Birthday 1991-01-14 Gender
Female Location In your head Member Since 2004-06-09 Occupation Musician Real Name Faroe
Achievements So many things Anime Fan Since FOREVER!!!!! Favorite Anime i love almost every type of anime Goals Becomeing the greatest drummer in the world Hobbies Video Games, Music, Anime Talents music, writing, voice acting Faroe
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I am sooo tired but I am wide awake! I didn't get to sleep until 2:00 AM! I am also really hungry. I thin I have some boiled peanuts. I also need to do some chores before I start my day of relaxation....*yawns* My mom is at work and I am gonna work on my inu fan club site some more. I have been doing a very good job with it.
Oh yeah, Guess what? I have 3104 hits! Yay! And my ranking is 139.^-^ Thank you all so much for getting me this far!
Well, I don't have very much to say. I am gonna visit the people who updated. I don't have enough time to really visit everyone on my friends list so I will visit half on one day and half on the other.^-^ To be fair. Well, see you all laterz!
Today was good.^-^ I spend the day with my grandma, I had a good day with my mom (for once), I got FF X-2 soundtrack! Yay! It's got alot of songs on it and in English. It's got Real Emotion (long version) and 1000 words.... and more! Then I got an Ice cream cone. Vanilla of course. And my dad picked me up and he took me and Kikii to a music store and he bought Kikii a Green Day CD. I couldn't find anything I wated. I really didn't need any thing. And then we went to see Star Wars. To tell you the truth.... I am not really a big fan, but the movie was really good. It was alittle iffy on the ending. I won't give that away. But whoever seen it knows what I mean. Any ways I also relived my 90's time too. I was kinda little in the 90's but still. I listend to the BackStreet boys (don't laugh) and I danced around in my short shorts (the ones I promised to get rid of^-^) and my small shirt. I looked really good. Anyways, I had a great weekend and tonight I am gonna watch my anime shows! G4 is having some anime nights too. It should come on tonight.
Also, I have started a new site on the new club of mine. My Inu Fan club! It's so awesome. Me and Kikii have our differences about cats and dogs. I like dogs and she likes cats. I like cats and all but I just like my dogs better. And wolf's! If you become a member of my club, the wolf clubs become our allies. Tell me if you have a wolf club. I will put a link of your site or the site club and put it on my site.^-^ Right now, the site is under construction. But thats okay.^-^
Well, I am gonna take off. My mom will be home soon. Love you all! See you laterz!
Help! Calling all myOtaku anime lovers/goths/half-goths and others who ARE NOT PREPS!!!! please there is a very mean girl named preppydancergirl and she is soooooooooo mean! She has said very ofensive things and now it has gotten me soooooo sad. I wasn't supposed to be on but Kikii said something about her and I snuck on to type this post. Please visit her and say something in her guestbook! She isn't very nice at all! Please do this! For the Otaku!
Internet still on! Yay! Thank goodness for that. My mom payed some money to keep it on for a little while longer.^-^
So whats up? Nothing with me. I have been spending alot of my time on the animegalleries forum. I don't know why. But I think it's just fun. Anyways, I noticed that alot of people didn't know that Kenshin died. I didn't know he did either until I accedently read a spoiler. If you want to know the spoiler, please read ahead if not, don't read.
After Kenshin defeats Shishio, everyone heads back to Tokyo. In the dubbed version on Cartoon Network, you may think the series was over but no, in the real one, Kenshin and Kaoru have a son.(I don't know his name) and Yahiko goes away to help people like kenshin does and Sanoske left and was never heard from. But he didn't die. Years pass and Kenshin teaches his son how to be a samurai but his son doesn't want to become one. More years pass and Kenshin is like 40 or something. Kenshin gets inflicted with lepresy and he has to go off and fight some bad people. Kaoru gets it too. So when Kenshin goes off to fight, Kaoru slowly dies of her disease. Kenshin doesn't come back for like months and when he finally did come back, he left again. Their son grew up and left them and when Kenshin comes back, him and Kaoru have this really sad moment together. It made me crie sooooooo much. They say a few things and Kenshin dies is Kaoru's arms from the disease of course and his scar fades away. Kaoru dies too, after she seen his scar fade. It was just sooooooooooo sad. It was hard to write that.*bursts out in tears* I hate the ending. It's to sad!!!!!!How can this lovely smile die????
Anyways back to my life. Well, I won't be on for a while, I think. I don't know how long but not to long. Hopefully I can come on though. I actually don't have much more to say. I thought I did but I guess not.
Oh well, see you all laterz!
Even Inuysha and Kagome wants to be part of Kenshin.^-^
Today will be a short post. I can't be on for long.
Hello everyone. Sorry but this will be a short post. he MyOtaku has been going really slow and it takes a long time to visit and add a post. Don't worry. I will visit, but I don't know how many. If I didn't come to yoursite, it was only because I couldn't make it there. My internet might get cut off along with my cable tv. Don't ask me why. It's embarassing. Also, I have to do some things on I gotta uploadsome more images to my account. If you want you can go to my albums and check them out. Oh and could you comment on the images too? That would be so nice. If you can't comment, that might be because your not a member. But you can still vote on the image. Here is the link. My gallery!. Okay, well, here aresome pics.^-^
I got a thing for Kenshin.^-^ Maybe it's because he dies of lepresy in the very end. How sad.
