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floating around in an anime bubble somewhere in Pennsylvania
Member Since
slowly having the life sucked from my being by school and work...
Real Name
my name is--no! u may not have it! it is mine! it is my precious....I may reveal it sometime in a post, but for now u shall just have to make due with the fact that it's not zoye, zoye is my cat's name, a name I like, so I'm usin it here =P
Given 3 presentations on anime at school, and got several of my friends into anime =D
Anime Fan Since
I've always liked anime, started out with Ranma 1/2, some Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon. But I'd say my obsession with it started...about 6 or so years ago (meaning that I started buying a lot of anime dvds, manga, and other anime related thingies)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Trigun, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Peace Maker Kurogane, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki...the list goes on and on, my fav. genre is comedy, but i like serious as well, tend to avoid anime that is drenched in extreme violence or na
To calmly and quietly inform those unfortunate souls who are unaware of the vast and various anime that is available to them--WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! I WILL WACK THEM WITH THE MIGHTY STICK O ANIME!!! (I'm not at
Drawing stuff, ceramics whenever I can, I love to read but lately nothing good has come out =P, I like video games..but I play them off and on, ANIME!!!!!!
I think I'm at least somewhat good at drawing and ceramics, mimicking accents...but enough about me...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
2 more weeks!!!
I was just looking at my calendar and putting down the days/times that i'll have exams...after this week I only have 2 more weeks till exam week!! that's both a happy and terrifying thought. Exam week is weird, usually they start on a tuesday but they're starting on wednesday and goin into the next week, so i'll have exam time slots the 25th, 26th, and 31st. hopefully i won't have to go in for all of them, it's likely that my Religion and Writing classes won't have exams =)
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Fullmetal Alchemist Manga!!
Went to Barnes&Noble today...the Fullmetal Alchemist Manga is out!!! It's great! The story is basically the same as the anime, but there r enough differences in how things r done to really keep u interested =) also there seems to be more comedy in the manga =D Ed goes even more insane when people comment on his shortness, and Al is quite amusin =) Also got another book "Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment" by James Patterson, I've never read any books by him but the cover caught my attention as well as the description. I haven't bought a book for awhile, everytime I've gone in I've looked but not found anything that really interested me. I think it's partly that I haven't had a lot of free well as the fact that i now have a 2yr old sister...if that makes any sense..I like reading downstairs for some reason, but now i can really only do that if my parents r out, cause if i go down there to read and they're home..they immediately think, o u can keep an eye on Devyn while i go do something, right?..they do this to both me and my older sister just about every time we go into the main area of the house (the upstairs is mostly my domain, and my older sister has the basement) we don't mind helping, but they try to rope us into watching her at every opportunity. But what really annoys me is that they'll say they just need me to watch her so they can do one thing, and then it turns into 20 things =P or will u watch her for like 5mins while I finish getting dinner ready? hour later.....and they wonder why we stay in our rooms when we have free time...
sry, had to let out some steam =P
had my religion presentation and my midterm monologue in theater today. sooo happy that's over...tomorrow my group's teaching my writing class, so im preparing 4 that now =P we decided to do A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh as our thing to focus on, like what r the stories that u remember from your childhood, what makes those stories stay with u, yada yada.. well got to go work on that.

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Monday, May 2, 2005
tomorrow i have a group presentation of "Heaven&Hell in the Movies" in Religion. My job is to put together a powerpoint presentation but...none of the members of my group have sent me ANY info, even tho I emailed them and told them to get it in by 10:30 tonight =P if they don't send me any info soon, it'll be their lose. So for now I'll just make a powerpoint that says the title of our presentation, and stuff on the movie I'm doin (BeetleJuice! I'm doin one that's neither heaven nor hell).
I got my mom to listen to just about all of my new Cowboy Bebop cd and several songs from L'Arc~en~Ciel in the car today, and she really seemed to like them, especially Cowboy Bebop! =) she thought that the person singing "No Reply" was Sting (it's actually Steve Conte).
got ta go work on school junk =P toodles 4 now! Hopefully I'll get to visit some sites tonight, been busy.

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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Megatokyo wallpaper
well i made a megatokyo wallpaper of one of my fav. megatokyo comics =) but I'm havin trouble getting it to stay clear as .jpg, grrr, I had to make it twice! blah, I'm to tired to complain much about it =P o and because this keeps goin thru my head..I thought I'd share it with u..have u ever seen Drop Dead Fred? I love that movie =D here's my fav scene:
the little girl, Emily, and her imaginary friend (a man with red hair named Fred) r standing up on the dining room table after making mudpies in the best china, and now thier talking about her mother...
Fred: first we'll cut off her head! then we'll make her eat it! (referring to the head)
Emily: how can she eat her own head?!
Fred: huh! well, fine then! I'll eat her head!
Emily: and I'll eat the rest of her!!
Fred: and then we'll poo her! all over the table!!
I don't know, but i love this scene =P
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Hughes is dead T-T
He's dead!!!!! I was tryin not to cry, but lost the battle when his little daughter started getting all up set that they were burying her daddy she didn't understand he was dead =*( oh the drama!!
hhhmmmm...I'm trying to think of which anime caused me to bawl the most...(yeah, it's pathetic I know) I think the prize goes to Trigun, when Wolfwood died, I was not expecting that at all, then me and my friend watched the entire series together in like one night, when that part came we were both sobbin, well actually...I was laughing b/c she was sobbing sooo much =P Then comes Wolf's Rain, Toboe noooo!!!!! yea Wolf's Rain caused a flood... My mom's like, u cried over a cartoon??, grrr..anime not cartoon...
Hey! It's May!! (flippin da calendars) let's see...Fairy calendar...a cool butterfly thingie =)..Fruits Basket calendar...gahhhhh, it's girly yuki!!! don't get me wrong, yuki's great...but this is like EXTREME frightens me...ill deal with it 4 awhile, then put it back to Haru =)
But Hughes is DEAD!!!! And I'm feelin hyper, its almost 1am, so what the heck am I supposed to do?!...maybe ill work on a wallpaper or somin (o the excitement =P)

