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myOtaku.com: Conneryalexis

Thursday, March 24, 2005

   Victory party under the slide!!
Well, it's been a couple of days, mostly just me trying to maintain my good humor.
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Yeees, I've been irritable lately. Little things seem to set me off, like crying children, idiots in my classes who think they're being clever but really just make no sense, and little Chinese ladies who know virtually no english and can't drive a car decently enough to save their life! (ask me about that last one sometime...*eye roll*) I didn't bother to post anything just because I couldn't find anything worth saying (yet here I am, babbling incoherently again!) And I think I may have had a little case of cabin fever. Been cooped up because of all the crappy snow. It's spring now for gods sake! Melt dammit! Okay, enough of me bitching, eh?

I've been reminded by my campus newspaper that this weekend is Easter! Mmmm...chocolate... Oh, wait... too bad I'll be working. Meh, hopefully somone will be so kind as to save me enough turkey to at least make a bunwich... (*note* bunwich = sandwich in a bun)

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