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floating around in an anime bubble somewhere in Pennsylvania
Member Since
slowly having the life sucked from my being by school and work...
Real Name
my name is--no! u may not have it! it is mine! it is my precious....I may reveal it sometime in a post, but for now u shall just have to make due with the fact that it's not zoye, zoye is my cat's name, a name I like, so I'm usin it here =P
Given 3 presentations on anime at school, and got several of my friends into anime =D
Anime Fan Since
I've always liked anime, started out with Ranma 1/2, some Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon. But I'd say my obsession with it started...about 6 or so years ago (meaning that I started buying a lot of anime dvds, manga, and other anime related thingies)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Trigun, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Peace Maker Kurogane, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki...the list goes on and on, my fav. genre is comedy, but i like serious as well, tend to avoid anime that is drenched in extreme violence or na
To calmly and quietly inform those unfortunate souls who are unaware of the vast and various anime that is available to them--WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! I WILL WACK THEM WITH THE MIGHTY STICK O ANIME!!! (I'm not at
Drawing stuff, ceramics whenever I can, I love to read but lately nothing good has come out =P, I like video games..but I play them off and on, ANIME!!!!!!
I think I'm at least somewhat good at drawing and ceramics, mimicking accents...but enough about me...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
new Haru bg ^-^
just finished making a new Haru bg!! I decided to do another moving one ^-^ im happy with how this one turned out. today was kinda boring, but hopefully tomorrow will more interestin =P well its 12am now so its tomorrow...but ill post again during the day. till then!!

anyone interested in choppin off their arm to try this on? hahar! =P
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
hyperish and weird
I'm feelin kinda hyper and weird so i figured i'd amuse myself by writing a post =P usually i write really strange emails to Lamp Post when im hyper like this, ones were each letter is an animation so it takes about a 1/2 hour to load them, and she gets to read it letter by letter, poor Lampy having to put up with my hyper moods and sarcasm (which she totally doesn't get)
gah!! im being bad 4 u. im listening to Ghost in the Shell: SAC soundtrack, Be Human, i liked the first soundtrack better =P perhaps i should put some of this hyper energy to use by making a new this mood anything i make will either be horribly frightening or really cool, who knows? certainly not me...well im gonna send Lampy Poo one o those annoying emails because i know she actually really likes them, as long as their not too frequent =P
toodles! ill post again during the day!!
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Monday, June 27, 2005
fare thee well bonzai T-T
that bonzai tree i was tryin to go is now officially dead T-T i think ill have more luck buying one thats already grown, rather than growing one meself =P so next time i go to Rice's Market ill look for one ^-^
just finished reading FMA vol.2! it was grand ^-^ the first 1/2 of the anime must only cover like the first 3 volumes of the manga or somin.
I may have a new bg for my site by the end of the day, depending on how inspired i feel to make somin =P
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Fullmetal Alchemist vol.2!!!!!(the manga!!)
wooohooo!! the 2nd volume of the FMA manga just came out!!! I bought too much today at Suncoast, bought 3 new mangas: FMA vol.2, BLEACH vol.2, and One Piece vol.7, and yesterday i bought BLEACH vol.1, and Chrono Crusade vol.5 at Barnes&Noble, and a novel as well...I need to control myself, im goin to the shore for 10 days in about 2 weeks so i need money for that =P
ok so prob about a month or so ago i was goin on about a really good book i read "Maximum Ride:the Angel Experiment" by James Patterson. Well, at the beginning of that book he says that the main character Max, and some of the other main things in the story came from another novel of his "When the Wind Blows", i just finished that one, it was really great and really creepy because the what he writes about could actually happen at some point, creepy...soo i was sad to finish that book, but when i was in the book store i made a discovery...there's a sequel!!!! "The Lake House" is the sequel to "When the Wind Blows"!!! i cant wait to read it!!!
i meant for this to be a really short post...but yeah, didn't happen.
If u didn't read my post from earlier today be sure to take a look at the cute pic of the chinese twin girls some friends of my family r adopting!! one of them is going to be named Ivy!!!
ta ta

