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floating around in an anime bubble somewhere in Pennsylvania
Member Since
slowly having the life sucked from my being by school and work...
Real Name
my name is--no! u may not have it! it is mine! it is my precious....I may reveal it sometime in a post, but for now u shall just have to make due with the fact that it's not zoye, zoye is my cat's name, a name I like, so I'm usin it here =P
Given 3 presentations on anime at school, and got several of my friends into anime =D
Anime Fan Since
I've always liked anime, started out with Ranma 1/2, some Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon. But I'd say my obsession with it started...about 6 or so years ago (meaning that I started buying a lot of anime dvds, manga, and other anime related thingies)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Trigun, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Peace Maker Kurogane, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki...the list goes on and on, my fav. genre is comedy, but i like serious as well, tend to avoid anime that is drenched in extreme violence or na
To calmly and quietly inform those unfortunate souls who are unaware of the vast and various anime that is available to them--WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! I WILL WACK THEM WITH THE MIGHTY STICK O ANIME!!! (I'm not at
Drawing stuff, ceramics whenever I can, I love to read but lately nothing good has come out =P, I like video games..but I play them off and on, ANIME!!!!!!
I think I'm at least somewhat good at drawing and ceramics, mimicking accents...but enough about me...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, September 9, 2005
been awhile =P
sorry i haven't updated in awhile or visited people's sites, since school started i haven't had much free time T-T I'd like to say that ill be able to update and visit people's sites over the weekend...but unfortunately i have a lot of homework and im scheduled to work every day this weekend T-T
But monday was fun, i went to the Philadelphia Zoo with my parents and 2 yr old sister, i havent been there for several years, its a lot nicer than i remember. One of the elephants was really funny, he was doing all he could to try to pick on the rhino (who's area is right next to the elephants, theres a stone wall between them) but the elephant was coming out of the water when he noticed that the rhino was in the water too, he reached his trunk over and tried to flick water at the rhino, when that didn't work he started splashing so the water would go over the wall onto the rhino, then the elephant started trumpeting and all the other elephants came running over to see what was up, it was very amusing to watch ^-^
naruto starts this weekend! i hope that they choose good voice actors for it =P but when r they gonna start new Fullmetal Alchemist? hopefully this month, at least Newtype made it seem like its starting again this month...
gah i need to go to sleep, tomorrow is work-school-work T-T
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
class in Glencairn tower
This first week of school has been very...busy...especially since i was called in to work a couple of times unexpectedly =P
But i am very excited about the African History class im in, its pretty much student led so we can study anything we want, go where we want, organize to have speakers come in yadayada, but its also in a castle!! There's a castle across the street from my college called Glencairn (now a museum) ive gone there about a million times but ive never had a class there. But the best part is the class is in the tower room, which is all windows. It looks out over the trees and the town, and in the distance u can see philadelphia! The view helps lessen the weariness of class starting at 8:30am...
Since ive been so busy the past two weeks i didn't really hear much about hurricane Katrina until about a day or two i's soo awful and its unbelievable that its taking soo long for help to go to the people who need it. If u want to know what's going on in New Orleans go to this online journal I highly recommend visiting that journal.
well im too tired to say much cya!!!
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
New Background!!! ^-^
i finally finished the new bg!! it took a long time to edit all the pics i needed =P I really wanted to do all of the members of the zodiac, but i also wanted the pics to match, unfortunately tho there is a pic of Ritsu that matched T-T (im talking about all the members of the zodiac that show up in the anime)
Yesterday was service day at my college, luckily i got to the sign-up sheets before any of them were filled so i got to sign up for one of the service day sections that usually gets filled up right away. So i got to go to the NJ Aquarium with children from Help Philadelphia ^-^ we each paired up with one kid and took them around the aquarium, it was a lot of fun, and the kids really seemed to enjoy it =D (Help Philadelphia is a shelter sort of place for women with no homes, they can live there for 1-2 years while they work to save up money to support themselves. While they're there they go thru a program that teaches them how to save up money, etc. so they won't become homeless again. Of course their children live there too, they get free childcare, and the place tries to plan fun trips and stuff for the kids) These kids live in the middle of the city where there isn't any big open places for them to play, no grass, so they come to the town i live in every once in awhile to play on the playground and run around in the grass ^-^
i have my first class today at 2:40 T-T i don't want school to start!
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Monday, August 29, 2005
just when i thought i could relax...
today i went in to school and signed up for the rest of my classes, luckily i got all the ones i wanted, and i got into ceramics in the winter term!! I was the 3rd person on the waiting list for that class so i didn't think id get in ^-^
so for the fall term im in:
-Educational Psychology
-Metal Working II
-African History
-Public Speaking
it was very disappointing...i worked friday, saturday, and sunday, and had school junk today, i get home at about 5pm and tell my mom that im gonna close my eyes for a bit cause im exhausted, and as i head for my room, happy finally to have some free time, my work calls saying they need me to come in as soon as possible....damn!!! and i didn't get out until 11pm, that's an hour later than usual. So i didn't get to rest, clean the stinkin frog tank, or work on my new bg T-T
hopefully tomorrow ill have time to finish it =P
nighty night!!
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
hello! it's been awhile since i've posted...i had to work friday, saturday and sunday T-T and before that i was busy too.
School starts for me tomorrow T-T well, not the classes, they start wednesday, but tomorrow i have to go in and register for some classes, and go all that other crudd that goes with starting another year of college. I really hope that the student id cards r better this year, last year they were just computer paper that was laminated, but we had to pay $8 for them!! but from what ive heard there's a new machine to make them this year ^-^
i should be done signing up for classes by 8:45am, hopefully ill be able to do the other stuff i have to do right then, if not ill go home or somin until i can.
Tuesday is community service day, so ill be signing up for something to do tomorrow ^-^
I bought a shirt from Hot Topic about a week ago, its really weird because it has a Fruits Basket tag on it, but the pic on it is not Fruits Basket! It's a purple t-shirt, with an anime-ish angel with a maid-ish dress on on it ^-^ but none of the others had Fruits Basket tags!!
well i have to get ready for tomorrow =P I've been working on the new bg whenever i have time, but it's still not done tho it's getting close!
I'm sorry i haven't been able to visit people's sites much lately, haven't had as much time. like most people, im more likely to visit your site if u visit mine every once in awhile =P

