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Thursday, July 17, 2008
My Otaku
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Who Am I???
Name: Paulina
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/16/90
Occupation: Student
Anime Fan Since...
* 2005 ( i think)
* make lots of friends ^__^
* watching anime, chating, playing with my pets
* none i can think of..... i like singing thought
Layout by: ~KatarinA~
[ For aNiMeGiRl 7]
Image From: Moon-Fangs.

Hey all!!!! How r u doing? Thnx for visiting my site!! My name's Paulina and i'm from cyprus. I've been an anime fan since 2004-2005 maybe. Some of the anime i've watched are Inuyasha, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain(wich i loved coz i'm madly in love with wolves)and many others. still trying to finish naruto and bleach. I really like making friends so please feel free to PM me anytime. ^__^ its the first time i have my own site and Moon Fangs is helping me making it look prettier ^__^ thnx so much for helping me moon-san ^__^
also i am moderator in Angel Leila's club. If you want to be member sign gestbook there
Hey guys!!!!! oshiasiburi!!! its been a long time!! how r u guys doing? i missed u all alot!! somethings happened in my life this past 2 weeks ( like being in 2 car accidents ) and i thought it was time to come back on here to see my old buddies!! well at least those u havent forgotten me XP so whats new with u guys? i just finished high school and wont be going to college for the next few years until i decide what i want to study. ummm what else?? oh yeah i will be going with 3 of my friend to a hotel appartment place to stay for 4 days!! parents-free!!! yay!!! ^__^ how is ur summer coming along? OMG i really missed u guys!!! *hugs* *hugs* well hope to hear from u soon!! i'll go visit some sites now so cya laters!!! ^__^
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Monday, October 29, 2007
My Otaku
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# E-mail: Here
Who Am I???
Name: Paulina
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/16/90
Occupation: Student
Anime Fan Since...
* 2005 ( i think)
* make lots of friends ^__^
* watching anime, chating, playing with my pets
* none i can think of..... i like singing thought
Layout by: ~KatarinA~
[ For aNiMeGiRl 7]
Image From: Moon-Fangs.

Hey all!!!! How r u doing? Thnx for visiting my site!! My name's Paulina and i'm from cyprus. I've been an anime fan since 2004-2005 maybe. Some of the anime i've watched are Inuyasha, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain(wich i loved coz i'm madly in love with wolves)and many others. still trying to finish naruto and bleach. I really like making friends so please feel free to PM me anytime. ^__^ its the first time i have my own site and Moon Fangs is helping me making it look prettier ^__^ thnx so much for helping me moon-san ^__^
also i am moderator in Angel Leila's club. If you want to be member sign gestbook there
Heyz all!!! Waz up!!!
Sorry that i havent been able to visit u guys and comment on ur site and work for the past month or so... I'm really sorry about that!!
Just wanned to see how u guys are doing and if ur ok ^__^ i wont be active at all in myO for the next months or maybe year dont know so i'll understand if u guys delete me from ur friends list. i'll try answering any PM u send me so pls send me one when u have time so that i know that u guys are doing ok ^__^
The reasons why i'm leaving myO for a long time its because school work is really getting in the way, my aunts contition and my dad cheating on my mum...
so um take care, have a wonderfull month/year/whatever, and cya!!! *hugs* *hugs* ^__^ i might be active for a short while in xmas but not sure... Love all and hope u take care!!! cya again...soon... i hope ^__^
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
My Otaku
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# E-mail: Here
Who Am I???
Name: Paulina
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/16/90
Occupation: Student
Anime Fan Since...
* 2005 ( i think)
* make lots of friends ^__^
* watching anime, chating, playing with my pets
* none i can think of..... i like singing thought
Layout by: ~KatarinA~
[ For aNiMeGiRl 7]
Image From: Moon-Fangs.

Hey all!!!! How r u doing? Thnx for visiting my site!! My name's Paulina and i'm from cyprus. I've been an anime fan since 2004-2005 maybe. Some of the anime i've watched are Inuyasha, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain(wich i loved coz i'm madly in love with wolves)and many others. still trying to finish naruto and bleach. I really like making friends so please feel free to PM me anytime. ^__^ its the first time i have my own site and Moon Fangs is helping me making it look prettier ^__^ thnx so much for helping me moon-san ^__^
also i am moderator in Angel Leila's club. If you want to be member sign gestbook there
Heyz all!!! Waz up??
