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myOtaku.com: Cash-chan

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Saturday, June 25, 2005

A Flower Across The Sky

You are powerful, but can be stubborn and temperamental. You seem to have a little of a non-caring attitude. However, deep down, you have a bit of a soft spot for those you have become attached to.

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A Flower Across The Sky

These r awesome but they take a few minutes to load. Its worth it!

This one is off Ayashi no Ceres but I had to put it in! ^_^

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Friday, June 24, 2005


A Flower Across The Sky

loop="true" autostart="true"controls="smallconsole">

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Quiz Results

A Flower Across The Sky

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Inuyasha Family Member Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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   My Summer Vacation...

A Flower Across The Sky

Cash: my summer vacation sucks so far. nuthin good happens and im usually bored and stuck at home.=_=

Momiji: Its okay! ^_^ it'll get better!

Cash: thank u momiji-chan... but i dunno. We get 2 take a trip to Ohio on July 2nd.

Momiji: See, that'll b fun!

Cash: and fly on a plane...

Momiji: U always wanted to fly on a plane! See? Ur having fun already!

Cash: I dunno. Wat if the plane crashes and we die a horrible flaming death?

Momiji: -_- Aww! Come on, cheer up! I'll help u! *sings:* Who's in the forest, strolling?


Momiji: Waaah! Cash! Kyo's picking on me! WAAAAH!

Cash: Kyo! Leave him alone! Come on Momiji, sing that song again?

Momiji: Okay! ^_^ ahem! *sings* Who's in the forest, strolling?

Cash: *joins in*

Both: The birds and the bees sing Momiji!


Momiji: Waaah!

Cash: *pout* Hey!

Yuki: *sigh* Stupid cat�

Kyo: You-

Cash: OKAY! Everyone, just STOP IT! Anyway! I�ll finally b able 2 get my rat! He still doesn�t have a name tho� I have no idea wat to name him.

Kyo: I hate rats.

Yuki: *glare*

Cash: Anyway� im kinda nervous about flying! O.O I�ve never flown n e where b4�

Momiji: its okay! Flying isn�t scary!

Kyo: it is if u crash or-

Yuki: *glare* there�s nothing 2 b scared of. Flying is very safe.

Cash: I hope we get 2 go 2 Cedar Point again. Last time, I was 2 scared 2 ride the roller coasters! This time I�ll b ready! Rite Fluffy-chan? *hugs Sesshomaru*

Sesshomaru: *sigh*

Cash: And I got these cute little banners! ^_^ Look!

All: -_-

Cash and Momiji: Who�s in the forest strolling?

Kyo: Damn�

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

   Rambling idiot... me...

A Flower Across The Sky

Cash: I finally got new colors that may actually show up against my background! But... I kind of wanna change the layout.

Sesshomaru: I don't think you should.

Cash: I know YOU like it this way, but what about everyone else? Ur being selfish!

Sesshomaru: *rolls eyes*

Cash: Thats right! Wat about Kenshin or Yuki?

Kyo: NO!

Kenshin: Oro? ^_^;

Cash: I also found this cute little thing:

Everyone: -_-;

Cash: Cute, ne?

Kyo: U r so annoying... do u ever shut up?

Cash: Hey! B nice, will ya? Or i'll sick my Yuki on u!

Yuki: *sigh*

Cash: Also, i finally got to read Naruto vol 6!

Kakashi: ^_^ Good 4 u.

Cash: And I hope 2 b getting my rat soon! But he doesn't have a name still...

Kyo: Rats r stupid animals n e way.

Cash: *glare* SHUT UP!!

Everyone: O.o

Cash: *sigh*

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A Flower Across The Sky

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Monday, June 20, 2005

More Fanart and Stuff!

A Flower Across The Sky

Hey! I finally got more fanart posted. I don't think many people have read this one, but it was pretty good. It was a horror series and I borrowed it from Freako. Please check it out, and leave comments, ne?

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Sunday, June 19, 2005


A Flower Across The Sky

Yuki is soo cute! im thinking maybe i should name my rat after him. wouldn't that be just the cutest!? But I'm going 2 put more fanart on here sumtime... my fanart is never colored. They always look really bad when i do tho.

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Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'm sorry Freako! -_-()

A Flower Across The Sky

Freako is my best friend! Um, u should visit her site tho! Its not very good but she's trying! FREAKO! I'm really sorry! I was kinda mad u got 2 go 2 the pool party without me. I guess it wasn't YOUR fault my mom sed I couldn't go! Yeah. I'd never REALLY kill u... or would i? *evil grin*

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