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floating around in an anime bubble somewhere in Pennsylvania
Member Since
slowly having the life sucked from my being by school and work...
Real Name
my name is--no! u may not have it! it is mine! it is my precious....I may reveal it sometime in a post, but for now u shall just have to make due with the fact that it's not zoye, zoye is my cat's name, a name I like, so I'm usin it here =P
Given 3 presentations on anime at school, and got several of my friends into anime =D
Anime Fan Since
I've always liked anime, started out with Ranma 1/2, some Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon. But I'd say my obsession with it started...about 6 or so years ago (meaning that I started buying a lot of anime dvds, manga, and other anime related thingies)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Trigun, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Peace Maker Kurogane, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki...the list goes on and on, my fav. genre is comedy, but i like serious as well, tend to avoid anime that is drenched in extreme violence or na
To calmly and quietly inform those unfortunate souls who are unaware of the vast and various anime that is available to them--WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! I WILL WACK THEM WITH THE MIGHTY STICK O ANIME!!! (I'm not at
Drawing stuff, ceramics whenever I can, I love to read but lately nothing good has come out =P, I like video games..but I play them off and on, ANIME!!!!!!
I think I'm at least somewhat good at drawing and ceramics, mimicking accents...but enough about me...
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Well, my part in the Assination game is ended, that's right the person assigned me got me today =P I really need to listen to that voice in my head, I just knew this guy was the one after me! I was sitting in the student lounge yesterday at the end of lunch, since I didn't have a class the next period I just stayed there and did h/w, but this guy who I don't usually see there, comes like 5 mins to the end of lunch and sits down, well I noticed that he kept checking his watch, and was real figity, he left right at the end of lunch. But I got this strong feeling that he was waiting for me to leave...that he was hoping I would go outside so he could shoot me (according to the rules for Assasination u can only shoot ur target outside). Well today I'm walking toward the school a few minutes before the start of class, as I got closer I saw that same guy standing by one of the doors. Well, stupid ol mes like "Its only my imagination", I should have shot him, then I would have got 2 mins to get inside, but I didn't and he got me =P well it was fun while it lasted, now I can safely go outside and enjoy watching others being hunted down, hahar!! I haven't yet seen anyone else get caught but I've heard people running around outside screaming, very amusin =D 1/2 of the people participating had been shot down by tuesday, I made it till wednesday so that makes me happy =) But dang!! I need to continue banging my head against this psychology book in hopes that some of the info will imprint in my head 4 the test tomorrow! my goal is to be in bed by 1am, that way I'll get about 6 hours of sleep, woohoo!!
O! bought the new cowboy bebop cd on ebay the other day! can't wait till it comes! 3 new Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts songs!!!!!

^Incase u don't remember, zoye isn't my name, its my cat's name, and above is a pic of her that I took the other night, she refused to open her eyes 4 it =P I included some of her nicknames in the pic =)
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
aww man..i don't get to hunt down the dean anymore =(
The dean I was assigned to assassinate for Assassin, pulled his name off the list last minute, so now I have a new victim. My new victim is a guy several years older than me, and I have no idea what he looks like =P I'm hoping to find a pic of him somewhere...whoever got me as a target hasn't tried to shoot me yet, tho they've only had 2 chances so far, if they wanna get me tomorrow will be their best bet cause I have to do a lot of walking around outside tomorrow =P some of the sticky ends of the darts for my gun were falling off, so i super glued them back on, ya super-glue!! The school I go to is a religious school, so its really funny that their letting us play Assassin =D Everyone was walking around with toy guns, some of the dorm students r shooting people who aren't their targets and really freakin them out =P
I'm realllly happy because I got another cool t-shirt today! (got a trigun t-shirt from hot topic other day) My mom got me a new fairy t-shirt!! I really like fairies, not the cute-sy ones but like cool, artistic ones. Anyone ever seen any of Brian Froud's artwork? He does a lot of really cool fairy paintings, he also helped create the Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal, and his wife Wendy Froud made all the puppets for them, their son Toby is the baby in the Labyrinth =) They have a cool website at
I could say more, but I'm feeling random, and could go on and on and on, ooo something shiny...
So I'll stop.
Toodles! (what is a toodle?! Toodles is wierd, so i like it =P)
Here's a pic of the fairy t-shirt =D