Just wanned to drop off and day that i wont be able to visit ur sites and comment on ur works for the next few days but i will answer PM anyones sents me if i have time so pls if u have time do so.. i'm always happy to see ur PMs ^__^
So the reason i wont be able to visit u guys is that i have to finish some work giving to me from our graphics design teacher wich i had to finish a few week ago and to further investigate on the matter of my father having an afair(or something on those lines) i need more proof before i tell anything to my mum. well i do have some proof...like i massage on my fathers phone from a woman wich i forwarded to my phone...the phone number wich he called from my phone(he had my mobile phone for a while coz his one broke and without him knowing it her phone number,which he called, was saved on my phones dialled numbers list) i called that phone number and she answered with the name of the person that my dad had saved the number on...come on what person would answer with his name??? at least i know we dont do that here... and the person u send the msg on my dads phone are the same number... well i got some other proof 2 but dont want to bore u guys any longer so i'll see ya in a couple of days,sorry again for not being able to visit u guys, pls PM me when u have some free time just so that i know that u guys are doing ok,take care, have a wonderfull day and cya!!! *hugs* *hugs* ^__^
Love Ya!!! ^__^
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
My Otaku
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# E-mail: Here
Who Am I???
Name: Paulina
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/16/90
Occupation: Student
Anime Fan Since...
* 2005 ( i think)
* make lots of friends ^__^
* watching anime, chating, playing with my pets
* none i can think of..... i like singing thought
Layout by: ~KatarinA~
[ For aNiMeGiRl 7]
Image From: Moon-Fangs.

Hey all!!!! How r u doing? Thnx for visiting my site!! My name's Paulina and i'm from cyprus. I've been an anime fan since 2004-2005 maybe. Some of the anime i've watched are Inuyasha, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain(wich i loved coz i'm madly in love with wolves)and many others. still trying to finish naruto and bleach. I really like making friends so please feel free to PM me anytime. ^__^ its the first time i have my own site and Moon Fangs is helping me making it look prettier ^__^ thnx so much for helping me moon-san ^__^
also i am moderator in Angel Leila's club. If you want to be member sign gestbook there
Heyz all!! Waz up??
i think this one is going to be a long post so be prepared... lol ^__^ alot of things have happened in the last few week so i'm going to tell u guys all about it..if u care to learn about my news then ready along ^__^
ok so first things comes first lol i order 4 Fruits Basket vol 4-7 a few weeks ago so they must be arriving this week!!! i cant wait to read them ^__^ thats one of the reason i want the next few months to pass by quickly so i can come to us and buy alot of manga lol XD
i will be flying to come to us on the 18th of december!!! yay cant wait!! i'm going to loose 4 days of school but thats ok ^__^ so our plane leaves from cyprus and goes to amsterdam and from amsterdam to detroit ^__^ we have 2 hours of lay over(i think that how u say it) when we go and 4 hours when we are coming back ^__^ yay amsterdam!!! i wonder if we could go out of the airport and go shopping there lol ^__^
the first week of school was really boring!!! classes didnt start for like a week!(last monday was actually the first day of classes) the first week of school we were in the same class/grade with the people we were with last year!!! the guy i like was in my class so we were sitting together most of the time!! yay for me!! ^__^ i found out the he hasnt have a girlfriend after all!! yay ^__^ hmm what else happened...? oh yeah there this guy i used to like when i was in the 10th grade and me and my friends when reffering to him called him malfoy coz he kinda reminds me of malfoy from harry potter lol XD i have never spoken to him...not until last friday!!! we have some classes together yay!! me and my best friend were late to go to our italian class on friday and when we went to glass there was no place for us to sit exept a spot right in front of him lol it was like fate! XD so we sat there and talked to the guy that was sitting next to him coz we kinda knew him..anw so malfoy takes out his scedule and i ask him what class to u have after this and he says "psycology"... i go "me2!! who's ur teacher" he says "mrs spanou" "so is mine" i tell him... i asked him "what classroom are we going to" and he says "classroom 3" i smiled and then turned to my sit ^__^ he seems like a nice guy but i'll have to wait to find that out ^__^
sorry if i'm making u guys bored!!! i just have soo many things to say!! i'll make this last thing short and if u want i will explain everything tomorrow or whenever i find time ok? so here it goes.... i think my dad might have an afair...and my mum doesnt even know anything... i dont want to tell her anything coz i'm sure she will be hurt even if she wont show it... anw i will talk more about this in another post coz i think this post is long enough!!! i dont want u guys to get bored of me ^__^ well take care, have a wonderfull day/week and cya!!! *monster hugs everyone* ^__^ oh and i reached 7 comments yay!!! ^__^
Love Ya!!!! ^__^
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
My Otaku
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Who Am I???
