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floating around in an anime bubble somewhere in Pennsylvania
Member Since
slowly having the life sucked from my being by school and work...
Real Name
my name is--no! u may not have it! it is mine! it is my precious....I may reveal it sometime in a post, but for now u shall just have to make due with the fact that it's not zoye, zoye is my cat's name, a name I like, so I'm usin it here =P
Given 3 presentations on anime at school, and got several of my friends into anime =D
Anime Fan Since
I've always liked anime, started out with Ranma 1/2, some Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon. But I'd say my obsession with it started...about 6 or so years ago (meaning that I started buying a lot of anime dvds, manga, and other anime related thingies)
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Trigun, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Peace Maker Kurogane, Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki...the list goes on and on, my fav. genre is comedy, but i like serious as well, tend to avoid anime that is drenched in extreme violence or na
To calmly and quietly inform those unfortunate souls who are unaware of the vast and various anime that is available to them--WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT!!! I WILL WACK THEM WITH THE MIGHTY STICK O ANIME!!! (I'm not at
Drawing stuff, ceramics whenever I can, I love to read but lately nothing good has come out =P, I like video games..but I play them off and on, ANIME!!!!!!
I think I'm at least somewhat good at drawing and ceramics, mimicking accents...but enough about me...
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
last psychology project!!!
Well, I'm trying to work on my last psychology project (paper) for the year..but I'm feeling very distracted (well duh, would i be writing this if I weren't distracted?). I'm doing it on Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) the project is supposed to focus in on a mental disorder...but i really don't like labeling ADD or ADHD as a mental disorder...anyway it's due tomorrow, but at this point its looking like I'm gonna turn it in late =P the deal with turning these projects in late is this: this project is worth 20 points of my final grade (gah!!), if I turn it in 1 week late i lose 1 point (which can easily be made up with extra credit). At this point if I try to write it i know it will be crap, thus losing me much needed points, but if i take another week to work on it make it really good and with a lot of extra credit, my grade will be better (woohoo)
now for something completely different...
bought 2 pairs of shoes today, which means i bought 4 pairs o shoes in 1 week!!! GAAHHHHH!!!! It's overwhelming, sooo many shoes!! this prob sounds really pathetic to people but i usually only have one or two pairs o shoes that i like to wear regularly, partly cause i'm a creature o habit, partly because i have little patience shoe shopping. I've never really liked shoe/clothing shopping, but it really depends on me mood =P
Last night the critters in my backyard were bein really loud, first a duck was freaking out, then either cats were fighting or a skunk was freaking out cause it smelled horrid. geez the animal types here r louder than when we lived back in the woods =P
Wooohooo Peacemaker vol.5 is coming out next week! So's Wolf's Rain vol.7 (tho I still need vol 6)! definitely getting Peacemaker right away =D
I have a new theme that I'm hoping to get done tonight or tomorrow ^-^

hhmmmm i wonder who those 2 girls r?? I guess they don't show up till the 2nd 1/2 of FMA or until the movie =(
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