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Canadian Prairies
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Pencil pusher and paper shuffler
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I earned myself a University Dregree and paid for it all by myself..
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Sailor Moon number one.
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Gundam Wing, WeiB Kreuz, Trigun...
To turn myself into a responsible, healthy, and happy person.
Staying sane, Pretending I'm funny, Maintaining my sense of humor...
Pointing out the obvious, mixology, executing my half-decent fashion sense..
| Conneryalexis
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
"I see that you mean it/
I see that you are serious/
Have some faith in me/
Like there used to be/
Come Sunday I'll be leaving (yeah)..." -The Watchmen (Absolutely Anytime)
Well, how do ya like that! Remember i was telling you guys about how my computer is like a five year old with ADD? Well, now it's having a temper tantrum. It was fine when I left for work on Monday afternoon and when I got home, it was buggered. It's like it went on strike or something. It gets halfway through the booting-up process and then just dies! *rolls eyes* I want to chuck it out the window! So bad! It's going to see the techies soon, so hopefully all my stuff can be salvaged. I'd probably cry if I lost it all! Wah!!
So anyhow, here I am, using the Macintosh instead. (Eeeeevill!!)
(made by: none other than Zechs @
The only good part about it is that it still has Netscape on it. Everything else has gone to crap. It is YIm-less, it is MSN-less, so no visiting for me tonight. *lower lip trembles* And the absolute worst part is that it won't let me visit sites at my usual rate, so if I skip a few, please forgive me! You know I love you!!
And 'Boo hiss!' I'm out a few more $$ than I thought I would be. Well, a few hundred actually. That'll learn me for going to someone other than my usual mechanic, eh? Stupid Craappy Tire! You have earned that name! *shakes fist at Canadian Tire* Oh but I can't stay mad at you, with your enormous variety of seasonal items and your Canadian Tire money that looks like Monopoly money, but is actually worth something... Oh well.. What're ya gonna do, eh? I may or may not see you guys tomorrow...
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Monday, May 9, 2005
You can check it on out, it's the weapon of choice yeah/
Don't be shocked by tone of my voice (aah...)/
It's the new weapon, the weapon of choice yeah..." -Fatboy Slim (Weapon of Choice)
A pretty uneventful day all around. My mom decided that she wanted to look at show homes for mothers day, so I went along and managed to not have a bad attitude about it. I just don't really care for that kind of thing, ya know? Some of them had a few interesting features, but they were really mostly just the same as every other show home.
It was kind of weird though, we'd go into one, and there would be like, no one else there, but a few minutes later, a whole crowd of people would show up. And this crowd of people would follow us from house to house. Heh, I'm just that cool! I guess it isn't that strange since there's a bunch of houses on the same street, but when people started following me from room to room.... AAahhhh!
***And what's even scarier, my sister and her boyfriend just ran into the room with "Alien vs. Predator" plushies. Yes, I said plushies.
They're scary and I want them to go away now.... They're not going....ehhhh, eeewwww...***
Okay, they're gone now. Aaanyways... My truck is going to Crappy Tire tomorrow. (Crappy Tire is code for Canadian Tire) I'm hoping to make it out of there without spending too much cash on it. I just need to make it highway worthy so Stu and I can get to Jasper. But I'm getting $300 for going so that ought to cover it, eh? Hope you guy had a wicked awesome weekend, full of much love and partying!!
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
"Maybe I’ll be there to shake your hand/
Maybe I’ll be there to share the land/
That they’ll be giving away/
When we all live together..." -The Guess Who (Share the Land)
Ehhh, maybe I should change that to 'share the cheesecake'. It seems unanimous that I should be having cheescake, but it wouldn't be fair if only I did, and didn't share with good friends, sooo....

*munch munch..* Does that not look like the most delicious thing ever?! In all its good mood enhancing glory!