Name: Paulina
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/16/90
Occupation: Student
Anime Fan Since...
* 2005 ( i think)
* make lots of friends ^__^
* watching anime, chating, playing with my pets
* none i can think of..... i like singing thought
Layout by: ~KatarinA~
[ For aNiMeGiRl 7]
Image From: Moon-Fangs.

Hey all!!!! How r u doing? Thnx for visiting my site!! My name's Paulina and i'm from cyprus. I've been an anime fan since 2004-2005 maybe. Some of the anime i've watched are Inuyasha, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain(wich i loved coz i'm madly in love with wolves)and many others. still trying to finish naruto and bleach. I really like making friends so please feel free to PM me anytime. ^__^ its the first time i have my own site and Moon Fangs is helping me making it look prettier ^__^ thnx so much for helping me moon-san ^__^
also i am moderator in Angel Leila's club. If you want to be member sign gestbook there
Hey all!!! Waz up!!!
I really missed u guys!!!! Sorry for not being able to visit ur sites and comment on ur posts...Gomen!!! i had a lot of running around to do for school so i was really busy! school opened a week ago yesterday but all we did was just sitting there all day doing nothing!! classes oficially started on monday. our school system is way different than the usa one... its so really confusing!!!! i have to take my time explaing it on the weekend if anyone is interested to know ^__^ the time here now is 6:25 am and i'm getting ready for school...actually i'm ready but i'm waiting for my mum to get ready also coz she drives me to school. if we dont find any traffic it will only take 20 minutes to get there ^__^ i'll try doing some visiting 2day sorry if i dont get to ur site but i'll try my best to visit all of u ^__^ i got alot of,kinda, interesting news to tell u guys but u'll have to wait for the weekend or tomorrow maybe coz i dont have alot of time now ^__^ so i'll see u guys later on 2day i hope if i dont have alot of homework to do...yesterday was the first day after some years that i did my homework ^__^ i had to do a letter in english reffering to the students counsil of our school to supposetly make a suggetion of creating a club...will see how that went 2day ^__^ well..um...got to go!!! my mum is shouting that its time to go lol so take care, have a wonderfull day and cya!!!!! *hugs* hugs* ^__^
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My Otaku
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# E-mail: Here
Who Am I???
Name: Paulina
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/16/90
Occupation: Student
Anime Fan Since...
* 2005 ( i think)
* make lots of friends ^__^
* watching anime, chating, playing with my pets
* none i can think of..... i like singing thought
Layout by: ~KatarinA~
[ For aNiMeGiRl 7]
Image From: Moon-Fangs.

Hey all!!!! How r u doing? Thnx for visiting my site!! My name's Paulina and i'm from cyprus. I've been an anime fan since 2004-2005 maybe. Some of the anime i've watched are Inuyasha, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain(wich i loved coz i'm madly in love with wolves)and many others. still trying to finish naruto and bleach. I really like making friends so please feel free to PM me anytime. ^__^ its the first time i have my own site and Moon Fangs is helping me making it look prettier ^__^ thnx so much for helping me moon-san ^__^
also i am moderator in Angel Leila's club. If you want to be member sign gestbook there
Hey guys!!! waz up???
