heyy, this is silverdragongirl! thanx for stopping by, i really appreciate it! sign the guestbook and have a nice visit!
Site Rules
1. i apprecciate your friendship, but if i comment you and you make it a habit of not returning the favor i will prolly only comment you if you comment me first...srry, but im a busy person
2. feel free to voice your opinions, but be considerate to others (as well as me)...dont be rude.
Name: Amy
Gender: Female
Age: 17
AIM screen name: please ask
Anime Fan since: sailor moon
Fav animes/mangas:fruits basket, nana, chobits, dn angel, inuyasha, yu yu hakusho, samurai 7, rurouni kenshin, etc.
Occupation: high school student. i am top ten academically in my class, am on national honor society, and play varsity tennis. i also work part time at wendys and volunteer regularly at the local health dept.
hobbies/talents:tennis<3, racquetball, drawing, bowling, soccer, and did i mention tennis??
again, thank you very much for visiting!
Monday, May 29, 2006

hey^_^ srry i kinda waited late to post, but i did visit everyone's sites earlier!
yesterday i went to the library to get some homework done, and i did the same thing today after i went for my last day of training to be "Teen Leader." i got a certificate that i did 21 hrs of community service, plus they are going to call me occasionally to go to schools and stuff and teach abstinence...at least i get $10 in gift cards every time! they didnt mention that until today, lol.
tomorrow im going to the library again in the morning, and then from 12:30 to 3pm im volunteering AGAIN for the health center(different than teen leader program), and then probably church at 4:30....and sometime within tomorrow i have to go to the YMCA and work out on the Nautalis machines...i think im wearing myself a little too thin lately, and im not sure if this coincides with it at all, but ive also had more trouble sleeping, especially the past couple of nights...
boy, do i sure know how to make a vacation fun! =(
other than the fact that i have a euro history essay due on monday, i almost can't wait to be back in school...ive been more busy over vacation than i am normally in school!
well, hope you all have a great day! ttyl, byebye
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