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yay babies!!
a couple that r like my parents best friends have been doing the whole adoption process thingie, they're adopting from China ^-^ they just got the info on the baby they're adopting, or rather, babies, they're getting twins!! they were asked if they would adopt twins and told that it was extremely unlikely that they would get twins, but they're gettin twin girls!! They're doubly excited and nervous now, and they need to get another of everything they got already =P but the babes r sooo cute! here's their pic!

i got the 1st volume of the Bleach manga yesterday, its great! k then im off to work!! ttfn!!
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Friday, June 24, 2005
im back!! ^-^
hellooo! im back! we were actually in the Hamptons, not New York City, but it was cool there..expensive tho (eyes popping out) the house we stayed at had a big pool, man i wish i had a pool T-T i love water!!! My little sister was really good for me, she's sooo sweet ^-^ and my mom's happy because she got to do a lot of yoga.
i've had over 6,000 wallpaper downloads!! woohoo!!
ill be visiting sites later tonight!
toodles till then! ^-^
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Friday, June 17, 2005
Howl's Moving Castle was great!!!! if u haven't seen it get your butt to the theater now!! and if you've already seen it, go again!! Howl was great, he's sooooo vain! I can't wait to see it again!! ^-^
I'm finishing packing right now, we're leaving around 4am for NYC..tho we haven't a clue where we're stayin saturday night =P so ill be back in a week so friday the 24th!! I'll be online again tonight, but i don't plan to post again before i leave, so toodles till my return!!
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
shopping ^-^
today, got up, watched the new episode of Cromartie(to lazy to spell =P) Highschool which was amusing ^-^, went and cleaned woohoo money! came home, lazed around. then i went to the mall with my mom, where i spent more than i meant too, of course =P Went to Suncoast and got the Ghost in the Shell:SAC O.S.T. i'm liking it lots so far ^-^ also got a Fruits Basket wallscroll oooo =D and then i found something i wasn't expecting....they had a Shigure dog stuffed animal!!! so of course i had to get that to add to my furuba plush, tho i still need the Yuki rat =P anyway its really cute, my little sister has fallen in love with it, calling it Sugar-ray, ill get it back when she falls asleep...tho she'll prob look for it in the morning...
Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day =P i need to pack for goin to NYC with my mom for the next week (we're leaving at 4am sat. morning), need to go food shopping for that too, clean the catbox+the frog water. And at 1:55 tomorrow im goin to see Howl's Moving Castle!!! woohoooo!!! so ill get to see one of my friends and anime before i leave ^-^
im really liken this cd!! yoko kanno's the best!!!!
here's a kyo gif i just put together ^-^

my little sister fell asleep, so i got Shigure back! here's what he looks like, with Kyo and Momiji as well ^-^
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
New background ^-^
i wasn't sure if .gifs would work as backgrounds, but i tried it out and it works!! people can see it right? so of course it's a bg of Haru!! ^-^ im planning on making a banner to put on my site, but i haven't decided what to put on it yet, prob Haru and Ed =P
im goin out with my grandma today, woohoo!(sarcasm =P) then ill prob start packing some stuff for my trip next week ^-^ i need to get father's day presents for my dad and stepdad!! i got my dad a sake set for his birthday (still haven't seen him to give it to him =P) so i think ill get him a bottle of sake to go with that ^-^ but i haven't a clue what to get my stepdad...he's really hard to shop for, or at least to get him something thats for him and not the whole house (if that makes any sense) but i need to get him somin by friday so i can give it to him before we leave for the week.
i may post again tonight ^-^
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Howl's Moving Castle!!!
i got the showtimes for Howl's Moving Castle at the theater near me!!!!! woohooo!!! can't wait!!!!
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