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floating around in an anime bubble somewhere in Pennsylvania
Member Since
slowly having the life sucked from my being by school and work...
Real Name
my name is--no! u may not have it! it is mine! it is my precious....I may reveal it sometime in a post, but for now u shall just have to make due with the fact that it's not zoye, zoye is my cat's name, a name I like, so I'm usin it here =P
Given 3 presentations on anime at school, and got several of my friends into anime =D
Anime Fan Since
I've always liked anime, started out with Ranma 1/2, some Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon. But I'd say my obsession with it started...about 6 or so years ago (meaning that I started buying a lot of anime dvds, manga, and other anime related thingies)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Trigun, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Peace Maker Kurogane, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki...the list goes on and on, my fav. genre is comedy, but i like serious as well, tend to avoid anime that is drenched in extreme violence or na
To calmly and quietly inform those unfortunate souls who are unaware of the vast and various anime that is available to them--WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! I WILL WACK THEM WITH THE MIGHTY STICK O ANIME!!! (I'm not at
Drawing stuff, ceramics whenever I can, I love to read but lately nothing good has come out =P, I like video games..but I play them off and on, ANIME!!!!!!
I think I'm at least somewhat good at drawing and ceramics, mimicking accents...but enough about me...
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Monday, October 2, 2006
Not quite dead yet =P
Hello! sorry i havent posted or anything for so long, classes and work are taking up all of my time. I really want to make some new wallpapers and a new background for my site soon and visit other peoples sites. I worry that if i start new wallpapers i will be tempted to work on them instead of writing programs for my programming class =P or instead of reading "King Lear" for my shakespeare class, sadly we are reading more tragedies and histories than comedies T-T (i prefer comedies). I am also in a ceramics class this term, im making a three piece mold right now for a goblet which, as long as it works, will allow me to make lots of goblets fast ^-^
Hopefully ill get to visit some sites this week and put up a new background, toodles!
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Friday, July 28, 2006
Hello! wow i havent posted or anything for months!! I was expecting to have all this free time during the summer, but work seems to be taking up my time =( but work=money and money=anime+manga =) I went to the shore for a week about 2 weeks ago, it was a lot of fun =) I bought volume 1 of the DeathNote manga to take to the shore...none of the bookstores there had volumes 2 or 3, so i had to i have to wait until september for volume 7 to come out T-T
I'm 21 now!! woohoo! havent gotten drunk yet tho =P
THUNDER!!! a thunder storm killed my computer last week i dont want a repeat so im going to turn it off now toodles!!!
Bunny! we got a bunny yesterday!! Momo!!

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Friday, May 19, 2006
not quite dead yet =P
Hellooo! wow i havent updated in a long time...since Easter. The amount of school work and work work has been insane since then, which is why i havent updated or visited sites T-T but today is my last official school day for this year!!! except of course for the exam i have on monday =P and i need to make a website for my html class for thursday...but today is the last normal class.
How r people doing? im definitely going to start visiting sites again, updating and making new wallpapers and stuff ^-^ I probably won't get to start visiting sites until after my exam tho...or else i will get drawn in and forget to study!!! but now i have to go prepare for class, finish homework and junk like that. Just thought id do a quick post to let people know i haven't left myotaku.
until later! toodles!!
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Happy Easter!!!
im going away to the shore for easter!!! woohoo!! Happy Easter everyone!!
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
Hello! sorry i haven't posted or visited sites for quite awhile =( lots of school and work. Im scheduled to work 10 hrs tomorrow, o joy...I work in a children's clothing store and the one i usually work in was closed for about 2 months getting remodeled, so while it was closed i worked at a different location, but now its reopening on sunday and we're unpacking all of the clothes and setting the store up. Today was my first day back since it was redone and it looks really cool...but at the same time im wondering exactly who designed the layout...u see it looks great, but:
-before it was just one big room, now its like a center aisle with six mini rooms...unfortunately there r quite a few shoplifters who come to this store, and now the number of places where people can go and be out of view have multiplied.
-the changing rooms arent actually rooms they r now more like a shower curtain thingy...about 80% of the time parents arent paying enough attention to their children, and ive already witnessed kids annoying people in the changing rooms, but now there r easy to pull back curtains...
-and now for the worst part...they put all of the damn socks out were people can get them and low enough that kids can get them!!!!! before they were behind the register, so people couldn't mess them up! but now all of those damn socks r going to be spread across the store, and ripped open!! I hate those damn socks!!
ok ill stop ranting about that now =P
For my comparative religions class i visited a Methodist church, and went to a service at a Won Buddhist Temple. The Buddhist service was cool, but long 7:15pm-9:45pm and we only had one cup of tea at the end! The service consisted of: 10 mins of chanting, 25 mins of sitting meditation (its really hard to sit and think of nothing for that long =P), 10 mins of walking meditation, a sort of sermon/discussion for about an hour, 15 mins of sitting meditation, then a tea ceremony.
Im happy cause last night i got the 13th volume of Fruits Basket! its great! but haru's not in this one at all T-T but Kakeru is great! hes like a mix of Ayame and kyo!
I really should head to bed now tho, since i have to get up before 7am tomorrow T-T i hate getting up before 8am...wish i could sleep till 11 or so...
Hopefully ill get a chance to visit people's sites this weekend! o and i made my first e-card! a new way to amuse myself =P

