me all alone for HOURS and i needed to go home but i had no way.... i have such a huge headache right now idk i guess i shouldent stress over things but it's hard not to when i needed a shower and all she could think about was herself!!! and she was mad at the one person who really understood where i was comming from...
anyways on brighter terms i cant wait untill haloween... tomarow will be lost of fun and ill have alot of candy...whats not to love...
im going to be a bunny!!!!
going now...
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Friday, October 27, 2006
today hasent been the best day ever!!!!!!
compared to all my other days it was bad but we all have those days when you just want to strangle whe whole world!!!!!!!!
that was today!!!!!!
i felt really bad and i had a test which i know i did bad on!!!
but it's the end of the day (or begining of a new day) whenever you are reading this...
lets hope it's alot better!!!!
im soo sleepy now so yeaah
im going to bed
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
hellos everybodies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just got internet online!!!!!
i dont know if you would like to hear this or not but i will be on alot more!!!!!!
yay me i guess
anyways... theres not much going on right now just im freezing and kind of bored and junk
how has everyone been here???
i cant sleep because i was waching a scarry movie and now i cant sleep...
yeah ive said that....
so yeah
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