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floating around in an anime bubble somewhere in Pennsylvania
Member Since
slowly having the life sucked from my being by school and work...
Real Name
my name is--no! u may not have it! it is mine! it is my precious....I may reveal it sometime in a post, but for now u shall just have to make due with the fact that it's not zoye, zoye is my cat's name, a name I like, so I'm usin it here =P
Given 3 presentations on anime at school, and got several of my friends into anime =D
Anime Fan Since
I've always liked anime, started out with Ranma 1/2, some Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon. But I'd say my obsession with it started...about 6 or so years ago (meaning that I started buying a lot of anime dvds, manga, and other anime related thingies)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Trigun, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Peace Maker Kurogane, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki...the list goes on and on, my fav. genre is comedy, but i like serious as well, tend to avoid anime that is drenched in extreme violence or na
To calmly and quietly inform those unfortunate souls who are unaware of the vast and various anime that is available to them--WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! I WILL WACK THEM WITH THE MIGHTY STICK O ANIME!!! (I'm not at
Drawing stuff, ceramics whenever I can, I love to read but lately nothing good has come out =P, I like video games..but I play them off and on, ANIME!!!!!!
I think I'm at least somewhat good at drawing and ceramics, mimicking accents...but enough about me...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, February 5, 2006
Eight Below
well i stayed up most of thursday night working on my paper, then skipped my classes on friday so that i could continue working on it (it was due at 4pm) its one of the worst, most ADD papers i have ever written =P and everyone in the class will be reading and editing it, thats right, our teacher is making us print out a copy of each person's paper and edit them all T-T i hate editing papers, and i feel sorry for the rest of the class the day they have to edit my paper, at least im the only one scheduled that day, tomorrow i have to turn in 3 edited papers.
Im working on 2 new wallpapers right now ^-^ one fullmetal alchemist, and one fruits basket. I've been working on the FMA one for a long time, hopefully i can finish it this week ^-^
went to see Eight Below last night, it was good and the main dog has the same name as me! there were some really sad parts, there were a lot of little kids there and they got really really upset, so my advice is its not a good movie to take little kids to. There was also one part were a ___ jumps out of the ___ and scares the crap out of u! i have never seen such a great reaction before, people literally jumped out of their seats =P the movie doesn't officially come to theaters until the 17th but for some reason they had 1 showing of it at the theater we were going to ^-^
Well im off to bed, i can't wait till next term when none of my classes start before noon!!
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Right now im attempting to write an 8 page paper for my English class which is due tomorrow and is 30% of my final grade T-T once i get the opening paragraph done ill prob be somewhat ok, but right now im at a complete blank...i also have a lot of reading to do for my islam class tomorrow morning, school sucks =P but with exam week i have 3 weeks of this term left! next term is going to be a lot easier, also none of my classes next term start before 1pm!! yay sleep!
A little boy bit my little sister today in daycare (she's 2) apparantly they had been fighting over a toy, but then they stopped and went and played with other things and all of a sudden he came over and bit her on the shoulder! it really upset her and she wouldn't let anyone look at her shoulder, my mom asked her what happened and she said he pinched her but then after awhile she broke down and said "but i dont eat people!!" she thought he tried to eat her. poor devyn
I just rented the 1st dvd of the Count of Monte Cristo Gankutsuou. its really good and the animation is really cool ^-^ definitely watch it if u can!

Hopefully ill have time to visit everyone's sites this weekend and make a new bg ^-^
taa taa!
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I went to barnes&noble about an hour ago and got a cafe mocha, and a manga (Rurouni Kenshin 19) The caffiene was supposed to inspire me to get ahead on my homework...but instead it inspired me to read manga =P Now i am attempting to come up with a thesis statement for an 8 page paper thats due in english next week (the thesis+outline r due this friday)but so far not much is happening in my brain...
Sorry i haven't been visiting sites as much recently, this weekend i plan to visit a lot of sites! I also really want to make more wallpapers and a new bg! Did anyone see last week's Fullmetal Alchemist? I can't wait to see it this week when ed+al see their dad!
well id best go and continue banging my head against this b,ank sheet of paper that should magically become a thesis statement =P

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Friday, January 13, 2006
FMA vol.7
I just watched the last DVD of DNAngel, i can't believe its over =( It's scary to think that Fullmetal Alchemist has less than 10 episodes left before it ends T-T
I'm still trying to get Fullmetal Alchemist dvd 7, i went to Best Buy yesterday but they didn't have it out yet, so i went to a store in the mall today but they also didn't have it. Tomorrow im gonna try Best Buy again =P
Its soooo frickin foggy today, a creepy friday the 13th =P its been awhile since there's been a day here were theres thick fog the entire day.
Well im off to bed, im feelin sleep deprived... might post again tomorrow! toodles!

