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High School Student
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I finally drew half decent anime hair yay me ^_^
Anime Fan Since
I was seven years old
Favorite Anime
Loveless, Wolf's Rain, Bleach
To become a really good anime artist, to become a veteranarian
Playing the Clarinet, Drawing, Day Dreaming, Watching my fave animes in japenese (with subtitles)
Art, Video games, Music
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/10/07:
Result Posted on 11/15/06:
~What Personality Do I Think You Have~
 your a very kind-hearted person and you care alot about can be quiet at times but your a fun person to be around but you need your space and will often daydream. people can always count on you but be careful there are people who would manipulate your kindness and trust. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/24/06:
What kind of demon are you? (pics of guys and girls)
 You are a Kitsune! (fox-demon)Weapon: Fans, knives, and short bladesMagic: Mainly plant magic, but can control other things as well Just like me! You tend to be more towards the gentle side, though you are hyper most of the time. You are very sweet, and make friends easily, but sometimes get overworked because of it. You can be shy and apologetic at times, so some people have a tendancy to walk all over you. Although you can be very stupid at times, you think about things in ways others don't usually, so you have great ideas. But as well as this sweet personality, you have a love of stealing things and playing tricks. This can get you in trouble, but you usually work a way out of it. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/24/06:
What Legend Of Mana character are you? (A very long quiz with many results)
You are Matilda! Color: GreenWeapon: You used to use magic, but only in self-defenseAnimal: A bird or horse You are the priestess of a healing temple. You befriended Daena, Escad, and the demon Irwin. People seem to love you for your kindness, and would do anything for you. Irwin especially fell in love with you, because you were one of the few people who looked past his exterior. However, he accidently hurt you, and now refuses to see you, even though he loves you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/24/06:
What character are you from The Legend of Zelda?
Result Posted on 10/24/06:
What Goddess Are you? (Farore, Din, Nayru) (Zelda Quiz)
 Farore is the Goddess of Courage. According to legend (told by the Deku Tree in Ocarina of Time), with her rich soul, she created all the life forms who would uphold the spirit of law. She also helped create the sacred Triforce, along with two other goddesses, Din and Nayru. She is often associated with the Triforce of Courage, the color green, and the elements of wind or forest. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/24/06:
Which sage, from Zelda: Ocarina of Time, are you?
Result Posted on 10/24/06:
Which Greek GodGoddess are you?
 You are Artemis! Goddess of the Wodds and the Hunt! Face it, you're a night-time person aren't you? You like being free and let your wild side take over. The moon does control the waters of your mood and your moon just happens to be your everyday life. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/24/06:
What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)
 Sensitivity- Your inner power is Sensitivity! You are true to your heart, and probably a hopeless romantic. Everyone loves you for your gentle ways and kind words, and you are brilliant with animals and young children. Youre very sweet and caring, and you have friends who love you, who are always there to support you and hold you when your fragile heart is broken. You are most likely often found daydreaming about your life and your future, and you have a talent for dealing with kids, all of which adore you, even if youve only been around them for five minutes. Youre the one your friends turn to when they need a shoulder to cry on, and a kind word to get them smiling again. You are shy, lovable, compassionate, and seek to make the world a better place. You will go far in life for sure. You go girl! Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: The romantic, sweet guy/girl that every girl dreams of at some stage in their life. You just love the way he/she treats you as you are the most precious, important girl in the world, and the way you know hell/shell never cheat on you. Your stone/jewel: Calcite Your power: Love. You can make the most revengeful person mellow, and have a talent for being a brilliant match maker. Your element: Earth A quote that applies to you: "When you step to the ledge of all the light you have left, and you take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you might believe one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you step upon, or you will learn how to fly." Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/24/06:
What Lion King Caracter are you?
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