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Saturday, April 30, 2005
wow, that was like, the worst paper I've ever written =P it started out ok, but then I got rushed and lazy.
Where is my social life!!! Gah! I haven't gotten to go out and do anythin fun for about a month!!!!! Damn school! Burn in helll!!
Ok got that out =P yea, a combination of school work, work, and the fact that most of my friends r also really busy, has meant that my social life has almost disappeared...I'll have to go hunt it down again as soon as I have a moment free =P
I WOULD have been able to make plans with a friend to do somin tonight, but my parents made me promise them like a month ago that I would babysit for them so they could go to a party...well...they're too tired to go!!! So now I'm stuck home again, and to make it worse I'm not making money!!
Well, at least there's a lot o anime on tonight to distract me =P
I'll prob come back on after FMA to cry...*see last post, but only if u don't mind finding out what's happening in this episode*

In case u didn't know who Hughes was, here's his pic =)
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Friday, April 29, 2005
I was just reading a feature on Fullmetal Alchemist in Newtype USA, and NNNNOOOOOO!!!!! I didn't want to hear THAT!! *SPOILER WARNING!!!* Hughes gets killed!!!! I was just thinking the other day, they better not kill off Hughes, but they r!!! =*(
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Alphonse Elric...
ok, here r some random thoughts I had about Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) last night. 1. If he ever gets his body back..will he be shorter or taller than Ed?(Personally I think it would be great either way, Ed would be pissed if Al's taller, and Ed would be thrilled if Al's shorter) 2. Magnetic Alphabets!! I was thinkin it would be fun to stick magnets on Al, esp. alphabets =P (I know, I'm strange, I don't know where this thought came from) 3. Ed should use Al as his suitcase! I mean come on! they're travelin all over the place, and Al is an empty suit of armor and having a suitcase in him prob wouldn't make much of a difference =P
Ok there r those weird thoughts...
the cowboy bebop cd i ordered came today!!! It's sooooo greattt!!!
Now! I'm off to do some much needed cleaning in this trash heap called a room!

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Thursday, April 28, 2005
New Theme within a theme
This week's theme within a theme took a lot of extreme thought which resulted in a theme of sitting =P So the bg Haru, Ed, and Tetsu...sitting...Well I'm off to bed so i can get up early and write this #$#%$@## paper. I was very disappointed today...I missed out on getting to watch my Writing teacher get hunted down =P (see post on Assassin) My mom was waiting in the parking lot when she saw my teacher come out of the building heading toward the library, as he neared the library a guy jumped out with a nerf gun! my teacher (he's kinda young) took off sprinting across campus toward the building he came from (with guy running after him), they ran around a tree several times and then he was hit. BUT I MISSED IT!! If my theater teacher had let me out at the correct time I would have seen it! It's also funny cause the guy who got him was the same guy who got me yesterday, so I guess he's doing pretty well at hunting down his victims..I have writing class tomorrow, so I'll have to get at my teacher about his galloping around campus =P
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birds r loud, especially baby birds, I think the nest next to my air conditioner has hatched or is about to, because the birds r being really loud. I think i did alright on my psychology test today, got my paper back A++ wooohoo!! The next paper is due next week =P Next week's gonna suck, tuesday: midterm performance in theater, group presentation in religion Wednesday: my group has to teach the Writing class, still haven't decided our topic =P, Thursday: Psychology Paper due. And tomorrow I have a long paper for writing due. Sooo happy there's only 5 weeks left o this hell. Speaking of hell..I finally decided which movie to use for my part of the heaven&hell in the movies presentation, BeetleJuice!! I feel like such an idiot that I didn't think of it before, its like one o me fav movies!
Now For Something Completely Different...
I'm watching a lot of diff anime series right now, it gets confusing..let's see-DNAngel, Boys Over Flowers, Spiral, Scryed, PeaceMaker, FMA, Fullmetal Panic, Cromartie High School, Rahzephon, E's Otherwise, Read or Die, Slayers, Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Samurai Champloo, Earth Girl Arjuna, One Piece, Zatch Bell, Gravitation, Get Backers, Saiyuki...I've prob forgotten a few..then as far as manga I'm readin-Kare Kano, Fruits Basket, Naruto, One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin, Hana Kimi, Chobits, xxxHolic, Tsubasa: Reservior Chronicles, Trigun, and Peace Maker. So that's what I'm currently watching/reading (meaning I haven't completed the series =P) Does anyone know if Witch Hunter Robin goes past episode 25?! or is Adult Swim On Demand being an arse and stopping at episode 25?!!! It better not stop there!!!!

Decided to post somin I drew =) I was in a very..patterny or somin mood at the time I drew it =P
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