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Monday, October 9, 2006
Yea..it's monday
Whats up? Yeah its Monday..weeee. I found a new song that I like, Butterfly by Crazy town. Its flippen awesome. Well today was oddly normal and uneventful. I even kept my thoughts on my homework....Maybe the worlds ending or something. Anyway I've been screwing around on the computer since i got home ( I only have to study for homework). Dude...I just do not feel motivated today. whoops, my mistake, I think the sugar just kicked in. I'm typing really fast and I have a strange urge to start jumping around!!!!! Yeah well I gotta go before i destroy my keyboard! I'll write later! Bye all!
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
I can't sleep...but I have to get up at 5 tomorrow. -_- I'm really tired but I just can't fall asleep. I guess its cause I got a bunch of stuff on my mind....Nyaaaaaa....but this is annoying. I wish I was my cat, or a dog, so I didn't have to worry about so much crap. Being a teenager is kool and annoying. ( In my opinion u start to think about to much stuff) I have to think about homework, friends, falling asleep in class, daydreaming (which is happening more often), the person I like, my future (only because my dads trying to prep me for the future), waking up early, chores ( which includes taking care of a cat), food (I cook alot), and a bunch of other stuff. well I guess being on the computers not going to help. I'm going to go make some tea and try to fall asleep. bye all. *yawn*
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
'nother survey
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Yes!! Its flippen Saturday! I'm home alone....mwahahahaha! ya so anyway, High school isn't that bad..but I've been skimping out on my math hw. :p but I'm doing good in all my other classes. I really happy too! Next Friday we don't have school (I think because of the teachers or something) and that friday happens to be the day that the Grudge 2 comes out. :) :) and I'm going to go see it with my friend! :-D. woot!! Today I think I'm overly happy simply because its Saturday. I can't help it though! Ok..I'm gonna go work off my energy. bye all!
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
I feel evily naughty today......jk ( I think I'm on a sugar high)
Ok, well today kinda sucked. First in science class I fell asleep for 5 min. and missed the point of the lesson, then in art I was behind so I couldn't finish this thing we were supposed to do, and in math I couldn't focus on anything except the person I like and...and...well lets just say I couldn't get my mind out of the gutter. It sucked so I just thought of old people and prunes, which helped ALOT! Anyway it got better after gym though (we played dodgeball since it was raining and we didn't have to run laps.) Then it sucked again after I went out and stod in the rain for 10 min. waiting for my friend to come out (like I always do) amd she failed to show up, so not only did I wait in the rain for 10 min. and get soaked, I walked home alone! Yet, I'm not mad at her, she always has good reason for something she did, and she's my best friend so s'ok. ( but she's the only person who makes it ok!) Anyone else who makes me stand for 10 min. in freezing rain, without calling me or anything, gets a good kick in the ass. (sry, I'm in a bad mood today.) *sigh* well at least tomorrow we're having a party in German to celebrate the last few days of the Oktober fest. I have to go make brotwurst and cookies now. M'k bye!
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
m'k I'm really sleepy, but I just wanted to add SOMETHING before i went to bed. so, ummm, here it is. Right well by all.
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Monday, September 25, 2006
Tis' another Monday....
Nyaaa.... Its monday and I feel happy. I just got back from my friends house and before I left we realized that she had lost her homcoming ticket!! I helped her look for a while but then I had to go. :( I hope she found it, those dang things cost us $10. Anywho, my brothers sitting here complaining that he needs to do a bunch of stuff, but I'm making him stay here cause I'm lonley! Mwahahahahaha! Ya...so we had this sub. for German who was really nice, but he had a giant mole growing out of his forehead! Haha, I just wanted to poke it with a stick or something. ( I know thats really mean, but at least I said he was nice!) Well I'm gonna go play around the internet now. m'k bye all!
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
nyaaa.... Sunday again.......
It's Sunday again and I have no idea how I feel. I kinda feel glad about back to school to see my friends an' stuff.....but then again....I have to sit through an' 8 hr. day of teachers. I guess friends overcomes teachers, huh? I think I'm starting to daydream alot more often, and that's not to good considering its in my math and science class -_-'. Ah, well. That probably just means I'm really getting into the school year...but thats no excuse!!! This is High school!!! If I wanna get into a good university I gotta get and keep good grades!!! ( Now I feel really Determined!!) :D I wanna go to OSU and become roomates with my friend. Anyway I gotta go now. My dad's about to leave me, and I wanna go out too!!! K, bye all!!!!
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Friday, September 22, 2006
Finally, geez. I think time purposly slows down for me. This week went by as slow as a fish crossing the dessert. (For me at least) But today I'm pumped and full o' energy! Lol, we had doughnut day in our German class today (just because our teacher said doughnuts make everyone happy)so I'm hyped up on sugar. It's kinda wearing off now though, but I still feel it! My friend and I went to our old elementry school to see some of our old teachers an stuff. Ha, I only saw one but my friend saw like 3,4. Such small kids, -_-' umm... actually I'm shorter than most of my friends so I guess I shouldn't be talking.....but when your short you get kicks outta being taller than anyone!! ;D Although I'm not that short...maybe 5'2, 5'3 or around that area. Yeah...so anyway afterward me an my friend walked home. I went to her house for a drink and we ended up talking and having laughing fits. I left around 5 and came home. Now I'm sitting here doing nothing because my dad said my brother and I couldn't go to a movie. So my point is I can't wait until summer or until I get a car. Even a bf (which unfortunatley my ex was lazy, unaffectionate, and somewhat annoyingly prejudice so I broke up with him -_-) or a gf would suite me. I just need company..or something to occupy me. Nyaaaaaa..... I'll just listen to music an' stuff I guess, or read. Ahhh well, I guess the sugars gone. :p. Oh well I'm off to read "Fire Starter" by Stephen King. Its pretty good. READ IT! I COMMAND YOU!! lol jk.
M'k bye all.
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