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Updated info and stuff =P
Well, I updated some of the stuff on my profile today =P Had my religion midterm, took about 15 mins, man I am sooo happy that I only spent about 20 mins studying for it =D But now I'm studying for my psychology test on thursday =P I may post again tonight after I've studied 4 awhile =)
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Questions =D
Ok, somethings been bothering me...Envy from FMA is a guy, right?!
2nd question
does anyone know if aol will allow u to have "fixed" bg on this site? And if so, how??
That's all 4 now, I need to study!! gaaaaaah!!!
I like Envy, so I hope he starts showing up more in FMA =)
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Hot Topic =D
I'm very happy =) Hot Topic has anime t-shirts!!! They have Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, and several others!! I bought the Trigun one today, next I wanna get the FMA one =) I also stocked up on the stuff I like from Crabtree&Evelyn cause my sister works there and gets 50% off and today she got an additional 10% off, yay smelly stuff!! Went into Suncoast, and was able to leave without buying anything (beyond a new Elmo's World DVD 4 my mom =P) and I got caffiene! However it didn't help at all with my motivation to get my work done, dang, I've been procrastinating quite a bit recently =P
Well that's it 4 now, taa taa!!
here's a pic of Rin I was playin with =) (I wish her skirt was longer in this pic =P)

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really out of it today...
I'm feeling very spacy and unmotivated today =P I just can't seem to wake up. When I started waking up this morning, I was like, "it's like 5am, right?", but no it was more like 11am. I love days like this, if I have nothing to do, but unfortunately I have work to get done. So I'm drinking caffeinated tea in my big-ass Nightmare Before Christmas mug, listening to L'arc~en~ciel, and praying I wake up =P
FMA was great last night! I got home from work around 10:30pm, with a splitting headache, but I was able to keep myself awake long enough to watch it =) Also watched the 2nd episode of One Piece, very funny, I found that I'm getting used to Luffy's voice, it really annoyed me at first =P
Well gtg study, and find a movie that I can use for my religion class that has somin to do with heaven and hell.
o here's a kinda funny story from the other night =)
I brought the toy gun thingy I bought the other day downstairs. My mom's like "don't let your little sister see you shooting that at people!", me "I won't shoot anyone!", my 2 year old sister "Only the kitty". I don't know, that cracked me up =)
A painted ed version I came across while experimenting with effects on paintshop pro

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Friday, April 22, 2005
planning the hunt....
My prey for assassin has been the Dean. Woohoo! I get to go hunt down one of the deans of me college! hahar! But dang, I'm always running into him in the buildings, but rarely outside =( and I don't wanna linger outside too long or who ever's assigned to assassinate me will have more chances =P I'm gonna hafta be wary when I arrive to and leave school...My theater teacher AND my religion teacher both announced in class yesterday that we no longer need to hand in the weekly papers!!! O joy! O harpiness! And Tsubasa vol.5 was very good an amusin =) As well as episode 5 of E's Otherwise, which I watched last night. FMA the manga is coming out soon, can't wait!!
now to see if this haru gif will work...

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Thursday, April 21, 2005
I bought a gun today! woohoo! tho when i say gun, i mean the kind u get from the dollar store. To be specific, $5 and Below, its green, black, orange and purple, with 6 spongy darts with sticky ends. I'm havin crazy fun wit it =P It does have a purpose tho! Next week my college is doin Assassin, tomorrow we get assigned our targets, and starting tuesday we have a week to bring em down. U start with one target, but once u get them, they have to tell u who their target is, and now u go after their target, and so on, yada yada. A list was put up so people could cross off their names if they don't wanna play, but I won't be surprised if there r people who have no idea it's goin on. All of the teachers (including the ministers) r on the list, so they're bein hunted too. Last one standin wins. It should be fun, I just hope I don't get taken out right away, u can only be shot outside, and in certain zones. The dorm students will probably have the most trouble, since they have to walk back and forth all the time =P...back to $5 and Below, they have Ranma dvds 4 $5! I need to go there more often...o I bought Tsubasa #5 today, should be good =) well then, toodles 4 now and all that good stuff!
"Why don't you pesticide?...I..cry, when insects deserve to die....Farmer! farmer! Farmer! farmer! Farmer to your fields, I will spray for insects, farmers to your fields...I will spray my pesticide, those insects shall surely die, they will fall, they will not rise, those insects shall surely die! my...self-righteous pesticide...I cry...when insects deserve to die..."
-sorry this insect version of that angels deserve to die song, got stuck in my head =P some guys from my highschool made up this version

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
For Peace Maker...
I'm making some gifs to put at the top of my site =) first up is Peace Maker, with one o me fav a mere potatoe....

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I'm bein lazy =P
I should be working on homework...but I'm feeling lazy, so instead I'm working on my site! New theme is up!! Goin Crazy!! I also threw in pics of Mustang, Tatsu, Hijikata, Saizo, and Al =) Hope u like! I may do some more updating tonight on my site =P
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