Sorry yet again for not visiting!!!!! damn comp wouldnt let me in the internet so i couldnt come and visit ur sites!!!! i'm really sorry!!! T_T i will visit u guys later 2day!!! i promise!!!! ^__^ 2day i might be doing some more driving lesson with my cousin!!! yay!! ^__^ yesterday since i couldnt get on the internet i saw naruto movie 3...it was nice i must say i liked it ^__^ after that i watched sex and the city and then decided, since i had nothing else 2 do, 2 go 2 sleep.. i had troubles falling asleep but when i did i saw a weird naruto dream lol so um i think thats all i have to say for now...um...oh yeah on monday i went to a cafe with some friends. we had a good time...i'm enjoying my last week off since school starts on tuesday...can hardly wait for that.. so um yeah have a great day, take care i'll try visiting all of u sorry if i dont get to u 2day and cya!!! *hugs ^__^
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
My Otaku
# Backroom
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# Be my friend
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# E-mail: Here
Who Am I???
Name: Paulina
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/16/90
Occupation: Student
Anime Fan Since...
* 2005 ( i think)
* make lots of friends ^__^
* watching anime, chating, playing with my pets
* none i can think of..... i like singing thought
Layout by: ~KatarinA~
[ For aNiMeGiRl 7]
Image From: Moon-Fangs.

Hey all!!!! How r u doing? Thnx for visiting my site!! My name's Paulina and i'm from cyprus. I've been an anime fan since 2004-2005 maybe. Some of the anime i've watched are Inuyasha, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain(wich i loved coz i'm madly in love with wolves)and many others. still trying to finish naruto and bleach. I really like making friends so please feel free to PM me anytime. ^__^ its the first time i have my own site and Moon Fangs is helping me making it look prettier ^__^ thnx so much for helping me moon-san ^__^
also i am moderator in Angel Leila's club. If you want to be member sign gestbook there
Hey all!!! waz up???
Sorry for not visiting u guys the last couples of days!! i couldnt get into myO at all!!! it really pissed me off!!so really sorry i couldnt visit u guys or comment on ur work.
while i couldnt get into myO i was watching anime! i finished Spiral and started watching sukisyo!! yay for yaoi!!! ^__^ i'm still watching naruto.. last episode i saw was 200 i think..
so how was ur week??? what does it feel like being back in school?? this is my last week for summer vacation!! i'm going to have major problems sleeping and waking up the first few days since i got use to getting up at 4 pm and going to sleep at 6-7 am!!! oh well got to get used to that some day soon..
i finished reading Fruits Basket vol.3 and i want more!!! lol yesterday i tried to draw hinata but it was a major disaster so i didnt continue drawing that. i cant wait for school to start...that way i can see the guy i like every day lol no its not just that!! i missed pulling pranks with my classmates and hanging out with them ^__^ i have to enjoy this year as much as i can since its my last year in high school.
umm thats all for now i'll try visiting u guys later tomorrow i hope or maybe 2day who knows...i really missed u guys!! i felt like i was missing something >_< oh well take care have a wonderfull day and cya!!! *hugs* ^__^
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
My Otaku
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# E-mail: Here
Who Am I???
Name: Paulina
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/16/90
Occupation: Student
Anime Fan Since...
* 2005 ( i think)
* make lots of friends ^__^
* watching anime, chating, playing with my pets
* none i can think of..... i like singing thought
Layout by: ~KatarinA~
[ For aNiMeGiRl 7]
Image From: Moon-Fangs.

Hey all!!!! How r u doing? Thnx for visiting my site!! My name's Paulina and i'm from cyprus. I've been an anime fan since 2004-2005 maybe. Some of the anime i've watched are Inuyasha, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain(wich i loved coz i'm madly in love with wolves)and many others. still trying to finish naruto and bleach. I really like making friends so please feel free to PM me anytime. ^__^ its the first time i have my own site and Moon Fangs is helping me making it look prettier ^__^ thnx so much for helping me moon-san ^__^
also i am moderator in Angel Leila's club. If you want to be member sign gestbook there
Hey!!! waz up??? ^__^
How are u all 2day??? I must say that i'm very energetic 2day!! cant sit still for a minute lol and i'm hungry for snacks all the time >_< maybe its coz its nearly that time of the month again!! i hate this period of time..always hungry for sweets ^__^
2day my fruits basket manga arrived.yay!!! i was waiting for this all week!!! i bought vol 2+3 ^__^ i cant stop reading!!!*starts readind vol. 2* i want more!!!! ^__^
so as many of u may know my name is paulina...so i thought i should find a nickname for u guys to call me here but couldnt think of anything T_T sooo any suggestion?? oh and how would u like me to call u??
