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myOtaku.com: kyo yuki girl

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hello anyone who is reading this. there is not alot there to say about me but i do have a few words to say about me and here they go well im 14 at the moment im in high school which is kinda ok. i am a big anima freak i love kyo and yuki even though they hate eaxh other guts my friends say that im a psychopath which i do believe them well so that u understand what im saying is that i sometimes make fun of my friends alot and drive them crazy that they started to call me psychopath even though im not well im kinda a psychopath but anyway thats me for u and who ever u r i hope that u like my pro so see ya later who ever u areAlucard
Alucard. You are one of the remaining true immortal
vampires. You are so powerful, everyone fears
you. Even other immortal beings - 'cause you
can kill them. And you're possibly the biggest
bad ass ever. After being filled with hundreds
of assault rifle rounds, you belittle peoples
clothing style and complain about boredom and
make fun of people's power.

Which Hellsing Character Are You?
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What is Your Ideal Anime Weapon?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

What Witch Hunter Robin Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

What Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.