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myOtaku.com: Conneryalexis

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

   "You say you're not getting enough/
I remind you of all that bad, bad stuff/
So what the hell am I suposed to do/
Just put a band aid on it/
And stop the bleeding now/
Stop the bleeding now/
I'm losing you..." -Colin James (Losing You)

So I stayed up late last night watching my LOST DVD's. Ya can't just watch one episode. Oh no. After the first one, you're hooked. So it was about 1:30am and I thought to myself, "just go ahead and finish the first disc. It's not like you have to be up supremely early or anything." So I did....

And it was about 9:50am when my mom woke me up and handed me a phone message from my Union Rep. Dun dun dunnnnn.... I kinda wen't "yeah I'll call him back in a while.." and then I thought about it for a few minutes. And then I went "AAAAAAAUuUUUgggHHHH!!!" and went running for the bathroom. Fastest. Shower. Ever. Luckily he was calling to tell me that he would be a little late for our 10:00am meeting, so I was actually on time-ish.

The meeting with management later on was, as usual, a gong-show. 'New Boss' gets offended kind of easily, and dosen't like it when people defer to me about an issue rather than going straight to him. Even if it's just a question about wage grids or holiday pay or something like that. Even my Union Rep was a little taken aback when 'new boss' said he was "disgusted" with the fact that someone would go to the union (ie: me) before going to him. Can't quite get it that a lot of the time, employees will fell more comfortable talking to me about a problem rather than him. But oh well.. What'cha gonna do?

Alright now.. I can get in another two episodes of LOST before I have to go to bed. But only if I go RIGHT NOW! Hey, YOU try watching only one episode! Psh. Night night everyone.

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