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
I did something unusually organized the other day...i took my new Fruits Basket calendar and wrote every single homework assignment for the rest of the term out on each day! my hope is that, this way ill know whats coming ahead of time and it won't hit me last minute that i have a lot of homework =P Mostly its the english assignments that scare me (papers and junk) the other assignments are mostly just the usual homework from my other classes. I even used a different colored sharpie for each class =P I scare myself sometimes...
Right now im working on designing a tile for my ceramics class so i can make the tile in class tomorrow. We each get to make a tile and a mold of the tile so we can make duplicates. I've decided on the shape of the tile im gonna make and that id like the theme to be fairy, but so far im not comin up with much T-T and i have to fill out the study guide for my midterm on thursday in philosophy and study, and do the reading for english. Looking at the time i think it would be best if i work on the study guide now, do the tile tomorrow =P
Fullmetal Alchemist dvd 7 comes out tomorrow! I'm soooo pissed that the Suncoast at the mall near me just closed, cause i have a $15 gift certificate for there and now i can't use it to get the dvd...unless i decide to drive a 1/2 hour to another mall, but i haven't the time T-T so ill prob buy it at Best Buy or somin...
Well id better stop procrastinating and work on that damn study guide...hopefully ill get done it early enough to watch some of the DNAngel dvd i just got from Netflix (its the last volume!! T-T)
I visited sites yesterday, but if i have time ill visit some tonight too ^-^ TaaTaa!

I ordered a Gorillaz dvd the other day! hope it comes soon! =D
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
Happy New Year!!!!
Greetings! How was everyone's New Year's Eve?! Mine was O so exciting! after work i came home and watched Batman Begins with my parents, who amazingly enough stayed awake for the whole thing tho it wasn't over until almost 1am =P At midnight we turned CNN on and watched the ball drop, said happy new year! then turned the movie back on =P next year ill be 21 so maybe ill do somin more excitin but im not really into partying.
Sorry i haven't been visiting sites as much recently, i was away visiting my dad for a few days (he watched 3 dvds of Last Exile with me and really liked it =D) and i've been busy doin stuff. But i plan to go visit sites tonight ^-^ classes start again tomorrow T-T i have philosophy homework to do still... But when im done that ill visit sites and hopefully have time to work on the new FMA wallpaper i started the other day ^-^

It's the year of the dog!!
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope everyone is having a grand day ^-^ Today's been great for me...tho i did have to get up at like 8am but it was worth it =P Last year we got to sleep in for awhile but this year my parents decided that when my little sister woke up for presents, everyone should wake up. I got a ton o great stuff: nightmare before christmas pjs, artbook and purse, an iCarPlay for my iPod mini, a Mogu dog (squish squish), a Green day cd (Insomniac) and a lot of other great stuff ^-^ my parents are really into christmas and like to buy a million presents, but i sure have no complaints with that =P My little sister (shes 2) started getting into an unwrapping frenzy near the end, at first she would open something, play with it for a while and then open the next one, but then she started opening, putting it down, and begging for the next one, im afraid she's getting a bit spoiled, but we're working on that =P
I should probably go get myself ready cause people r coming over in about 10 mins for dinner...and my mom's calling me to help her with devyn =P
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!!

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
New background!!
I finally made a new background! i decided to go with Fullmetal Alchemist for a wintery theme ^-^ This 1st week of christmas break is going fast, so far i have stuff to do each day. Next week im going to visit my dad for a few days, maybe monday night to thursday or somin...i really like seeing my dad, but its really really boring at his house =P Christmas shopping is almost done, i have 1 more big gift to get, and 3 smallish ones.
Im sry i haven't visited people's sites recently, ive been busy =( but ill try to visit some right now and the rest tomorrow ^-^ toodles!
I almost forgot!! I got Furuba vol.12!! its soooo great!!!!

I also got Yotsuba&! vol.3 its soo cute! this scene is funny, in the english version its "Boxer Man"
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Monday, December 12, 2005
hunting down furuba =P
well i went to barnes&noble and they didn't have Fruits Basket vol.12 T-T but they said that it would be in by tuesday and they r calling me when it comes =D so tomorrow ill be running to get it!!
This week sucks because i have 2 call-in shifts at work (means that 2 hours before im scheduled to work i have to call and find out if they need me to come in or not) so in case they need me to come in i have to get all of my homework done for thursday before the end of school on wednesday, and all of the homework for friday done before thursday afternoon T-T i really hope they dont need me thursday night, since the shift goes to 12am and i have to get up for school at 6am, then work that night too T-T
I'm having a cookie baking party thing this saturday! ive sent out the invites and so far everyone can come ^-^ but i need to find time to go do the shopping for it, decorate for it, organize it, and make the dough for it =P im always last minute about these things...
I went and visited sites already tonight, hopefully ill be able to visit sites tomorrow too ^-^

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Saturday, December 10, 2005
Furuba vol 12!!! i want it now!!
hellloooooo! how r people doing? Has anyone else had a snow day yet? I had one today =D it was great i slept until about 10:30 but then my mom woke me up (i wasn't sure at that point if my afternoon classes were still on) then i decided to clean and organize the closet in my bathroom...a wierd way to use my snowday =P but it was annoying me for a long time, then i had to go to work, blah. I'm mad because i told my work that i could work either saturday or sunday each weekend, but not both days (because of homework) but they scheduled me for friday, saturday and sunday =(
I can't remember if i said this last post, but, i finally got to see the last episode of Witch Hunter Robin! it was great! but i don't wanna give it away =P
Im happy because i found PeaceMaker dvd 2 in the used section at suncoast for like $11 (seems to be practically new) so now i have all of that series ^-^
I'm going to make a holiday bg for my site, hopefully it'll be done by the end o the week =P it may be a mix of Fruits Basket and Fullmetal Alchemist, or just one of the two, haven't decided yet. I'm also working on a new Haru and Rin wallpaper ^-^ Furuba vol.12 comes out this week!!!! i cant wait!!!!!! I'm gonna go hunt it down!!!

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