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floating around in an anime bubble somewhere in Pennsylvania
Member Since
slowly having the life sucked from my being by school and work...
Real Name
my name is--no! u may not have it! it is mine! it is my precious....I may reveal it sometime in a post, but for now u shall just have to make due with the fact that it's not zoye, zoye is my cat's name, a name I like, so I'm usin it here =P
Given 3 presentations on anime at school, and got several of my friends into anime =D
Anime Fan Since
I've always liked anime, started out with Ranma 1/2, some Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon. But I'd say my obsession with it started...about 6 or so years ago (meaning that I started buying a lot of anime dvds, manga, and other anime related thingies)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Trigun, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Peace Maker Kurogane, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki...the list goes on and on, my fav. genre is comedy, but i like serious as well, tend to avoid anime that is drenched in extreme violence or na
To calmly and quietly inform those unfortunate souls who are unaware of the vast and various anime that is available to them--WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! I WILL WACK THEM WITH THE MIGHTY STICK O ANIME!!! (I'm not at
Drawing stuff, ceramics whenever I can, I love to read but lately nothing good has come out =P, I like video games..but I play them off and on, ANIME!!!!!!
I think I'm at least somewhat good at drawing and ceramics, mimicking accents...but enough about me...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
new pics!
hello! i got some new fma pics! or at least, new to me =P so im planning to make some new wallpapers ^-^
This weekend is going to stink, I have to work saturday 3-10:30, and sunday 10am-4pm, normally id be ok with that but ive got a heck of a lot o homework T-T i have to basically re-write a paper for one class, and write another for a different class. October 17+18 r truly horrible, i have a major assignment due in every class those days T-T im praying that ill have time this week to get most of them done so i dont get stuck with it all over the weekend.
My speech on anime+manga in class today went well ^-^ everyone really liked it, and another girl in the class did a speech on batman that was really cool.
well hopefully ill get to make a new wp this weekend, i actually do have one made right debating whether or not to submit it...probably will ^-^
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
been awhile...
wow haven't posted in awhile...i've been pretty busy =P I'm going to try to update more often and visit people's sites more ^-^ what's been goin on:
Friday i had an anime fest with one of my friends, but she came almost 3 hours late, i mean she's always late, i can deal with an hour late, but 3 hours! but once she got here we had fun watching anime ^-^
My older sister got a kitten! She's named him Jack, he's a grey tabby, who's 7 weeks old =D he's sooooo cute!
The rest of my time's been takin up by homework T-T i have an informative speech due tomorrow in class, but at least i got to choose what topic to do it on..anime and manga!!! So I've been stressing over that, had to do a whole audience analysis thing for it and all...i still need to come up with an introduction and closing, my 2 most hated parts of speeches =P and practice it...
I have to go sleep now so i can get up early enough to work on it T-T but im gonna visit somes sites tonight and tomorrow ^-^
o here's a gif i made a few days ago ^-^

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
woooooohoooo! ive finally reached 10,000 wallpaper downloads!!! ^-^ to celebrate i made a banner thingie, took about 2 mins =P I'm really hoping to make a new wallpaper tomorrow ^-^
I'll post again during the day, now im off to bed!!

i find this pic very funny =D
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
Another psychology paper...
I have another psychology paper due tomorrow T-T but this one's more interesting than the last ^-^ its on Culture and Learning Theories. So i have to choose a culture, talk about it, and choose 2 learning theories and compare and contrast them. I've chosen Japan as my culture, so i need to do some research on their learning patterns, what their education is like. This paper is also better because its shorter 3-4 pages, and i only need to quote from the textbook and the internet.
All of the new anime shows on Cartoon Network last night were grand =D FMA ends with a new interesting character... But im really mad because Anime Network On Demand isn't there any more!! It just disappeared! I looked to see if they moved it to a different place but they havent, im gonna go to and to try to figure out what happened. I hope they put it back up!!
I get to go babysit Ava and Pearl today!! They're the twin baby girls from China that our friends adopted about a month ago ^-^ they're a year old and sooooo cute!!!
Well i better go start my paper! i have to leave in about 3 hrs to go babysit.
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
Corpse Bride!!!!
I just got back from seeing Tim Burton's Corpse Bride!! its really great!! I think i like it as much as Nightmare Before Christmas, except that i think i liked the music in Nightmare before Christmas better. Definitely go see Corpse Bride if u can!!!
I realized something today...Laura Bailey, who is the voice actress for Tohru Honda in Fruits also the voice of Lust in Fullmetal Alchemist!!!! Talk about completely different characters =P I found this out when i was watching the Episode w/commentary in the extras section of FMA vol.5.
I'm still waiting for my Last Exile dvd+artbox to arrive, i contacted the seller and found out that they sent it media mail instead of the faster shipping method, which i paid for! so it should hopefully arrive soon (they're giving me back the diff in shipping prices, since they messed it up).
Me and my friend were coming up with smiley faces today on IM amusing ourselves, heres a few. *(-(t)-)* _
Well i think im gonna go sleep, my eyes r drying out!! damn contacts! Tomorrow's new FMA, Naruto, One Piece, and Inuyasha!! wooohoooo!!
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
So far this week hasn't been too stressful ^-^ I do have another psychology paper due on monday, but im planning to start work on it tomorrow so it doesn't all hit me on sunday =P
I really want to make some new wallpapers...maybe some PeaceMaker and Wolf's Rain...but whenever i have the time to, i don't feel motivated or creative.
I'm still waiting for the last exile dvd+artbox to arrive, according to the "estimated arrival date" it should have come today, but it didn't T-T if it doesn't come by friday im gonna email the seller.
Tonight the shows on Anime Network On Demand r usually updated, woohoo! i hope they update the ones i like! sometimes they update all of the shows, and then other times they'll only update a couple, often ones im not into =P it's weird Adult Swim On Demand hasn't updated for a couple months now! I also found out that G4 On Demand has anime, but right now they only have Gungrave, but since they don't have the 1st episodes up i know id be really confused if i tried to watch it from episode 12 or so.
I'm off to bed now, but i think ill go visit some sites first ^-^

