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floating around in an anime bubble somewhere in Pennsylvania
Member Since
slowly having the life sucked from my being by school and work...
Real Name
my name is--no! u may not have it! it is mine! it is my precious....I may reveal it sometime in a post, but for now u shall just have to make due with the fact that it's not zoye, zoye is my cat's name, a name I like, so I'm usin it here =P
Given 3 presentations on anime at school, and got several of my friends into anime =D
Anime Fan Since
I've always liked anime, started out with Ranma 1/2, some Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon. But I'd say my obsession with it started...about 6 or so years ago (meaning that I started buying a lot of anime dvds, manga, and other anime related thingies)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Trigun, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Peace Maker Kurogane, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki...the list goes on and on, my fav. genre is comedy, but i like serious as well, tend to avoid anime that is drenched in extreme violence or na
To calmly and quietly inform those unfortunate souls who are unaware of the vast and various anime that is available to them--WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! I WILL WACK THEM WITH THE MIGHTY STICK O ANIME!!! (I'm not at
Drawing stuff, ceramics whenever I can, I love to read but lately nothing good has come out =P, I like video games..but I play them off and on, ANIME!!!!!!
I think I'm at least somewhat good at drawing and ceramics, mimicking accents...but enough about me...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, November 28, 2005
less than a month to christmas!!!!
I've just realised that it's less than a month till Christmas!!! I only have like 3 christmas gifts bought T-T i still need to get gifts for: my mom, stepdad, older sister, a small gift to go with the gift i already got my little sister =P, my dad (though i won't be seeing him until after christmas, but id like to get it before), and several friend gifts!! I'd like to go shop now...but i have no money, not for another 2 weeks!! T-T i really hate shopping for gifts last minute. The last few years i've felt like i didn't get to do anything christmasy until like the last week because of school and crap, but this year i want to start earlier =P
When i was little i would wake up at like 4 or 5am and want to open presents and stuff, so my mom had to make it a rule that the sun had to come up before me and my sister could get up(tho we were allowed to open our stockings whenever we woke up) my fav part of christmas is getting out all of the decorations and stuff that we've had since we were little, like the stockings that my mom made, and the wooden christmas tree advent calendar (which we found covered in mold last year and my mom threw it out T-T) but my fav thing to do is set up the manger scene. My mom went to college for ceramics/sculpture, and the Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus are figures she made in college, there's also a donkey...i like the donkey. But i get evergreen branches and dried grass (or whatever i can find in the back yard =P) and set it all up. One year i set it up in the unused fire place in the dining room, and we put a little light behind the manger so it was lit up. My fat haunch of a cat decided that right where the manger was would be the perfect place for her to lay her furry self down. So we'd come into the dining room to find the fat cat sitting on top of the manger, a light shining behind her, Mary and the donkey on one side, and Joseph on the other side praising the heavens =P i have a pic of it somewhere...ill post it if i can ^-^
last yr we couldn't find the manger scene T-T i really hope we can find it this year!
ok then, enough reminiscing (sp?)=P i need to get clean and get to bed...i need to get out of the habit of not going to bed until 2am when i have to get up at 6am =P
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
Well my hopes of doing major updates to my site this week didn't go anywhere...had to work to much T-T they've scheduled me for friday and saturday again next week too, but im gonna request sunday off, since ill prob have homework T-T maybe when i get home from work tonight ill be able to make a new bg, but since im gonna have to get up at like 6:30am for school, im plannin on going to bed by 12 (haven't done that in about a month =P)
FMA was very funny last night! poor havoc, not only did armstrong's sister turn him down, but she called him ugly =P I'm also very happy that AS showing new episodes of Samurai Champloo =D
New Naruto manga!! i think i like the manga more than the anime of Naruto *(-(t)-)*
I visited some sites before i posted, but tonight ill check to see who's updated and do some more visits ^-^
i found this pic on Google, Fullmetal Alchemist South Park style!