Anyways, I have seen a couple of interesting things today, both involving the cops. First, last night, (Friday) right out in front of my house, a cop pulls this girl over for speeding. So he writes her up the ticket and goes to send her on her merry way, but she can't get the engine to turn over. It just won't. The cop feels bad for her, I guess because he starts pushing her car down the street while she tries to start it! Yeah, it didn't work anyways, so he gave her a ride. Haha! (I shouldn't laugh, I'm mean)
And as I was leaving work tonight (Saturday) Out in front of the pub, there was another cop writing a guy up for a DUI. Whoa! This guy came out of the Duke (that's the name of the pub) absolutely pissed out of his tree, and got on his Harley, started it up, went to back out, and fell right the hell over. He at least had the intelligence to be wearing his helmet, but wasn't smart enough to realize just how drunk he actually was. I think here in Alberta it's one strike and you lose your lisence so, bye bye bike! And (to quote my hero, Martha Stewart) that is a very good thing!
Happy Mothers day, by the way! I hope you guys are all doing nice things for your mums today! I'm thinking I'll just fix up a nice brunch, and spend some time with her without getting snarky. Have a picnic maybe, if it's nice...
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
"We're all style over substance and/
We're pride reluctance to the bitter end/
So give me passion over reason/
Give me something to believe in/
And I'll be content..." -J Englishman (More)
Bad news: didn't really have the urge to smile today.
Good news: Didn't cry anymore.
Well, just call me 'Puff'. Heheh. This morning, me and my puffy eyes managed to get my stupid multicolored contacts in (miraculously!) in time for my Union meeting. But they only lasted about that long and were getting kinda itchy partway through. Resisted the urge to scratch. Thankfully it was a short one this month and I came home and took 'em out. Then I spent 5 hours alternating between sleeping and thinking about stuff. That'll learn me to cry like that! I don't know why I'm still being all emotional anyways...
I had a good chat with a couple of friends last night. So, there's me typing messages to my friend Dean and I can barely see because I'm still crying. He's never seen me like that before in all the years I've known him. I don't think he knew quite what to say. But he's a good guy. He lives kinda far away now, and I miss him a lot. That's the problem with chatting. You just want someone to be there to give you a hug, but they can't. And Dean gives damn good hugs.
And I find it really amazing the lengths that people will go to cheer others up. You guys are great, I am lucky to have you. Thanks for all the encouragement, virtual hugs and for just being around, oh, and for making me laugh again too (Winn, that means you). Alrighty then.. *drowns in sap*

So, here's a hug from me to you! I can't help it. The sap has got me!! I don't think I can go back to war Sita, I love people too much! Gah!!
Comments (9) |
Friday, May 6, 2005
"Yes, I am on your side/
And I am all so blue/
And don't you feel inside that I still believe in you/
I still believe in you..." -Soundtrack of Our Lives (In Your Veins)
**Warning: Watch out for F-bombs today.**
You know those little digs a person can take at you, where it hurts a little but you shrug it off an just move on? Well, those little digs can really add up and eventually result in a big gaping hole. Tonight's dig on me wasn't even a direct one but I knew what the point behind it was, and I knew that this was the final stab that was going to bring me down. So, sitting there feeling angry and upset, my throat just closed up on me and I couldn't even say a fucking word. Not one goddamn word to defend myself. I made what I thought was a decent effort to at least stare this person down and not fall apart right there. You know, never let 'em see you cry? I'm pretty sure I failed in both departments. This person didn't say anything else and I'm glad for that.
I managed to hold back the tears until I got through doing some dishes and then I just broke. I didn't think they would be noticeable since my hair was kind of in my face, but they were. I made for the stairs, intending to just go down to my room and have a good cry. My sister (of all people) tried to call me back and made to follow me down there, since she knew I was more than just a little upset. She even offered to take me out for drinks and cheesecake (my favourite thing ever!). But when I get like this I just can't talk to people face to face. I'm pretty sure I hurt her feelings. Didn't mean to, but... So I had my cry and kind of forgot to breathe for a minute or two, which left me gasping for air and another couple of minutes of trying to catch my breath and make my heart stop threatening to explode... For fuck's sake, what one little dig at me can lead to, eh?
