Legasp this is the Final Part of Lakey Fun for tomorrow Morn i am goin home ^o^
Buuut any who yesterday I went to see the Movie Accepted XD it was funneh, i suggest all of you see it and if you have already seen it...then watch it again HA kehkehkeh! Welp after the movie my bro and his friends (Gah I was surrounded by crazy 18 year olds...but i love them all)
well they took me to this place called Smilies and if you have ever been to Deep Creek lake then you should know smilies. it was fun we went Mini golfing, which we all suck a....-.-
But then we went GoKarting and then...well we went goKarting like 7 time. i was neck and neck with this old lady and i was about to get in front of her but she cut me off. Jeez she was crazy XD
I watched the little kids race HA their so funneh one kid kept stopping and waiting for the others to come around and then he would go and be infront of them Kehkehkeh. Well we went Lazer tagging after that and i won but i also hid in a corner the whole time shooting them as they walked pass unknowing of their doom. Well today was a lazy day whiuch is why im not writing about it..but i did watch the South Park Movie.. o.o Welp that’s all for now
Quote of the day
Okay so there are 3 -.-
"Come on scribbles on the bathroom wall! Please show me the path that I must follow!"-Excel Excel
"I don't like you guys!! And give me back my doughnuts!" -Wantanabe
"Who puts a bomb in a dating game!" – Ilpalazzo