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Thursday, October 26, 2006
no song..
Had a lovely dinner out with a few of my old coworkers. It feels odd to call them that. It still just feels like I'm on holidays or something... So we ate some food and BSed a bunch.. Just a small crowd of the long term staff, which was nice. They bought me a shiny present. Picked out by Travis. Surprising. But he did good. He's the kind of guy that'll pull through for you if you need him to.

There it is.. kind of a low quality picture, but that's the best I can do at the moment.. Pretty, eh? I love it a lot and I love all those guys.. and I'll miss them so much.
Anywho.. since no song, here's a thing I did on LJ earlier.. About songs... It's looooong.. but funny..
Put your music list on random or shuffle and use the songs listed to answer the questions.
How does the world see me?
Song: Comfortably Numb
Artist: Scissor Sisters
Comments: I'm pretty numb sometimes. "Hello. Is there anybody in there?"
Will I have a happy life?
Song: Stray
Artist: The Trews
Comments: Imma take that as a 'no'. XD
What do my friends really think of me?
Song: Thick as a Brick
Artist: Jethro Tull
Comments: Oh. Real nice, guys. Thanks a whole lot.
Do people secretly lust after me?
Song: Roundabout
Artist: Yes
Comments:Maybe that means they DO, but in a roundabout sort of way? I dunno..
How can I make myself happy?
Song: Fucking in the Bushes
Artist: Oasis
Comments: I swear to God! It's on shuffle! I'm not rigging this in any way shape or form!!
What should I do with my life?
Song: Keep the Line Movin'
Artist: Soundtrack of our Lives
Comments: I guess I'm destined to be a cashier for fuckin' ever, then...
Why should life be full of so much pain?
Song: Hammer in My Hand
Artist: Grady
Comments: There is pain because I cause it to be so. Don't ask any more questions or I shall bonk you on the head with my hammer.
How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
Song: Levitate
Artist: I Mother Earth
Comments: Jesus.. that'd make it like, ten times more FUN! HA!
Will I ever have children?
Song: Superstitious
Artist: Wide Mouth Mason
Comments: I don't really have any snappy comments for this one...
Will I die happy?
Song: Deny
Artist: Default
Comments: When I'm dying, ask me if I was happy.. I'll deny everything...
What is some good advice for me?
Song: Who Taught you to Live Like That?
Artist: Sloan
Comments: Umm... somebody, teach me how to live please..
What is happiness?
Song: Fortunate Son
Artist: CCR
Comments: Happiness = fortune? Coincidence? I think not! Money CAN buy happiness!
What is my favorite fetish?
Song: Whipping Post
Artist: The Allman Brothers
Comments: Okay.. so apparantly I'm into bondage and S&M.... *facepalm*
How will I be remembered?
Song: Who Are You
Artist: The Who
Comments: Once again.. I SWEAR it's on shuffle!! I can't believe you guys would forget me!!
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
"It's 106 miles to Chicago/
We've got a full tank of gas/
Half a pack of cigarettes/
It's dark/
And we're wearing sunglasses/
Hit it!..." -The Blues Brothers
I keep being lazy about posting, so stuff happens and then I forget about it so it never goes down in history like it should. And that's just too bad... Here's what I remember from the weekend...
Friday - I remember nothing but going to class. Only about half the class actually showed up. Lame-os..
Saturday - Went out to dinner with my family for my sister's birthday. Yum. Upon arriving at home, I discovered that my internet was out. So I used the upstairs computer for instant messaging purposes. At about midnight I decided to unblock a certain someone who then decided he wanted to argue with me. What a mistake, on my part. I guess I forgot the reason I had him blocked in the first place. (more in LJ about this garbage)
Sunday - Hung around the house pretty much all day, due to not feeling particularly great. Sat around in the dark at the computer much of the evening. Had the crap scared out of me by *cough*KEVIN*cough* who, knowing my love for bubble wrap and clicking things, sent over one of those flash animation things where they get you concentrating on something and then the bloody, gory, screaming little girl pops out. I fell off of my chair and screamed something along the lines of "Jesus F***ing Christ!!" Which is a funny thing on it's own, made even funnier by the fact that I had a video/audio conversation going with Winn in the background. So he got to see AND hear me take a dive and scream like a wuss. Thanks a lot Kevin. Thanks a whole lot. [/sarcasm]
Monday - Slept in late. Decided I wasn't going to class, due to still not feeling great. Did laundry instead. Yippee... Was going to try to catch up on my reading that I put off all weekend long. And ended up getting distracted again. So that didn't happen. I guess I shouldn't be surprised when I fail a test if I'm going to do that, eh? Damn..