Im re-reading the Peacemaker manga right now ^-^ I want the 4th volume to come out! there's no release date for it in the back of the 3rd volume, and its been months since the 3rd one came out T-T Suzu has gotten really...creepy...
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Fullmetal Alchemist and Peace Maker!
Yes! i finally decided what to write my personal experience speech on! it's due tomorrow so im really happy ive finally made up my mind =P ive decided to have it be on my trip to italy last year ^-^ so now i just need to write it and practice it, i don't have class until 2:45 tomorrow so ill get up early enough to work on this.
Fullmetal Alchemist was great!!! It's funny how afraid ed is of his teacher, he even tries to hide behind Winry! I also watched Zatch Bell, Naruto, One Piece, Inuyasha, and Samurai Champloo. tho Samurai Champloo was a re-run, but one i like ^-^ i enjoyed the part in Inuyasha were the 2 guys from the band of seven (can't remember their names =P) the leader dude, and the girly dude were talking. Well the girly dude gives leader dude a jewel shard, leader dude is very touched (tear T-T) he says "Your very weird! but loyal!". i found that line very amusin =P
I got the last volume of the Peace Maker dvds! Im happy with how it ended, tho it ended in a way that they can easily make a second season. The 2 volumes before this one were very serious, but this one had quite a few laughs, which made me happy ^-^ i don't want to give the ending away so i won't say anymore =P
The next dvd and manga of FMA r supposed to come out this week right?! I really want the next manga!!
I'm also still waiting for the Last Exile dvd+Art box i ordered on ebay last week to arrive T-T where is it?!! I haven't any patience!!!
Corpse Bride comes to theatres on Friday!! woohoo!!
I'm gonna go visit sites now! toodles!!
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Another somewhat crazy weekend coming up...
unfortunately im working both saturday and sunday this weekend =( sat 10-3 and sunday 12-7, but at least im not working friday, so im gonna try to track down lamp post so we can do somin friday night. and saturday night is anime night! there r five anime shows on Cartoon Network that will be showing new episodes this weekend!! Zatchbell 8:30, Naruto 9, One Piece 9:30, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST 12!!, and Samurai Champloo at 12:30! Finally new FMA!!
I have 2 assignments due on monday, i have to write the 2nd and final draft of my Educational Psychology paper, and write a speech on a personal experience for Public Speaking. Damn i hate writing speeches..and i hate deciding what to write about! i have to decide on a personal experience, but none r coming to mind o course!

Here's the newest FMA wallpaper i submitted to the Wallpapers section ^-^ I actually finished this one quite awhile ago (like a month) but i was debating over how and where and if to put the title "Fullmetal Alchemist" on it =P that and i also didn't have much time to work on it. But so far people seem to like it, i really like it, but i wasn't sure if other people would =P
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
woohoo! sleep!
Greetings! Today was a good day, I went to class and then I came home and slept for 3 hours ^-^ and tomorrow I don’t have to get up till 9am! But even tho I got to sleep for 3 hours im still feeling pretty tired right now =P also I have no homework due tomorrow! =D
I ordered the 1st dvd+art box of Last Exile on last week, so im waiting for that to come. I have LA dvd 3+4 so im gonna get 1+2 then 5, 6, +7, I also really want to get dvds 6+7 of Wolf’s Rain so ill have the whole series, Im watching it again right now ^-^
A couple o nights ago I was looking for something really simple to watch before I went to sleep, so im looking thru Anime Network On Demand and I come across “Princess Tutu” in the shojo-ish section. I actually found it more amusing than expected! Or maybe it was mostly that I was half asleep…I found the ballot teacher, (who’s a cat in a suit, the pic below is the only pic I could find o him) amusing, any time one of the girls in his class makes him mad he tells them to stop or he will force them to “m-m-m-marry me!!”, then he gets all nervous and sweaty and starts cleaning his face like a cat =P at the end of the first episode the main girl turned into a duck…confusin.
Well, hope everyone’s alright! Taa taa till next time!

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Monday, September 12, 2005
right now im listening to Cowboy Bebop and writing a paper on Human Development for my Educational Psychology class. It's 3am now...i wanna be in bed by 5am, luckily i don't have to be to school tomorrow until 2, but i have homework for another class to do as well T-T i really need to be more organized so i don't have to stay up all night every time a paper's due =P
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