Anyways, I'm sorry to be dumping this on all you fine people, but stuff seems to come out better when I write it down. Really, all I think I want to do is to make other people smile, so I try to avoid posting crap like this in favour of something odd or funny.
I really think that I'd rather have any substantial comments in PM form today. That would be much appreciated if you guys have anything to say. *smile* Thanks.
Comments (9) |
Thursday, May 5, 2005
"It ain't me, it ain't me,
I ain't no millionaire's son.
It ain't me, it ain't me,
I ain't no fortunate one, no..." -CCR (Fortunate Son)
Well, wasn't that just super with a capital seven! The ol' staff meeting went over pretty well. New boss is a pretty nice guy, and old boss had some nice things to say. (Don't get me wrong, he was a perfectly nice guy all along, but very 'corporate', and 'by the book') Had some snackies, took some pictures of us all next to the coke house, which is actually a big 10-12 foot house made out of cases of Coke (not the other kind of coke you guys were thinking of!) This won't be a terrible change after all. Yay!
So, earlier in the evening I wen't with my mum again and took my dog down to the river. We go tramping around in the bush, and you know in cartoons, when people are walking through bushes and they push the branches forward to go through and then just let go and the branch whips back and cranks the next person in the face? Yeah? Well, that happened to me! Owww....Scratchy! And then a pine cone took a dive out of the tree, smacks me right in the face! Dammit! (note to self: Gotta be smarter than the trees Con!) And we saw beavers. Yup, mmhm! They were almost as big as my dog, and they were not too happy when he ran over there to see them. I'd almost say that they were....Angry Beavers!

Heheh, who remembers that show anymore? Probably no one, eh? In which case I'll end my psycho babble and let you guys get back to your lives! Catch y'all in the a.m. (yes, I said 'y'all'. Is that an improvement over 'boo yah'? *shrugs*)
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
"If you'll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal...
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al." -Paul Simon (Call Me Al)
You Americans and your money that's all the same color... Silly I say! (only joking! don't hurt me!) I took a twenty from some lady, thought it was a fifty (because they all look the same to me) and that's where things went horribly awry! Long story short, it took me twice as long to count my money as usual because I had to figure out the exchange rate and fix my idiot mistake by hand! *smacks forehead* D'oh!! Somebody also broke the adding machine, but that's beside the point. *shifty eyes*
On the bright side, seniors are great! Very good for the self esteem. I had a guy, must've been seventy-five, eighty or so, hand me exact change. "Perfect." I said. "Not as perfect as you" says he. (everybody now!) Awwwwww! I am so far from perfect, it's not even funny, but I'll take a compliment like that any day! It's even better when it's the guys from the pub who come over for supplies. We make jokes about them coming over five times a day, and they always go "We just come to see the pretty cashiers." Heheh, awesome. Well, I get to meet the new boss tomorrow. Third boss in two years. I've got my fingers crossed for a better sense of humor and less corporate bullshit. We shall see, eh?

"Sorry! I've got my head Stuck in the Cupboard!" Heh, now THAT"S funny!
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
"And all I can do is just pour some tea for two...
and speak my point of view
But it's not sane, It's not sane
I just want some one to say to me
I'll always be there when you wake..." -Blind Melon (No Rain)
Boo yah! Ninja mode conquers all! The taxes be done, and I'll be getting a lovely refund this year! Whoo! More money to support all my bad habits. Actually, it'll probably go towards my insurance. *sigh* Smashing up my truck was not good for the bank account. Don't do it kids! Ahh well...
On a brighter note, my Hellsing discs got here today. That was friggin' FAST, because I was just talking about it the other day right? I had decided to splurge and go for the Evangelion set too, but they were sold out! Wah! Probably better that way, saves me some $$.

