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myOtaku.com: Conneryalexis

Friday, June 17, 2005

   "How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad/
Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad/
Im the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral/
Can't understand what I mean?/
Well, you soon will..." -The Barenaked Ladies (One Week)

Does anyone even read those things anyway? *points up to lyrics*

Gah! It never ends! Cloudy all day Thursday, which broke out into thundershowers. No more, please! *squeezes rainwater out of hair* I was hoping it was going to be nice so I could go read outside and I did for a little while, until it got cold and windy. But I finished my book anyways...

Other than that, a most uneventful day. I would however, like to know what exactly is the point behind a 'veggie burger'. Now I know some of you guys are vegetarians (my sister is too), but man, those things are terrible! I enjoy being a meat-atarian and I hope to never have to go through that experience again. *ahem* To quote my favourite philosophy prof again... "If God wanted us to be vegetarians, He wouldn't have made kittens so darn cute you just want to eat 'em!" Ummm, not that I've ever had kitten... No really, I would never! Heheh, that was pretty much the extent of what I learned in class this year! Haha! Alright, I'm exaggerating, but I'll always remember it, because the grosser and more offensive the example, the better! Words to live by, right Paul?! So happy Friday everybody! (I swear I missed a day in there someplace... Feels like it was JUST Friday...)

Oh, by the way, click the link for some kittenny goodness! Mwhahahahaha!!!

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