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floating around in an anime bubble somewhere in Pennsylvania
Member Since
slowly having the life sucked from my being by school and work...
Real Name
my name is--no! u may not have it! it is mine! it is my precious....I may reveal it sometime in a post, but for now u shall just have to make due with the fact that it's not zoye, zoye is my cat's name, a name I like, so I'm usin it here =P
Given 3 presentations on anime at school, and got several of my friends into anime =D
Anime Fan Since
I've always liked anime, started out with Ranma 1/2, some Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon. But I'd say my obsession with it started...about 6 or so years ago (meaning that I started buying a lot of anime dvds, manga, and other anime related thingies)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Trigun, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Peace Maker Kurogane, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki...the list goes on and on, my fav. genre is comedy, but i like serious as well, tend to avoid anime that is drenched in extreme violence or na
To calmly and quietly inform those unfortunate souls who are unaware of the vast and various anime that is available to them--WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! I WILL WACK THEM WITH THE MIGHTY STICK O ANIME!!! (I'm not at
Drawing stuff, ceramics whenever I can, I love to read but lately nothing good has come out =P, I like video games..but I play them off and on, ANIME!!!!!!
I think I'm at least somewhat good at drawing and ceramics, mimicking accents...but enough about me...
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Friday, June 3, 2005
went to my friend's graduation dance for a bit, it was weird goin to a highschool thingie again. but several of my friends r juniors+seniors so it was fun seein them ^-^ i also had fun creeping out my one friend, Fluffy "Why..hellooo Fluffy..and how r u, on this fine evening..? It's been awhile..since we were last..together.." its so much fun creeping her out =P as well as making fun o her shortness, she'd go well with ed elric, o course she knows im only jokin with her =P
im also goin to the highschool graduation tomorrow, so ill get to see them there 4 a while too.
My friend Lamp Post is in NYC, she had to have her knee replaced yesterday, she had cancer when she was little T-T but she seems to be doin alright, poor Lampy Poo.
im happy cause im goin to my friend Silverfish's (her full nickname is the Vestal Silverfish =P) house to do an anime fest, woohoo! she also has 2 new puppies, woohoo!

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doom-doom-doom-doom-doom-doom-doom-doom-doomy-doomy-doom--- yay the doom song!!
went out with my grandma the other day, got some cool new sheets+squishy pillows for my bed, yay purply ^-^ i like purple, and i like squishy things =P so that was fun. worked today, but other than that ive just been lazing around..haven't been feeling very motivated to do much, tho there r definitely things that need to be done =P got FMA vol.3 today, woohoo!!
haven't worked on the haru/devil pic a whole lot, i did some but its not finished, here's a version with a quick body, like real quick body =P

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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Fruits Basket volume 9!!!!!!!!!!
yesssssss!!!! Fruits Basket volume 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is sooo sooo grand =D some of my fav moments:
-the look on yuki's face when he realizes who Manabe reminds him of
-Shishou with his head in a book while the soup he's making just about catches fire =P i've had several times when i was too interested in a book to realize that what i was cooking was burning.
-Shishou defending Kyo!!!
-Rin shows up!
-and of course...i was afraid that haru wasn't going to make an appearance this volume...but he did, he told a "scary" story ^-^ yay haru!
-many more as well, but im not gonna list all of them =P
I've been working with that devil/haru pic from last post, i'm not done with it yet but here's where its at!

i'm hoping to finish it tomorrow ^-^
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Monday, May 30, 2005
happy memorial day!
greetings! anyone doing anything interestin for memorial day? I think ive decided to stay home and get the work I need to get done for tomorrow done =P tomorrow's the last day i have to go to school!! so i need to study for my religion exam, and write some stuff for theater, and locate my books from the year that i can sell back to the bookroom.
yay my bonzai is starting to grow!! heres a pic of the sprouts, i used a pic of haru that i drew as a background ^-^ he has demon eyes an ears =D im gonna try playing around with this pic..depending on how it turns out i may post the results =P

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Sunday, May 29, 2005
random thought or some such nonesense...
i went to Hot Topic again today...they had a Fruits Basket shirt!!! It had a huge Yuki Sohma face on it, a very girly yuki face =P i wish it had had the whole cast on it or several characters, but i was happy to see a Fruits Basket shirt ^-^ they also had another Trigun, Witch Hunter Robin, and Cowboy Bebop shirts =)
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tomorrow's a holiday right?? then why do i have homework due!!!!
tomorrow's a holiday, or rather, it's supposed to be, but that didn't stop my writing teacher from assigning us the final revision of our paper for tomorrow =P so im revising the piece of $%^&%@#^%^$%#$%^%& for the 3rd time...gahhh it melts my of the guys in that class owes me money for a book..(just a random thought =P)
watched the first episode of Paranoia (too lazy to spell correctly) Agent, it seems like quite an interesting show =) also new inuyasha...which i missed...have to watch it thursday...
well im gonna continue doin my homework and listenin to the Gorillaz

ooo the creepy kid with the bat/hockey stick thingie.. ^-^
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
lazy day ^-^
today was a day of complete laziness, on my part at least =P just sat around all day. i had been planning on cleaning up some of the ever growing chaos in my room...but it didn't happen.
Peacemaker vol.5 was grand! but it was more serious than the other volumes..the last episode ended sadly T-T

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Friday, May 27, 2005
PeaceMaker vol. 5!!!!!
woohooo!! got Peacemaker vol.5 today!! as well as Chrono Crusasde manga #4 =) so that makes me happy ^-^ im also happy cause im not setting an alarm clock for the morning!! that means i can sleep until i want to get up!...or at least until it gets soo noisy downstairs that it wakes me up =P so im off to watch Peacemaker!!!!

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Thursday, May 26, 2005
better today ^-^
well i ended up getting less than an hour of sleep last night =P but i got my paper in and took the exam (which i'm really hoping i passed) also had my theater exam, which was acting out a scene with a partner, that went really well =)
slept for awhile but im still tired so im headin to bed ooo sleep ^-^
Watched the 2nd episode of Fullmetal Panic Fumoffu today, very funny, especially in my sleep deprived state =P
I have 3 things left that i have to do for school, for monday i have to do the final revision on my paper for writing class, and tuesday i have a religion exam, and some writing stuff for my theater class is due tuesday as well, then ill be completely done!!! woooot!!
there r quite a few anime and manga coming out that i want to get =D ill have to be careful that i don't go broke =P
Fullmetal Alchemist vol.3
PeaceMaker vol.5
Wolf's Rain vol.6+7 (already out)
Fruits Basket vol.9!!
Naruto vol.7
and several others ^-^
its kinda annoying how they all come out around the same time

Sousuke's lookin pretty scared he's just realised he forgot to bring Kaname's homework with him...he's really in for it =P
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ooo major ADD =P
well, its 2am papers not finished, haven't even started studying for my exam which starts in what...gah!! 7 hours!!!! I am sooooo going to fail...
i'll be happy if i get to sleep for an hour tonight T-T
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