i went to a Renaissance festival the other day. Oh boy what a crowd! i went with a bunch of my friends...they really forced me though. And one of them Was fully Dressed up, he looked like peter Pan O.o Did you every notice how much breast those old dresses show, jeez they kept taking my friend and shoving his head in their breast. which pissed me off so i threw an ice cream cone at one of them..oh and i almost got squished by an Elephant. i wasnt payin attention when i was about to ride it and wastn listen to the people around me screaming ^-^
i didnt know they had Elephants there back then! Ah and i saw a guy that looked just like the Burger King Man and it scared the crap outa me!
well thats pretty much it for that.....
oh i almost have 100 GB signs...almost...yay me *waves flag* oh dear its quite late now *yawns* i'll post again monday going to Arbutus for the weekend :3 nothing but training and Horse shows -.- okies bya bya alls
Quote and Pic of the day:
okay so there are two quote today i couldnt Resist!
" Im gonna go home , eat some yams , and fart till i pass out . " - Sashi from Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi .
" There's just something so Sci-fi about peeing into space ." - Also Sashi From MAgical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi .