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Ryuichi Sakuma
My Cd went plantinm in two days!
Anime Fan Since
Um..I donno
Favorite Anime
Gravitation..duhh I'M IN IT!
Sing with Tohma and Noriko
Hi nanoda!
Monday, October 11, 2004
Starting over
I lost my password and I'm making a new a accont na no da.
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
 Total Yaoi Fan
How much of a Yaoi fangirl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
This is a Nittle Grasper Fan fic na no da,I hope you like na no da!
In your dreams
"Tohma!Get up!"Noriko yelled.
"Noriko is Tohma dead na no da?"Ryuichi asked Noriko.
"No he's not dead,he's just lazy."Noriko answered.
"Oh Eiri-san"Tohma said in his sleep.
"TOHMA!"Noriko yelled hitting Tohma.
"What's wrong Noriko na no da?"Ryuichi asked.
"Ryu-chan,go get a bucket of water."said Noriko.
"Okay na no da!"Ryuichi exclaimed.
*5 mintues later
"Here a go---opps na no da"Ryuichi said actsadenly spiling the water on Tohma.
"What'd you do that for?!"Tohma yelled angerly.
"I'm sorry Tohma na no da!"Ryuichi said."What were you dreaming about na no da?"he asked.
Tohma turned a bright tone crimson."Eiri-san"ha said.
"Oh na no do!Well you seemed excied so I wanted to know na no da."Ryuichi replied.
"TOHMA"Noriko yelled hitting Tohma again.
"Did I miss something na no da?If I did what was it na no da?" Ryuichi asked.
"You don't wanna know."Tohma and Noriko said.
The End
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My FanFic
Well here's a nice little fanfic I wrote today na no da!Enjoy na no da!
Ryuichi was happily skipping down the street when-----
"BEEP,BEEP"Ryuichi's wrist watch's alarm went of.
"Oh no,it's all most day break na no da!"Ryuichi said with alarm.He started to run,indicidently dropping Kumagoro his stuffed bunny.
"Hey!You dropped your bunny!" a voice called out to Ryuichi.Not listening to the voice Ryu keep running.
Around 2 p.m. there was a knock on the door.
"Huh?"said a drossy Ryuichi opening the door.
"You dropped this last night."said Tatsuha.
"KUMAGORO!!Thank you so much na no da!"Ryuichi exclaimed quiet happy that he had gotten up to get the door now.
"It's not a problem"Tatsuha said with a bit of a smile.
"Well we'll see you later uh?"Ryuichi said.
"Tatsuha,my name is Tatsuha."Tatsuha said.
"I'm Ryuichi na no da!"Ryu replied"Well goodbye Tatsuha na no da!"
"See ya Ryuichi-chan" Tatsuha said then leaving.
"What nice person Kumagoro na no da."Ryuichi said.
"I don't like him.If you get close to him you'll tell again and the you'll have to kill him Ryuichi."Kumagoro replied.
"But Kuma.....You're the only friend I have,and he seems nice na no da!"Ryuichi said to Kumagoro with a sad look.
"Fine!But don't tell him Ryu!And if you do kill him or have 'you're only other friend' kill you first!"Kumagoro warned Ryuichi.
"Yes,Kumagoro....."Ryuichi said"But,what if I----"
"Don't even think it Ryu!You know how hard your life is,would you want to give your cruse to someone else?Think before you act Ryuichi."Kumagoro told Ryuichi."Now get some rest."
*Somewhere else
"I wonder why he was out so late..."Tatsuha asked himself."Maybe he was coming home from a party or a bar or something."Tatsuha continued."And I wonder why he was in such a hurry. ""Aw crap!I have to start my vampire hunt,I can think about Ryuichi later!"and Tatsuha went on his search.
"RYUICHI!!!!!WAKE UP!!!!"Kumagoro yelled.
"Huh...sunset already?"Ryuichi said with a yawn.
