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myOtaku.com: Cash-chan

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Flower Across The Sky

Hiya everyone! n_n I'm having a great valentines day! i guess.... i had a fight with my boyfriend (now my EX) yesterday and since he lives in new york now cuz of the hurricane, i hope i NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN! he has been cheating on me for about 4 months. he started going out with another girl only a week after he left. I hate him!!... okay on other subjects, i loved my valentine gifts from my friends. n_n i have alot of chocolate! muwahahhaaa! well i hope Pyscho Sharingan
is gonna update his site. I'm gonna go bother him till he does! Ja!

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Monday, February 13, 2006

A Flower Across The Sky

hey everyone! i sent out some valentines but not many. i didn't have time! sorry! if u didn't get urs, heres the link:


sorry my moms making me hurry. Its gravitation of course and really kawaii! well love ya!

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Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Flower Across The Sky

Hello everyone! I've changed my theme to Angel Sanctuary. Unexpected, ne? Its not yaoi, so I don't like it as much, but i guess it turned out okay. The top part is supposed to scroll, but myO refuses to fix it, no matter how i try, so i guess its fine for now. I going to put my cbox down in the bottom corner but i haven't yet gotten around to doing it. I'm so lazy... n_n() thank u for the comments yesterday. Today is the one year anniversary of my grandfathers death so its a sad day today... im going to spend today with my family. I hate that we have school tomorrow. It feels like a short weekend. I need to call kitteh and april cuz they've been calling me all weekend. I wish HTML wasn't so damn annoying!! Well, ja!

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Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Flower Across The Sky

Hi everyone! I'm in a fairly good mood today. I'm downloading more gravitation music (surprised?) and trying to fix up my site sum more. im trying to make a navigation bar thats off to the side of my posts, ne? its not working and ima bout to mess up my site so i better knock it off. n_n() i just stopped by sum sites that i haven't been to in awhile and im wondering where everyone has gone. im working on my naruto valentine day card which i will try to send out before vday tho im not guaranteeing nething. im pretty lazy when it comes to sending out pms cuz when i do it i gotta send em out one by one and its tiring and im a lazy person. Well, ja!

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Friday, February 10, 2006

A Flower Across The Sky

Hey everyone! Whats up? Nuthing much here. I'm really bored and have nothing to do. I stayed after school for awhile to help out a friend with their otaku. I wish i could help Kitteh but her site is messed up! ^^() i will try to fix it again, but... yeah i can't figure out what to do. I'm gonna try to put my cbox up again, altho no one ever uses it. I'm downloading more gravitation music. its so cute! <3 <3 well here is a pic for today:

Victory to Naru-chan!! <3<3

Well talk to everyone later! I hope everyone likes my new profile thing! n_n


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Thursday, February 9, 2006

A Flower Across The Sky

Hello everyone! I fixed up my site and it looks better than it has in a long time! n_n that makes me happy!! I was trying to help evil kitten fix her site but for sum reason her profile refuses to update. I hope to get around to signing sum more guestbooks later! Ja!

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Wednesday, February 8, 2006

A Flower Across The Sky

Hello everyone! i really don't feel like writing, so i will now continue to write a random fanskit.

*Cash, Yuki, Kyo, Shigure, and Momiji are sitting at a booth in Burger King*

Cash: *digs in paper bag* i couldn't have eaten all my fries ye- YAY! Yuki-kun, look!

Yuki: *trying to b interested* Hem, er, yeah...

Cash: Its a furby! *shoves a pink and green furby toy in his face* Aw! its cute! I will call him Shuichi! ^^

Kyo: *grumbles* I hate Burger King.... who the hell is shuichi?

Cash: wat did u get, kyonichi? *ignores*


Momiji: Cash-chaaaan! I got one too! I will call her... Momo!

Cash: *smiles* kawaii!

Yuki:... *looking at his pink furby* Why in the world would ne one want to play with one of these?

Shigure: *grins* isn't this fun? and *cHeAp*!

*later that day*

Kitteh: Cash-chan, wats wrong with u?

Cash: *sitting in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth* i... threw it in a dark room... and threw away the key and i hope i'll never see it again!!

Katana: *sigh* did she get another one of those furby toys from Burger King?

Kitteh: Probably... ()

Shuichi: Oi!

Katana: Konbawa, Shuu-kun!

Cash: EEP!

Shuichi: O.o wats wrong with her?

Kitteh: Another Furby i guess. well, i guess we better get her home.

*** meanwhile***

Shigure: *walks down the hall and hears a tiny, scratching sound*...? Wat is that?

*walks over to door, and hears a voice*

Voice: Me kah wayloh co-co... [i think thats wat they say lol]



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Tuesday, February 7, 2006

A Flower Across The Sky

*sigh* i have no idea what i did this time but once again... i've messed up my poor site. my scrolling post isn't working for sum odd reason. and i HATE my computer! I'm IMing and it keeps freezing! well im gonna do sign guestbooks and comment on ppl's sites! Ja!

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Sunday, February 5, 2006

   Hi everyone!

A Flower Across The Sky

I'm back! I just went on a trip to montgomery for ROTC. it was alot of fun hanging out with Syhann and sneaking in the boy's rooms. n_n i wish we got 2 stay longer but i missed everyone sooo much! There wasn't even a bookstore there so i couldn't buy any manga. i wanted to buy my friends presents but i didn't have enough money. i had to buy food too after all. our drill team didn't place in the competetions which sucked. i hope i get on the drill team cuz it looks like a lot of fun. Im thinking of changing my theme again (already!) to Chrono Crusades. Has ne one heard of it its so cute! n_n thanks Dib for downloading all the crap! i can't wait to see more gravitation!! Ja ne!

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Thursday, February 2, 2006

A Flower Across The Sky

Hey everyone! I�m still working on the damn HTML! I SWEAR I WILL GET IT TO WORK! I SWEAR!! AND I DON�T NEED ANY OF YOU TO DO IT!! �

� heh. Gomenasai! Im kidding of course! If u have ne info I could use, I would greatly appreciate it. I watched the last two episodes of FMA last night!! In japanese, but still. I won�t include ne spoilers of course cuz I wouldn�t wanna ruin if 4 ne one� but waaaah! I loved it, hated it� *sigh* ed� roy� envy� Meh I love envy! n_n well g2g! im in class! Ja!

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