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myOtaku.com: Conneryalexis

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Musicisonlyme (12/23/04)

Hiya, yeah it's okay, and your site looks awsome. ^^; Thankies


Oreana Minamino (12/23/04)

thanks for dropping by and signing my GB. *waves* thanks for the comment and i will add you in return. :)

BlackWingedAngel (12/20/04)

Hey there I really like your site its cool. Your avator is funny! I love it! Well ne ways come on over to my site sometime if ya like. Okay well thanks bye :D


Queen of Anime (12/19/04)

I like your site. I like your background too. It looks cool! And your avi is funny. I also like that picture you've got at the top with the ninja's(if that's what they are)jumping from the roof! It's awesome! I'm gonna add you as a friend, hope you don't mind! Ja ne!
Queen of Anime ^-^

Azn Gurl (12/19/04)

^_^Whatz up, uf been tagged by tha one and onla Azn Gurl of myO, tight page u got here um....nice, me likez itz.
may tha Otaku Guardians watch over U FOREVER, Love Azn Gurl aka Saiya Yuugi, Yuugi Gaiden, Shinobi Saiya, Saiya Kenshi, Yuugi Ishtar, Saiya X Marik X Sesshomaru X Inuyasha X Bakura X Hao X Yoh X Kurama X Itachi X Dark X and MORE!, or If yer One of those who are my So Call Speical PPLZ or my Friend u may call me Sai-Sama ^_~

CrystalHeart (12/17/04)

Thank you for signing my guestbook. I will add you as a friend, and hope Hope to see you arround sometime. ^-^

Theifkingbakura (12/16/04)

Sure, it's fine if you add me as a friend ^^ I am going to add you to my list as well xD

Nice site ^_^ I like the background.

AleXavier (12/16/04)

HI wow, youre old. I'm glad you came by my site... I LOVE gundam wing... just a thought, Ill add you as a friend ok?
'till next time...

KitsuneTsuki (12/15/04)

Hiya! Thanks for stopping by and signing the guestbook.

You're right.. we do both have a spacey theme for our backgrounds! It's amazing what that Hubble telescope thingy can find! I actually chose that particular nebula because it fits the rest of my theme.

So... what gives you the idea that I'm crazy? *looks around the room with that wild-eyed expression and runs off going 'Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!' while brandishing Kenshin's sword*


Dragonettie (12/13/04)

Hi there. You must be new. Welcome to The Otaku! A little late I know. Cool site. Like the colors. Thanks for the nice comments.^-^ It is very much appreciated. *bows in thanks*
Its good to meet you.


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