"Yes!And you haven't eaten anything but human food in days.You're pail as the snow,the humans will wonder what's wrong with you."Kumagoro said
"But,I don't wanna na no da......"Ryuichi said.
"Oh,so you wanna die?"Kumagoro asked.
"No,but I want make more friends na no da!"Ryuichi agrued.
"I'm not saying you have to harm you're stupid little human ' friend' "Kumagoro said."Now let's go!"he
*Later in a dark ally
"Are you happy now,Kumagoro?"Ryuichi said with tears running down his face.
Tatsuha only seeing two figures,one a corpse,and the other with dripping fangs holding the corpse in their arms,stormed in."I will kill you vampire!"
"I told you, 'You can't trust them!'"Kumagoro yelled at Ryuichi.
"Please don't na no da!"Ryuichi screamed still crying.
"R-Ryuichi...?"Tatsuha said softly.
"Please don't,I didn't want to but I have to or........."Ryuichi said crying harder now that his only friend knew his secret.
"Or you'll die,right?"Tatsuha said putting down his cross.
"Ryuichi!Kill him now!Humans are scam!As soon as you trust him he'll kill you!"Kumagoro yelled.
"I'm sorry Kumagoro but I can't na no da,I can't because I......because I love him na no da."Ryuichi said denying Kumagoro for the first time.
"WHAT?!YOU WHAT?!"Kumagoro exclaimed angrily.
"Ryuichi.....I love you too."Tatsuha said commly to Ryuichi.
"Someone gag me!"Kumagoro said with a discusted look."You!Stop ruining my Ryuichi!Love,love?!What a discuseding emotion!"Kumagoro added.
"Why should I listen to what your saying na no da?I'm in love!I finally found something that makes me happy for real na no da!You should be happy for me na no da!"Ryuichi said now angry with Kumagoro's rude comments.
"I would be happy if you hadn't chosen a human to fall in love with!"Kumagoro yelled!
Tatsuha kicks Kumagoro,"So what if I'm human!"Tatsuha said.
"Love is love na no da!"added Ryuichi.
"Fine then!When he tries to kill you don't come cryin' to me!"Kumagoro said"' Oh my beloved Tatsuha tried to kill me!Boowhoo!'I don't care!"Kumagoro said leaving.
"I'm so happy na no da"Ryuichi said.
"I am too Ryu,I am too."Tatsuha said,
And with that said the two kissed and that is the end of my tale.
Well that's my story!I hope you like it na no da!
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Monday, September 27, 2004
 You're beautiful. Feel proud, not a lot of us are. You're unique. ;)
What Type of Anime Girl are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are blessed with FAERY wings. Beauty, laughter, life, magic...that's what you are all about. You are refreshingly innocent and happy with your life of purity and play. Life's a game and it's a good one. In your eyes there's no way to lose! You can be very mischeivous and have been known to cause trouble, but it's all in the name of fun and not meant to really harm anyone. You like to play tricks on people who aren't quite as bright or clever as you - which is almost everyone. Nature is the setting you prefer to be in - Always. Barefoot and wild you can't be tamed. You're probably a restless spirit who loves to travel, and quite a dreamer. Your creativity is astounding and your art (of whatever media - from writing to painting to drama) is like something from another world - ethereal and often very fantasy-oriented. You can either be a social butterfly or a loner with their head in the clouds - but rarely inbetween. You stubbornly refuse to accept responsibility or to give in to the wishes of others - unless you feel like it. You have a strong passion for music and can't imagine life without it. You'll grow up someday, but you'll always be a child at heart. You are adventurous and love to take risks, and feel a deep connection with the weather, plants, and animals. You prefer sunshine to thunder or snow, the warmth of summer to autumn's chill, and quiet forests to suburban backyards. Magic through and through, you are far more powerful than you seem, and are capable of being extremely passionate. Though you can be childish, naive, stubborn, and self-absorbed, one thing is certain - life with you will never be boring!
Image copyright Sheila Wolk (prints available through, words added by myself.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
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