So it was a great day for me, made even better by the fact that I was just 'feelin' it', if you know what I mean (Winn, back me up on this! don't let me sound crazy by myself!), and decided to play my saxomophone. If I'm in the right mood for it, a kick ass solo can just pop out and I love that feeling a lot. Hmmm... If I start working on it now, I can be ready for jazz combo auditions in the fall. Maybe I won't completely bomb it like last year (only mostly)! That's an encouraging thought, isn't it? Hahaha!
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Monday, May 2, 2005
"Why must I be surrounded by frickin' idiots?!"
OOookay, just a quick mention... Doing taxes blows! I forgot, and now I'm late. I don't really give a damn though. The feds always seem to give me money back anyways. That's because I'm a poor university student and I give them all my money to begin with. It's the least they can do. Take THAT Canada Revenue agency!
So while I was at work today, this chick drops a tiny little pinky ringbehind me. e can't find it although we spend a good ten minutes looking under and around everything. She's pretty much freaking out. Finally she leaves her name and says she'll check back later to see if we found it. So I go upstairs for coffee (javajavajava...) and fifteen minutes later I'm coming down the stairs ad I hear a little 'clink' and wouldn't you know it, it's the stupid ring! As far as I can figure, when she dropped it, it bounced and ended up in the cuff of my pants. (yeah, my pants) So she'll be pretty happy to see it I guess. I just hope she thinks it's funny, and she's not like 'uhhh... right. It bounced into your pant cuff....' And this story is 100% TRUE! Not like yesterdays. Heheh, sorry 'bout that one! What can I say, I'm a moron!
Anywho, back to the taxes... Good luck getting to work tomorrow Sita! The only thing worse than having cars thrown at you has got to be having them run you down! Keep warm!
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Excuse me, little old lady? Do you have change for a dollar?
Heh, so I did, in fact wake up in time for work Friday morning, had some coffee. And I handed in my paper! Boo yah!! Free at last!! I went into the office and my prof says "Well, is it brilliant?" I was like, "Well, you tell me Paul!" Truth is, it's not very brilliant. I think it's a big ol' pile of crap. Mediocre at best. Ah, well. It's over and that's all I care about.
So after I dropped that off, I headed over to work for the day. So there I am, muckin' around in the aisles, hanging signs and whatnot, when I overhear this older lady talking to this guy who was in one of my classes last semester. And she says to him "my goodness do you ever look like my nephew! I can't believe it!" So he, being the nice guy that he is, chats with her for a little while and finds out that her nephew passed away a couple of years ago. She's getting pretty sentimental talking about it and I'm worried she's going to start crying any second, so she asks Pete (this guy) if he will say goodbye to her on her way out of the store. And he says "well sure, that's the least I can do." So she keeps on shopping and I talk to Pete for a bit, until I get called to cash. Pete is ready to go, so he gets into my lineup.
On the next till over, Kels is busy putting through that lady's order. She packs everything up into the cart for her and the lady heads for the door. Before leaving she turns around and waves at Pete. He waves back and calls out "Bye Auntie Ruth!" because he said he would, right? And she leaves. So I start putting Pete's order through and Kels reaches over and hands me a long piece of reciept tape. "What's that?" I ask her, and she says "That lady said that her nephew would be paying for her stuff today." Pete went white as a sheet (the bill was almost two hundred friggin' dollars!), my jaw dropped and I go "Kels, he's not her nephew! Go grab her!!" and Kels goes "Dammit!" and runs out the door to catch up to her. The lady is just getting into her car as Kels gets out there...
This is getting long, I'll take a quick time out to just say...

So anyways, Kels gets to this ladys car and dives at her and grabs onto her leg, and to get her out of the car, starts pulling on it!......Just like I've been pulling yours! Heheheheh.... That was fun! It was actually a pretty uneventful day so I thought I'd make something up.
Thanks, merci, arigatou and gracias! The new yaoi support banner up top is courtesey of Raven! Isn't it hot? Yes...yes it is!
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