i started watching spiral this week since i finished ayashi no ceres and the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya!!! i'm still watching naruto..fot to episode 175 i think 2day and still watching!!! next i'll watch sukisyo and loveless...what animes do u recomend i should watch next? ^__^ oh i saw naruto movie 2 this morning!!! i liked the first one better ^__^ oh and i watched the ova about konohamaru and that girl he liked it was really funny and sweet i must say ^__^
so um i hope i didnt bore u guys talking about what animes i saw ^__^ so umm take care, have a great day and cya!! *hugs* ^__^
so heres a sum of the question i did:
1. what do u want me to call u?
2.what anime do u recomend i watch next
3.any suggestions on a nickame??
*update on post*
yeah i know i just update lol so my friend kakashi-18 gave me a link where u can find what ur japanese name is!! mine was komatsu yumi ^__^ komatsu means little pine tree and yumi means beautifull bow,as in bow and arrow ^__^ here's the link if anyone is interested to find out their japanese name ^__^
http://rumandmonkey.com/widgets/toys/namegen/969/ well talk to ya later ^__^
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Monday, August 27, 2007
My Otaku
# Backroom
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# Be my friend
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# E-mail: Here
Who Am I???
Name: Paulina
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/16/90
Occupation: Student
Anime Fan Since...
* 2005 ( i think)
* make lots of friends ^__^
* watching anime, chating, playing with my pets
* none i can think of..... i like singing thought
Layout by: ~KatarinA~
[ For aNiMeGiRl 7]
Image From: Moon-Fangs.

Hey all!!!! How r u doing? Thnx for visiting my site!! My name's Paulina and i'm from cyprus. I've been an anime fan since 2004-2005 maybe. Some of the anime i've watched are Inuyasha, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain(wich i loved coz i'm madly in love with wolves)and many others. still trying to finish naruto and bleach. I really like making friends so please feel free to PM me anytime. ^__^ its the first time i have my own site and Moon Fangs is helping me making it look prettier ^__^ thnx so much for helping me moon-san ^__^
also i am moderator in Angel Leila's club. If you want to be member sign gestbook there
Hey all!!! waz up??? ^__^
Haven't posted in quite a long time so i decided its finally the time i posted again ^__^ did u miss me???? ^__^ thnx for a all the comments u guys!! ^__^ i finally reached 6 comments! yay!!! ^__^ i want more!! lol ^__^ yeah so um thnx again!! i feel really happy when i see ur comments ^__^
so um yesterday i went to my cousins house..guess what?!?!?! she took me for driving lessons ^__^ i was so excited!!! the lesson went fine even tho i ran over a few cats...just kidding!! ^__^ no...no people or animals were killed(thank god!!!) it was soooooo awsome!!! i want more lessons!!! she said that i went really well for my first time driving ^__^ i'm so excited i cant wait for the next time i drive ^__^ *runs and takes keys of her mothers car and drives off* ^__^
thnx for answering my question ^__^ i really appreciate it!! arigato!! ^__^ so now its my turn to answer ur question ^__^ ok here it goes:
Kyofanatic13 u asked: "If you lived in the Naruto world what village would you be from??"
i dont really know.. i'm between 2 villages.. i would choose either Konoha or the sand country cant say which one exacly but the sand country is mostly likly to be my choise ^__^
hinata-tenten521 u said: "CHEESE comes from cows"
thats not actually a question but i must say cheese can also come from sheeps ^__^
Zakuro-san u asked: "Do you have any siblings?" nop i dont i'm an only child...the reason i dont have any sibling is coz my mother had problems giving birth to me. i was born one month earlier with a c-section and me and my mother almost both died coz she had high blood presure problems so um...yeah the doctors said she shouldn't try having any other kids and then they said its ok if she wants to have other kids...after they scared her like that i dont expect she would wnat to have any other children...but i dont mind its kinda fun being an only child sometimes ^__^
xaos u asked: "do you like Huskies since you like wolves?" i adore huskies!!! i've been begging my parent to get my one for the past 3 years!!!! they're my favourite dog breed coz the look alot like wolves ^__^ i want a huskie!!!!