Anyways.. that brings us up to pretty much, now. THings to do still tonight... Have a good week kiddies. Keep on rockin' in the free world.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
no song.. at school...
I'm upset..
I took a test this morning and I thought I did fairly well, so I decided to celebrate by having a fancier coffee than usual. It was cookies and cream flavoured. I took it with me to the pool observation deck, like usual.... And before I got to even drink any of it.. I knocked it over. Wah! It's nice however, that the carpeting in there absorbs pretty much anything within ten seconds. So there's not really much I could do about it. And it's not TERribly noticeable. It is... but it's not, y'know? So now I am caffeineless.. I'd better get my ass back to work.. *headdesk* It's almost the weekend...
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
"Sometimes I wonder why/
I'm so full of these endless rhymes/
About the way I feel inside/
I wish I could just get it right..." -City and Colour (Sometimes)
I think it was around this time last year that I started thinking I was doomed because of Apocalypse class.. I'm getting that feeling again. But this time it's because of Hebrew Bible.. I'm very disappointed in myself.
I took two midterms today.. Yes, two.. The first one, for Business Ethics actually went better than I expected it to, but still not great. After I finished that one.. my brain was pretty much fried. I'm amazed I remembered a) where my next class was, and b) my own name. Umm... actually that's about all I managed to remember.. I'm not great with multiple choice tests and fill in the blanks and crap like that. I admit, I rocked the geography portion, but that's worth all of ten marks or so.. I choked on the rest and ran out of time. It was pathetic.. I'll be lucky to pass.. I'm just hoping that the final exam will be a take home essay like the last time. Then I'll have that and another long essay to redeem myself.
On the (very) bright side, the two essays I got back today, I got 80% and 82%. So as of yet, I'm not actaully failing anything. Which is nice. I hate feeling like a failure. XD *sigh* Happy Wednesday guys.. rock on..
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
no song.. sleepy..
I already had this all typed up.. with a link to a funny video and everything.. then my browser crapped out on me... So you get this instead.
I spent most of Friday saying goodbye to people I love. It kinda sucked. So today, (Saturday) is my last day. It really kind of came up fast.. We had a Union meeting on Friday. That was sad because that's the last time I get to see our rep from C-Town. That's something that I'll miss a lot. Because he's really great to work with. He hugged me. I almost cried. Again.
It seems that a lot of people are pretty upset that I'm going. Well.. not BECAUSE I'm going, but upset about the circumstances that caused it to be so. It seems that everyone thinks that new boss was totally in the wrong when he did what he did. (The Backstory: I wanted to transfer to the bakery, everything was verbally agreed upon between me, new boss, head cashier and bakery manager. New boss goes back on this and says that now I can't go because I haven't filled out the proper paperwork and other such bullshit and makes head cashier and bakery manager redo their schedules so that I am put back on the cash schedule.) It's a very lame situation in all.. and I'm actually happy to not have to deal with that shit anymore. But I'm going to miss a lot of my coworkers. A lot.
I'm taking the digicam to work tomorrow and I'm going to try to take some interesting pictures that I can frame and give to people as little gifts. I don't like leaving without leaving a little something behind, y'know? It'll take a while to get them all ready.. I'm intending to edit them up in a photo program and mess with the color and stuff so that they look "artistic" and all that jazz. Whether or not it works will be another story. I can probably get some frames at a dollar store or something. And use my scrapbooking stuff to make 'em fancy. Unless anyone can think of a better idea? I'm most open to suggestion. That's the great thing about digital cameras. If I get home and there's a comment in here with a fantastic idea, I can just delete the pictures. No film waste-age.
So, that and I'm probably going to do some off the wall things just for fun. I intend to have a little fun before I go, dammit. I might give away free stuff or play some practical jokes.. Ha. Just try and discipline me! You can't fire me! I quit! *blows raspberry* And then I'm throwing a party to celebrate the end. I'm going to drink my face off. *nods* But for now.. I'm going to bed. Rock on guys.. great weekend.