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Harry Potter!!
yesterday i went to see Chicken Little and Harry Potter!! I went to see Chicken Little with my mom and 2 yr old sister, it's a cute movie, tho the aliens scared my sister =P Then i went to see Harry Potter with my friend, it was really great! They cut a lot of the book out tho T-T it had a lot more violence than the other movies. My friend kinda pissed me off tho...about an hour or so before we were gonna go she called and said she was bringing her new boyfriend along, so im like "ok, thats fine! ^-^" so we go to the movie, movie ends after 2 1/2 hours. As we're walking out i comment on how good it was and how id like to go see it again, and that my mom really wants to see it. My friend is then like "why didn't u say that before we could have seen something else!"....that pissed me off, i mean come on! she was the one who said she wanted to go see Harry Potter! and before her boyfriend decided to come along she was really excited about it! And i don't see why she was soo surprised to find out that it was a 2 1/2 hour movie, since she's seen all of the just annoyed me. But i know her well enough to know that she very likely doesn't realise that she's pissing me off, she's not trying to. But she's done this kind of thing before, and so i think it may be time to tell her that it pisses me off when she acts like that =P o the drama!
No school this week!! woohoo! i think i did alright on all of my exams and junk ^-^ but i've been scheduled to work just about every day this week, yesterday, thursday and sunday r the only days im not scheduled to work T-T but i really need the money, so im just gonna have to deal with it.
I made a new wallpaper! or rather, i redid an old one, the hatsuharu one with all of the dazed, or bored, faces ^-^ i decided to re-edit some of the pics in it, do a new background, and so on, im really happy with how it turned out =D
Now im working on coming up with a new bg for my site...and hopefully ill have time this week to make some more wallpapers *(-(t)-)*
alrighty then! im off to visit some sites! toodles!!
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
care bears!
Today i watched the Care Bears Movie!!!! it was a bit scary cause i could still kind of remember some of the songs =P when i was little i loved Care Bears, My Little Pony, and the Smurfs ^-^ So today i introduced my little sister to Care Bears, she really liked it especially the beginning when they were all babies.
This week is exam week =( I have one exam and a speech left to do, im really hoping to do well on both. But im happy cause after this week i have a week off!! During that week i plan to do some major updating on this site, new bg, fix the images that aren't coming up right (photobucket's pissing me off!!) make some new wallpapers, yada yada...and o course visit people's sites!
Well then, i got to go sleep since im going to wake myself up early tomorrow to do home work T-T i hate doing homework in the brain doesn't seem to wake up until noon so i just sit there and stare blankly at whatever im tryin to do o_o
"I think that all good, right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being sick and tired. I'm certaintly not, and I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!" -Monty Python
Monty Python amuses me ^-^
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Monday, November 7, 2005
The Lion King
I went to see the Lion King on Broadway in NYC on Friday!!! it was soo great! I saw it 6 yrs ago but it was just as amazing seeing it again =D if u ever get the chance to see it definitely do!!
Right now im freaking out because i have to get a special occasion speech ready to give tomorrow in my public speaking class, its only 4-5 mins long, but its 15% of my grade T-T i can't come up with anything to do it on, and a major part of the grade is the emotion u put into it and whether or not u get an emotional response from your audience...i really despise getting these speech assignments to do =( i also have a project due in educational psychology tomorrow.
This week is my last week of regular classes for this term!! so next week is exams, uhg! but after that i have a week off for thanksgiving! So during that week i plan to really update my site and make some new wallpapers ^-^
Fullmetal Alchemist was great yet agian this week ^-^ but Greed is dead! just when i was starting to like that character...and now ed's even more depressed...hopefully the next episode will be a bit more light hearted =P
Im hoping to have time to visit everyone's site today...tho how about during the day, seeing as how its 1am right now? =P

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Thursday, October 27, 2005
Greetings! unfortunately i haven't been able to update my site or visit other people's sites for about a week or so now T-T sooo much school work...
My cat seems to be back to her normal fatty self ^-^ here's a pic of her filling a shoebox with her furry girth =P