onee-sama u asked: "what episode of Ceres did you watched last?" i already finished ayashi no ceres a few days ago!!! it was an awsome series!!! i was happy and sad at the same time! i wouldnt mind watching it again ^__^ i higly recomend that anime to anyone that hasnt seen it yet ^__^
Theproto u asked: "What kinda anime would YOU do ?" just like u i have no idea what kind of anime it would be... it would actually like a fantasy one with wolves and demons and dragons actually but i cant think of any plot! i wouldnt think up a plot even if my life depended on it lol ^__^
xaos u said that u have ur anime stories in work...i wanna see them!!!!! ^__^ so pls hurry up and finish them so we can read them ^__^ i cant wait for them ^__^
well that all for 2day...i hope i didnt bore u guys ^__^ i'll go watch some haruhi suzumiya now and talk to ya later...well take care.....oh wait actually i wanned to ask u guys...does anyone know what happened with AISHITEIMASU...i havent seen her around for a long time!!! i hope nothing happened to her T_T i hope Iruka sensei is doing ok also even tho i dont really know her... too many bad things are happening in the word right now...like in greece some forest and villages are burning for the last few days and the dead people list is now on 63 people and its still growing T_T
well anw i hope u guys are doing well ^__^ well take care, have a wonderfull day and cya *hugs mina* ^__^
Comments (3) |
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
My Otaku
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# Be my friend
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# E-mail: Here
Who Am I???
Name: Paulina
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/16/90
Occupation: Student
Anime Fan Since...
* 2005 ( i think)
* make lots of friends ^__^
* watching anime, chating, playing with my pets
* none i can think of..... i like singing thought
Layout by: ~KatarinA~
[ For aNiMeGiRl 7]
Image From: Moon-Fangs.

Hey all!!!! How r u doing? Thnx for visiting my site!! My name's Paulina and i'm from cyprus. I've been an anime fan since 2004-2005 maybe. Some of the anime i've watched are Inuyasha, Chobits, Fruits Basket, Haibane Renmei, Wolf's Rain(wich i loved coz i'm madly in love with wolves)and many others. still trying to finish naruto and bleach. I really like making friends so please feel free to PM me anytime. ^__^ its the first time i have my own site and Moon Fangs is helping me making it look prettier ^__^ thnx so much for helping me moon-san ^__^
also i am moderator in Angel Leila's club. If you want to be member sign gestbook there
Hey all!!! waz up??? ^__^
My mum has this week off from work so i've been spending some time with her so sorry for not being able to visit some of u this last few days... gomen!!! T_T
2day i got some laptop time and played sims almost for the whole day lol i just love that game ^__^
last night i watched some more anime. i watched 2 first episode of The melancholy of haruhi suzumiya and i really liked it! i also watched some naruto. i read Fruits basket vol 1 again ^__^ vol 2 + 3 should be arriving this week i cant wait!!! ^__^
i made my mum read FB vol 1 but she fell asleep after a few seconds T_T baka ocasan!!! lol but i'll make her read it tomorrow!! i never give up! muhahahaha... *wow i'm scaring myself now*
my parents were going to go have beach party tonight (i was gonna stay home) together with my aunt, uncle and my grandparents but they didnt go... i dont know why... anw so we decided to go to the cinema together with my mum,aunt and uncle to watch ocean 13... dont know if i really want to see it..i'm just going coz if i stay home i'll go more crazy lol i think i watched the previous 2 oceans...not sure..
hmmm what else?.... nothing much happened the last few days... yesterday i was with my cousin and some of her friends over her house... on sunday i stayed home... on friday and saturday i went at a cafe with one of my friends and her brother and i saw some of the friends of the guy i like... nothing exating there we just said hello....
hmmm ok... another boring post came to its end since i have nothing interesting to say.. just felt like posting... so umm.. take care , have a great/wonderfull day, love ya all!!! , and cya ^__^
oh i have some random questions :
1. do u have any pets at home and if so what kind of pets?
2. what are ur fave colors?
3. fave guy/guys in anime?
4. if u had the chance to make an anime what kind of anime would it be?
5. ask my anything u want ^__^ (i know thats not a question :P )
well cya again ^__^ *hugs*
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