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Thousand Sunny
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Being a One Piece-tard!
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Anessa, I go by Artex
A fair drawer.
Anime Fan Since
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One Piece
Write a good fan fiction, or become a graphic designer
Reading, Drawing, Writing, Playing video games
Drawing, writing, being a hyper spazz
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008
You know what, nevermind. I'm staying here XD
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Sunday, April 20, 2008
Hey guys, Just thought I'd tell you that something's wrong with this account. So I'm making a new one. Okay? I'll post once again once I've made the new page.
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Dun Dun Dunnnn

Omg you guys X_X I'm so sorry I haven't been on in forever!!! *gives out some rum* :O Ok let me start talking xD Ello! How ish everybody?! First things first, high school is difficult at first and....sometimes gets harder xD :O Freshman is hard X_X :O I gots a bf and my first kiss!!!! WOOT :D *does insanely happy dance* I finished reading the 7th harry potter book and the 3rd installment of Twilight!!! Both were awesome! <3 Umm....*thinks*... I can't wait for the new episodes of One Piece to come out this sunday <33 And i'm planning on changing my theme to all Zoro again xDD Dun Dun Dunnnn!!! Err... Well I must be off to school.....again X_X bye bye for now! Pm me if you can :O

1. Did I miss anything in my absence?
2. Could you recommend me a book of the fantasy persuasion? <3
3. :O I mishes you all *hug*
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Monday, July 30, 2007

:O this sucks...only 3 days until my school starts Dxxx *cry* oh well.... I rented the 5th harry potter game for the wii, and its pretty cool <33 *dances with joy* Oh and of those who thought my favorite character is Neville, then your right! <3 I lurve Neville...for what reason I don't know xD Well if you told me your b-day, then be happy because, whenever its your b-day I will draw you something! xD whoop!? xD And I will be using the Pirates of the carribean theme song for my page, it will probably be up in a few minutes after I post this :/... *shrug* xD Well i'm going to end this post quickly so I can go play Pokemon Pearl version xD

1. Did you guess my favorite character right?
2. If you did *gives bottle of rum*, If you didn't *gives harry potter books* xDDD
3. Do you think I should start putting my drawings up on MyO?
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
:O *gasp*

Ello Everybody! <3 Nothing much has happened. D: I start school on thursday!!! Dxxxxx *dies* Oh well :/ I finished Harry Potter book 7 on wednesday :o <3 I got a Neville shirt!! Whoop xD, not much to say :/.... could you tell me your b-days? So I can give you a present when its your b-day? xD Mines March 5th just so you know. Well I guess its time for questions

1. If you like Harry Potter, who is your favorite character?
2. Who do you think my favorite character is?
3. If you don't like Harry Potter, can you give some song suggestions for my site?
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Hi Guys!!

Hey Guys!! <33 I'm back *applause* I don't think I could fit everything that happened into this post....O_O...well let's start with the easy stuff. First things first, we have a new memeber in the club. We have Shanksluver as Shanks (duh) xD. Go visit her sometime!! :O Or else!
I'm sorry I didn't get your pictures :o....I just randomly took pictures of people on the last day xD! I went rockclimbing! And for the first time in my life....RAPPELING!!! WHOOP <33 It was awesome! Ummm I went ziplining! yay *dances* The bad part was that we had a red hornet attack D: Don't worry!! I was not injured <3 or stung. I'm glad because I don't know if i'm allergic or not!! :O I stayed out until midnight on friday to get the 7th Harry Potter book!!! xDDD I already love it/hate it xD Ok ...err. onto the questions!

1.Do you play DDR?
2.Do you plan on getting Harry Potter 7?
3.Do you want school to start?
Bye Bye for now <33
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

<33 Ello My dear friends!!! I'm sorry I haven't posted in....who knows how many days!! xDD Kill me if you want. Bah *shrug* I've got things to say I guess xDD it IS what a post is for right? Well first things first...I got a very short hair cut!!! <333 I sort of look like Luffy with glasses xDD Once I can get a picture, i'll post the link so you guys can see. :O I will most like be seeing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoneix today!!! *can't wait* <33 For the most part, this week I just sort of watched movies. Today I watched One Piece movies 1,2,3,4,and 5 xDDD It made me remember one of the reasons I love One Piece so much!!! And its not just becuase I'm Zoro's stalker xDD It's becuase these guys have taught me alot. Like how I should fight for what I belive, and chase my dreams! ^ ^ Corny I know, but I feel like I personally know the Straw-Hat pirates! <3 I rented Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 ((don't know why xD)) And it was pretty good, though I beat it on the first day of renting it xDD Tomorrow I going to watch a whole bunch of Harry Potter movies! xDD Plus, I go to camp on Sunday!! Whoop <3

1. Have you ever felt that way about anime befores? :3
2. Are you going to see Harry Potter Order of the Phoneix? ((spelling xD))
3. Blah or Pfft?
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Friday, July 6, 2007

I love that icon! "Their love is so clean!" xD Sorry I haven't posted as often as I used to. Still worn out from 4 hours of non-stop ddr playing! xD Oh well...I have some badish news.. I will be going to camp on next sunday July 15th to Friday July 20th. So I will not be here for a couple of days. Oki Doki? But I'm here until then and i'll be here afterwards. But if you will i'd like to know what I missed while i'm gone. So please tell me what I miss afterwards xD I will be taking lots of pictures ((i'm bringing 2 cameras this year)) And I'll show you some of them if you guys would like!

1. Do you want me to take any specific pictures of things?
2. If yes what do you want me to take pics. of?
3. :/ .....Make your own question and answer it xD
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Ello!!! ^ ^ I lurve this picture!! xD Sorry I was gone, I went to a friends house. We had a blast! And I got to stay for an extra day!!(the cause of my absence) :o for most of the time we played DDR! xD I can do some songs on standard now!! Woot. We also used to grandparent's golf cart as a pirate ship! We do the whole ten yards, we decorated the "ship" with pirate stuff. And we dressed up as pirates! xD the fun part was driving around the yard singing "Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me!" xD Then her little sister pretended to be the navy and we battled and stuff. We also watched two Tomb Raider movies! They were cool! And now i'm home watching fireworks! ((my friend says hi!)) ....OMG THANK YOU DEMON FOR THE GOTHIC ZORO!!! >.< *imagines him really like that and drools* >.> xD ((Yes I know Sanji and Luffy, you don't have to tell me twice that I only have to look at Zoro to drool xD!!))

1.How is your J4th going?
2. Did you miss me? :D
3. >.< Do you like Tomb Raider?
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Monday, July 2, 2007
:O Wheeee

Ello Ello!! ^ ^ How ish everybody? I'm pretty good! ^ ^ My friend came over, and we bothered my half brother! Though...he kind of got revenge during the night. On our own we stayed up to about 1:AM, and when we tried to go to bed. He'd come in there and flick the lights off and on! D: And the second time he turned the fan off ((its very hot in my house)) But then we locked our door xD So we had no further interruptions. But I still didn't sleep all to well xD Oh well...:O so hmm......ok i can't think of anything else.ON TO THE QUESTIONS!!

1. Do you want a half brother? ((if so you can have mine))
2. Do you have Zombies in your house? :O I consider my cat one xD
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