heres a scene with Kakeru, Kimi and Yuki!
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
No more Fullmetal Alchemist least until october...
Fullmetal Alchemist is over!!! I dont want it to be over!! It ended differently than i expected, a happy/sad ending. At least the movie is coming out this year ^-^
"She's the Man" was a good movie, at least in my opinion it was good =P a funny chick flick, definitely very Hana Kimi-ish. i got home at 12:15 so i had to find things to do while i waited for FMA to be over so i could record the tape and watch it =P the friend i went to see the movie with has watched quite a bit of the FMA dvds i have but she freaks out every time Nina is mentioned so she doesn't want to see any more =P
I still dont know what im gonna do about the Field Report thingie i have due on tuesday...the only time i have to visit a place is tomorrow mom says she'll go with me
(most likely we're going to a Hindu temple), which is good because im kinda shy =P im not sure if i should call ahead, or just go and hope that someone will be there to talk to...
i already visited sites today, but ill check to see who updates tomorrow ^-^

Puggle (Pug/Beagle)!! my mom told me about them the other day, so i googled them. Im not a huge fan of pugs but puggles r soo cute!! i want one like this that looks more beagle-ish ^-^
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
Greetings! havent posted in awhile =P Spring break is over T-T tho it was a pretty uneventful break seeing as most of my friends were still in school. This term i have Asian History, Comparative Contemporary Religions, World Wide Web Development and Design, and Kickboxing. Im very happy because i dont have any morning classes this term ^-^ So far the homework load doesn't seem too bad, a lot of textbook reading (i hate textbooks!!) and in the religion class we have field reports. The 1st field report is due tuesday, so im trying to figure out which of the religious centers i should visit for it, hopefully i can get a group together to go so it will be more interesting =P Hopefully ill learn some new things in the Web page design class so i can do some new things with this site, but so far he hasn't said anything new. kickboxing is an unavoidable pain that i must endure if i wish to graduate =P hopefully ill like it a little better by the end of next week, i was very happy to discover that it is twice a week instead of 3 times a week.
Tonight is the last episode of Fullmetal Alchemist!!!!! Im going out tonight but hopefully ill be home in time for it, of course ill have the vcr record it in case im not =P I'm going to see "She's the Man" it looks amusing kinda Hana Kimi, has anyone seen it yet? is it good or no?
One of my friends sent an article around to everyone in my college about online journals, especially Facebook and MySpace, that was pretty interesting. It's an article from USA today "What you say online could haunt you" its about how people have been kicked out of school, arrested, or refused jobs because of things they had said or posted online, it also talks about safety. If your on Facebook or MySpace, especially if u use your real name or have pics up of yourself i strongly suggest reading it.
What You Say Online Could Haunt You
Well thats about it =P Hope everyone has a good weekend! I'm gonna visit sites now, toodles!!

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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
over 15,000 downloads!!!
My wallpaper downloads is over 15,000!! woohoo! thank you to everyone who downloads my wallpapers! =D I really like making wallpapers and its always nice when other people like them too ^-^ I submitted a new fullmetal alchemist one last night, its of Ed and Al, manga style.
Yesterday i went to the mall and got Howl's Moving Castle and FMA dvd 8 ^-^ I also went into Hot Topic and found a Fruits Basket and a Witch Hunter Robin t-shirt on sale, i couldnt resist so i got those too =P But i need to watch how much money i spend cause my car payments due next week and i need to get my little sister a birthday present. This term i dont have as many or as hard of classes so i should be able to work more, thus make more money, yay money =P
Im off to visit sites!! toodles!!!

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Thursday, March 2, 2006
spring break!!
Woohoo!!!exams r over finally and im on spring break!!! its a frickin cold spring break tho =P i have this week and next week off, havent done much yet, most of my friends r in school so they cant do much the poor buggers...of course theyll laugh at me when im at school and they're on break when its actually spring =P my goal this break is to decide what colleges im gonna apply to for next year, i still dont know what i want to do so its kinda hard to decide.
Ive been working on some wallpapers but none of them r done yet =P Is the episode of Fullmetal Alchemist this weekend the last one?!!! i really hope its not!! ill be sad when its over T-T but at least i know the movies coming in october ^-^ I'm gonna go visit some sites now and ill visit more tomorrow! toodles!!

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Friday, February 17, 2006
I finally made a new background!! It took awhile but i got it done ^-^ yay haru and rin!! ill probably change the textcolor too, but right now im too tired =-P next week is exam week and i have an impossible amount of @#%$# work to do, so most likely i wont be online much, but hopefully ill be able to visit people's sites tomorrow! I have to get as much of my final project in ceramics done as possible tomorrow, so ill prob stay at school really late T-T so yeah...i need to go sleep now, so i can at least some energy for tomorrow =P hope everyone's havin a good week!!
taa taa for now!!
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