Well before i collapse for the night im gonna go visit some sites! toodles!
o i really want to put up a halloween bg, hopefully i can make one tomorrow...
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Friday, October 21, 2005
cat problems =(
This week was even worse than i expected =( not only was my schoolwork and work overwhelming and horrible, but my cat Zoye isn't doing very well either T-T for about the last 6 days she hasn't been getting up at all, at night i had to pick her up and carry her into the hall to brush her (she's a furry beast =P) she wasn't eating, drinking, or using her litter box. She seemed to have lost all of her energy, but was alert, i tried getting her to play with some ribbon to see if she was into it, she was very interested in it, tried whacking at it, and tried getting up to chase it, but didn't have the energy =( We called our vet, he couldn't figure out what was wrong with her over the phone so he came over this morning (thursday morning) and checked her. We still don't know what's wrong with her, he checked her for leukemia and aids (cat kind), and everything else he could think of, but couldn't figure out what was wrong. So since she was obviously dehydrated he gave her a lot of fluids, as well as antibiotics incase its an infection or somin. But I think she's getting better already! She's still lying down, but she's had enough energy to clean herself a bit (when they're sick they don't wash themselves), she's eating some food, and she's getting up and changing positions a lot more ^-^ I'm keeping my fingers crossed that shes getting better. Even tho she was soo low on energy when the vet came, she still put up a good fight, our neighbors must think we were doin somin horrible to her she was screaming and growling with all her might. She's soo bad tempered with the vet that he has to put a muzzle thing on her and cut her claws so she won't hurt him. She's pissed at me right now, but hopefully by tomorrow her small cat brain will have forgotten most of the trauma =P
Well im off to bed, hopefully Zoyenna will get all the way better and next week i won't feel like im going to go completely insane from all the work i have to do =P
I'm hoping to visit peoples sites tomorrow..or rather today, since its 1am.
Also my background is goin all crazy...dang soon as i have time ill fix it.
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Monday, October 17, 2005
"sounds like arson to me!"
helllooooo! Wallace & Gromit was great! if i can i wanna go see it again ^-^ I was a bit shocked tho cause it had some naughty-ish humor in it, nothin huge and all funny, but the old Wallace & Gromit didn't have those sorts o jokes in them. One of my fav lines was "Sounds like arson to me!! Someone arson around!!" =D
My presentation is goin alright, tho at this point its gonna be a really boring presentation =P Im hoping to come up with something fun to do in it tomorrow before class. Haven't studied for my midterm yet T-T another thing to do tomorrow. And after school tomorrow i have to finish reading my book for african history and write a book report on it, woohoo....then i have to prepare for my persuasive speech thats due friday....this week is gonna suck T-T hopefully there wont be sooo much junk due next week.
hope everyone had a good weekend and that they have a good week ^-^
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Wallace & Gromit
woohoo! im goin to see Wallace & Gromit today =D wallace and gromit r great, the first time i saw one of the shows i was in 4th grade.
The busy-ness never seems to end, im desperately trying to put together a 30 min presentation for my psychology class, and study for a midterm in public speaking, they r both due tomorrow T-T the presentation is 15% of my grade, the midterm 5%, so i think ill be focusing more on the presentation...
Fullmetal Alchemist just keeps on gettin better! last night's episode was great! I also got to watch FLCL which was extremely amusing ^-^
So im off to do some homework before goin to see the movie with my friends. o i also went to a dance friday night, it was fun seein everyone, but it takes so long to get ready for dances, and ive realised that i need to get a new dress for the next dance, maybe one thats not black =P
hopefully ill get a chance to visit some sites later today!! toodles!!

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
I have just spent several hours battling my ipod mini...and i am happy to report that i was victorious!!!! The dang thing decided to stop working about 2 weeks ago (it stopped updating itself, then when i told it to update itself it erased just about all the songs and wouldn't actually update itself, basically) So I updated itunes, restored my ipod to its original state, and now it seems to be working and actually updating! I will be very...mad...if i get in the car tomorrow and the itrip refuses to work...
Fullmetal Alchemist was sooo interestin and great this week! I can't wait for the next episode! And Im finally watching FLCL and greatly enjoyin it, its soo hilarious!! I recorded the rest of the shows i wanted to watch saturday because i had to work, haven't had time to watch them yet.
I finally got to make a new wallpaper!!! I really like this one, im hoping to make another tomorrow...that is, if i have time in between my heaps of homework T-T next week is going to really kill me, i have a midterm exam, a 30 min presentation/speech, a bookreport, a different speech, and I have to begin the next huge project for educational psychology!! I have to go observe highschoolers for like 6 hours!!! I don't get it, im the youngest person in the class and im the only one assigned to observe a highschool class, everyone else gets to go to the elementary school T-T Im praying i get to observe a freshman class, so there will be a bigger age difference and maybe i will be able to observe getting a headache thinking about it...also thinking about going back to my old highschool and sitting thru 6 hrs of classes =P
I could go on and on but ill stop now, i got an energy burst when i found out that my 8:30am class is canceled tomorrow so I can sleep in!! woohoo!
I'll go visit some sites now i think ^-^

^This is the new FMA wallpaper i made ^-^
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