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myOtaku.com: Conneryalexis

Friday, July 6, 2007

   Can't Get Shot In the Back If You Don't Run
Sometimes early in the morning, something will wake me up and I'll lie awake for a few minutes before drifting off again. After I fall back asleep I tend to have the wildest dreams and I'll say to myself when I wake up again that I shouldn't forget what I dreamed about because it's just too wild. But I forget anyways. I suppose I should start writing things down.. But I like sleeping better...

It got up to about 40 degrees today which is about 104 fahrenheit. Too damn hot So I decided to wear a skirt at work. I've become so unbelievably girly since starting this job, it's not even funny. I bought this skirt wihtout thinking about having shoes that go with it, so I had to go to the mall before work and buy shoes... >_< But Payless is a wonderful place, So I bought a pair of those ballet flats and these, which are undescribable, but very comfy.
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It's supposed to be ridiculously hot again on Friday, so I might do the same thing. Is it ridiculously hot in the U.S. lately? Bleh.. I don't like it. I just want to hide in my basement with the lights off. Who's with me?

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