here's a gif i made quite awhile ago...its not supposed to pile up like that...but im too tired to fix it right now =P
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
AnImE fEsT!!!
Helloooo! im working on a new background ^-^ so far im very pleased with it, hopefully ill finish it by the end of tomorrow. For now im taking a break on those 2 wallpapers, at least until i feel inspired to work on them again =P
ive been busy with work and getting ready for school T-T but yesterday was fun cause my friend allexx came over and we had an anime fest =D we watched: Fullmetal Alchemist, Pretear, DNAngel, Fullmetal Panic Fumoffu, Fullmetal Panic, Cowboy Bebop, Ranma 1/2, and the last 10 mins of an episode of One Piece ^-^ Then she felt the need to finish reading vol.2 of Hana Kimi, so we read manga for almost an hour and went to bed around 3am. I lend her my manga, i kept trying to get her to read Hana Kimi but she said she didn't think she'd like it, but then she finally gave in and read volume 1 and now she's obsessed with it =D i knew she'd like it cause she definitely likes shojo manga/anime the best.
ill hopefully have time to visit sites tomorrow, but im gonna start headin to bed trying to get myself in the habit of goin to bed a bit earlier since school's starting next week T-T

when is there gonna be new Fullmetal Alchemist?!!!!!
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
helloo! im back from visiting my dad ^-^ not much to say....went to a horse show, saw a girl dance the tango with a horse.
i have to go to work tomorrow at 8am, so ill probably have to get up around 6:30am T-T
before i left for my dad's i went to barnes&noble and got the 1st volumes of Girl Got Game and Yotsuba&! they're both really great! I especially liked Yotsuba&! its sooo cute and funny ^-^ its by the same mangaka that did Azumanga Daioh.
still working on those dang wallpapers, can't seem to get them right =P
I'll be visiting sites tonight!!

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Today i worked, came home, watched episode 6 of FMP Fumoffu while i ate lunch, slept for 5 mins T-T got up and went to work. I work at a Children's Place (yay folding clothes =P), but i won a prize today!! turns out there's some sort o raffle thing goin on, and whenever u get someone to sign up for the store's credit card u get a raffle ticket, and at the end of each day a ticket is drawn. Well i "convinced" 5 people in about 2 hours that they should sign up for one, and i won the raffle! so now i have a dark blue children's place t-shirt!!! woohoo =P (now what do i do with it??!)
im leaving to go to my dad's house tomorrow for the weekend, ill be back sunday. hopefully ill get at least one o those dang wallpapers done before i leave!!

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new background!
i made a new background!! Haru!!! Many Haru!! Manga version Haru!!!! hahahahahahahhaahahahahahahhahahahaaa!!! sorry im in a bit of a strange mood =P Anyway, to make this background i basically tore up one of my wallpapers (used the different layers) and got some cows, i like these cows, they are Haru cows!!!

Well then im off to get clean and head ta bed, i have to get up early tomorrow to go clean for my great-grandparents, so i need sleep!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
wallpapers ^-^
i didn't wake up till 1pm again today gahhh the laziness!!! It was probably partly due to the fact that it's rainy and dark outside, so the usual morning sunlight did not awaken me =P I've also figured out why ive been having trouble going to sleep at night! it seems that caffienne does effect me! so i shouldn't drink caffienne at night =P tho this is harder than it sounds because i usually work the closing shift at my work, and i need some caffienne to keep me going, i guess ill just make sure that i don't have it too late ^-^
I'm still working on that Shigure wallpaper, and im also working on a Hatsuharu wp, they r both ones that i wanna make really cool, so im taking my time =P
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