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myOtaku.com: Conneryalexis

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

   "When the truth is found to be lies/
And all the joy within you dies/
Don't you want somebody to love/
Don't you need somebody to love/
Wouldn't you love somebody to love/
You better find somebody to love..." -Jefferson Airplane (Somebody To Love)

Settle in kids, I think it might be a long one..

I had a very productive Monday. I've been meaning to do a closet purge for months now, and I finally got around to doing it today. I threw out a big garbage bag full of crap. Including my Pleasant Company catalogues which I've been saving for ten years. Who knows why. I also finally tossed my lucky pig socks. (what?) They were socks that had pigs on them. All throughout first and second year Uni, I'd wear them for tests. I was slightly superstitious like that.. But they were getting holey.. I've got a pile of stuff to go to Catholic Charities, and a pile of stuff to wash and put away. Feels so good to finally be organized though. More or less, that is..

Later on I was messing around with the University website. My University email account is about to expire so I'll have to phone them tomorrow and tell them that I'll actually be registering for some courses in the fall. I also need to find out if I need to re-apply, since the web registration thing told me that I have no assigned registration dates. What a pain in the ass.. If I knew I was going to have to re-apply every time I take a little time off.. dammit.. But anyways, hopefully, come September, I'll be taking Business Ethics, a Philosophy about Peace and Conflict, the second part of History of Rock and Roll, and either Introductory Hebrew or Japanese. There's a Language requirement.. Soooo.. heheheheh.... Ehhhhhh... It's either this or scrap all thirty courses I've taken and start a new program... New Media sounds interesting..

Anywho, Prison Break recap/spoiler: John is back, and apparantly he's evil?

Lame one-liner #39: Is too lame. We shall skip and move onto Lame one-liner #40: Nothing is fool proof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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