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
"And the love that I feel is so far away/
I'm a bad dream that I just had today/
And you shake your head and say it's a shame..." -Jethro Tull (Thick as a Brick)
1. I have a lot of crap to know for this test. I dont have very high hopes..
2. Pie Day is great.
3. The game "I SPy" is really not very much fun when you try to play in the dark.. I spy with my little eye, something that is grey...
4. I might be getting furniture again. Hurray..
5. I need to go to sleep..
6. I can never remember what I wanted to post about when I finally get the chance to sit down at the computer.. There was something else.. Whatever.. Rock on guys..
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
"Hey, Carmelina/
Target practice is for Mexico/
And I've become spectacular/
Which is strange 'cause I feel dumb..." -Matthew Good (Carmelina)
New video is up. Probably Matt Good's best video ever. A little creepy, yes, but very awesome. Watch. I command it.
That's about all.. I'm feeling kinda lost at the moment.. I don't know what to do with myself.. I guess I'll just go to bed.. XD Rock on..
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Friday, October 6, 2006
"Everyone's gotta be something/
Me, I'm stupid/
It's all I ever wanted to be/
Shock me again and I'll say/
Anything you want me to..." -Matthew Good (Rico)
I.. umm.. I know I've said it an awful lot and thought about it a lot.. but I've finally gone and done it. I quit my job today. I didn't think it was going to be that hard. I'm just tired of it all. Tired of being screwed around with. So, I'm gone. I knew for certain that it was time when I got home from class and there was a message on the machine from new Bakery manager saying that she needed someone for Saturday and Sunday morning this weekend. I got one the phone and checked my bank balances. I have enough to pay for my semester. An probably enough to pay for Spring semester too.. Si I typed up a letter and I went over there.
I wanted so very much to talk to my favourite co-worker before I actually handed my letter to new boss. There's a total of maybe, five people working there now that I actually give a genuine damn about. That's not enough to make me stay. So I handed my letter over to new boss. He was just getting on the phone so he didn't look at it right away. So I made a run for it. I'll talk to him later when I've calmed down a bit.
There's lots of things that I'm going to miss.. I'm having really mixed feelings about it.. Oh well.. Happy weekend..
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
"Say you love me/
We will never get the chance again/
When the night comes in/
I hope I'm out of the rain/
When the night comes in/
she makes me whole again..." -Matthew Good (Alabama Motel Room)
I bloody love this song. I think I have fallen in love with Matt Good all over again.. Expect a new video at some point soon.. Because much as I LOVE The Trews, the video I've got up now does not do their sound justice..
So. The latest news is that I got my paper about torture back. I got a B. That's really all I was aiming for. I was pretty sure I didn't have a hope in hell of writing an A paper, so I made a B the goal. Hell, PASSING was the underlying goal.. But yes. My prof's main comment was that I needed to explore the issue more deeply. Understandable.
Maybe I'll get my in-class essay from Business Ethics back this week too.. I'm thinking my enrolment in that class hinges on how well I did on that essay. I wasn't impressed with myself anyways.. But.. c'est la vie.
I'll save the bitching about work for a different day. *nods* Keep on rockin' in the free world..
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
no song.. too lazy..
Forgive the spelling mistakes and typos.. I've been drinking..
On Firday at work, a couple of guys came through my till.. and the one guy says.. "hey, this is your first time checking us out!" and I'm not quite sure I heard him corerectly, so I say "I'm sorry?" and he says, "no no.. I just meant that this is the first time that you've cashiered us." *facepalm* Silly boys.. But seriously.. I checked 'em out.. = P Hahahaha.
Anyways.. I DID get to sleep in on Saturday. It was really nice. I even turned the alarm off. Annoyed on Saturday night though.. Annoyed enough to have a few drinks on my own. So thankful that Winn was around to talk and keep me company. Cut me off after two... I can still type mostly coherently though. I'm not doing too badly.. am I?
Anyways.. I must remember to pay tuition on Sunday.. Drop a cheque in the deposit box. Otherwise they drop me out of all my classes. and I'm not going to waste all the stress I've already been through, dammit!! Enjoy the rest of the weekend kiddies. Keep on Rockin in the Free world..
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