Howdy! I'm back for another day of the MyOtaku!!! Thank you all for becoming my new family. Yay! THis is such a cute little picture!!
Well, today hasn't really started yet. But It has been good so far. I have beeb listening to the Beserk theme sng. It's actually really cool. But it's also short.
Sorry boys. I know these pictures might not tickle your fancy but this is for all the girls.^-^
Athrun is in this one! Yay!
This is funny!
Well, evrything is going good with Charlie's eye and My Grandma.^-^ I'm so happy. Thank you all for praying.^-^
Well, I better go and I will visit your sites.
See you all laterz! I might make some more greeting too!
I changed the site look again. Now it is Multi-colored. I tried my best to make the words nice and readable with the colors. Tell me how it looks.
Well, I don't have much to really say. How are you all doing? I have been fine and I got FF-X! It's a really awesome game.^-^ It did fill in alot of gaps when I played FFX-2.
I swear that is a REAL person!! I can't beleive that he looks so real. Or is he real????? I have no clue anymore. Me and my dad were talking about it. He says that is a real person but I am not to sure.
Well, along with that, I cleaned my house alot and I watered my plants and took care of my garden.^-^ I guess thats pretty much all I wanted to post about.^-^
See you all laterz then!*waves* I will visit you really super soon. Okays!?
Yay! Max and Monica from Dark Cloud 2!!! Awesome game. I'm almost at the ending!!
Today is much better. I just want to say thank you. Thank for everything that you have done. You have made me so happy insidethat I could burst.^-^ I love you all sooooooo much!
Okay now, Last night was okay. I stayed up watching some old 80's music videos with my dad and I made chocolate pudding for my little brother. I had a good night though. I did some yard work and while I did, this boy was constantly flirting with me and my sis on his dirt bike. He was doing tricks up and down the street and he kept looking at us to make sure we were we were looking at him. I watched him for a few minutes just so he won't think he is an idiot. Thats pretty much my day yesterday. I haven't really had a day today yet. It's like 10:30 AM here. Well, not really butit is the time when I added my post.
Now for some animagic cards. Yes. They are fake Magic cards. But they are just so cool.^-^
That is so cute! I will post some more tomorrow.^-^ Yes Yes. Well, Thats all I have for today. I will visit some sites and answer some PMs. See you all laterz!
Hi. I'm not in the best mood today. I feel kinda sad. I'm gonna go see my grandma and check up on her. Also, my doggie's eye isn't looking to good. It's all swelled up and it looks really bad. I'm scared for him. We don't have enough money for a vet. either.
Anyways, I am gonna look for some Cloud images for My big brother. He wants a new avi so I will work on that.
Go ahead. Put the mouse over her face and mess around and make her look weird.^-^
Also today, I have a special event. Well, not really but I am giving some samples of some anime cards.^-^ I found them on this cool site.
If you want to see more, then you can ask me. I can give you some or I will show more on the next post.
Okay, well, lets see, I think, Oh yes, me and Kikii fornd this cute little baby bird. I can't find the mom so we are keeping it.
I guess thats it for now.
Okay well, see you all laterz.
Oh and the virus is still around. Be very careful. The virus stores into your C drive. Make sure you clean it out so it won't eat your memory. top of the page
Hello everyone!!! I am in a great mood.^-^ Although I didn't get to sleep until 12:00 AM, I still feel great! Oh and do you like the top of the page link I made. I figured since sometimes my posts can get really long, which is kinda of annoying I know, well all that scrolling is a pain so all you gotta do is CLICK! and you are there.^-^
I also changed my Avi because Supergal16 made me a very lovely avi.^-^ Isn't it pretty. It matches my site too.^-^ And also, she made me this too.^-^
It's so nice. Thank you Supergal16.^-^
Also here are two new greetings I made yesterday. It's not Friday yet, but I stil like it.
This is a miss you one.
And this is a very funny greeting that I saw.
I should give the credit to this person. The person who made this is Wheem001 I thout this was funny because this always happens to me when I am doing something important.
Okay well, now on with some more stuff!
Okay well, I guess I better get to visiting some sites.^-^
see you all laterz!
Oh and something bad happend too. I'm really sad about it. My grandma had a minor heart attack. She is in the hospital and she may die. She is like 78 so I do't know how long she has to live. I'm really sad about this. Please pray for her. It would mean alot to me.
And also a bunch of Hurricanes are gonna come here again. Just like September. They Hurrican and Tornadoe season is starting ver ver very early. It's gonna rain and in a few weeks I have to be ready for like 7 hurricanes all at once. I'm kinda scared about that. It's gonna hit hard I bet. It did alot of damage last time and it's gonna hit again. I'm really scared so can you pray for the hurricanes to go another way than the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. Tell them to go somewhere else because my family doesn't have Home Owners Insurance. Thats Why I am worried.
P.S. Be careful: The MyO has a virus going around in it. It's Called Trojan Alwayup and Trojan Moo. They won't do to much damage but it is still a virus. Be careful because I got infected. But it is very simple to get rid of.