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| Queen of Anime
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Monday, August 31, 2009
I've got work in a little bit, so I'll make this short.
I don't visit on here often, if at all. I used to come here all the time, but then I just drifted away...and I come back here to find that horrible Kirby layout that I made. Nothing against Kirby, but I really hate the color pink. I have no idea why I made my site the color I hate...
So anyway, if any of my old friends still view this, (I think most are gone completely from this site, or on "The O" with thier fancy worlds and what-not) I'll try to update with little things about my life here and there, if you'd like to know about it that is.
Much love,
Queen of Anime <3
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
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Sunday, November 12, 2006
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Spiral Theme- Kibouhou
O_o I'm back...well, not really...
Hello my fellow myotakuians! I'm back...sorta. O_o I know that summer has been going on for weeks now, it's just that...I don't want to be in myotaku anymore. -.- It's gotten boring. Now, the only thing I come here for is to submit wallpapers. So, I'm thinking of shutting my site off but keeping my account on so I can submit wallpapers. As a result, I'm probably gonna be shutting down my clubs (site's included as well). So, whoever has a banner of Kyo or Sasuke or something and they don't want to take it down, feel free to leave it up. I pretty much don't care. So, from here on forth, this site shall be on Haitus! I'll be changing the intro and what not to a Haitus banner some time later on.
As I said, I'm still going to submit wallpapers. And so far, I've submitted two new ones. I haven't made any more new ones in a while. I'm currently working on a fanfiction for a contest in deviantart so I haven't been doing much but working on the fanfic.
And yes, you read right. I am at deviantart now. So, go there sometime and check it out if you want. I'm active there, unlike here.
Click here to go to my DA account.
SessLover18's MyO Talent Awards
SessLover18 is hosting a MyO talent awards! ^o^ If you wish to join, click the button below!

My Clubs
These are all my clubs. Some, I am a Co-Founder with another person and some I made myself. Click on the button to go to the site.
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
New Theme

Current Mood: Hyper Happy
Listening To: Sanctuary by Utada Hikaru
Hello!! ^-^
Hello my fellow myotakuians! It's been a long time. Sorry I haven't been here in so long. It's all that damn school work! >.< It's killing me! But, thank god school will be over in a couple of days! ^-^ The next time I'll update is probably when school in over. I'll try to get to your sites though.
My Site Theme
Yes, I have changed my theme. But it's not Fullmetal Alchemist, like I said it would be. You see, I've been listening to Sanctuary and Passion by Utada Hikaru for the longest time now. And while I was making stuff for my Fullmetal theme, I decided to stop and make a Kingdom Hearts one instead. So, here it is.
O_o I haven't had time to make any new ones...except for the one that you see right now with Sora. This one took me longer than usual since I don't have a lot of time to make wallpapers anymore. I kept on working on it, on and off, until I got it just the way I wanted it. I have to say, I like it. ^-^ One of my better wallies.
Mystery Picture
Wonder kid and Darkness Magician got the mystery picture right. It was the Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Okay! Next mystery picture!

My Clubs
These are all my clubs. Some, I am a Co-Founder with another person and some I made myself. Click on the button to go to the site.
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

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Saturday, May 6, 2006
I'm not dead people! I'm still alive! O_o

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Apocripha/0 - Chikai no Esuperosu
O_o I'm soooooo sorry for being gone so long!! >.< I just don't have a lot of time to come here anymore!
In the time I've been gone, I was working on a graphic project for my Commercial Art Tech class.
My assignment was to make a mousepad. I decided to make two (One for me, and one for my friend Azura the Kitsune)
And I was using illustrator so it was confusing to me! >.< I'm a photoshop person, not illustrator!

They're smaller than the original size so that they'd fit on my site.
My Site Theme
I've had my site theme as Loveless for the longest time now...and I want to change it. But I just don't have time anymore like I used to. I've decided on Full Metal Alchemist, but it still might take as long as a week to change my theme.
But, as soon as school is over, (Which is soon, THANK GOD!!!!) I will be on my site more often and updating about...well, nothing. O_o I won't have much going on since I'll be updating when I'm out of school...
My club stats for this past week!
Anime Lover's Club- 47 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 35 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 157 Members
Squall Fan Club- 13 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
Loveless Fan Club- 2 Members
I've been soo busy that I didn't even get a lot of time to make wallpapers. I've made one new one. And I'm currently working on another one with another CG Art.
CG Art- Precious Dreams
Graphics Site
In the time that I've been away, working on school stuff and what-not, I have actually been slowly building a graphics site. It's called Crescent Graphics, but that's all I'm going to tell you for now. I'm not putting the link up yet, at least until I have a good amount of stuff in the site. But since I don't have a lot of time to do anything with it, it's been going slow. When the time comes, I'll put up the site link here. ^-^
Mystery Picture
Well okay! Most of you got the mystery picture right! It was the Hiro Sohma from Fruits Basket.

Okay! Next mystery picture!

My Clubs
These are all my clubs. Some, I am a Co-Founder with another person and some I made myself. Click on the button to go to the site.
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (4) |
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter!! XD

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Apocripha/0 - Chikai no Esuperosu
Hello everyone! Sorry for being gone so long. This past week, I've been having my Spring Break. I went to a bunch of places and didn't go on the computer a lot. And Friday and yesterday when I was on the computer, I spent it playing Lineage2. They updated the game and I spent an hour downloading it, then the rest paying it. Level 70 character now! ^-^
And also, I always make some time to make wallpapers. Here are my latest. Beware, there's a lot since my last update.
Gravitation- Yuki and Shuichi
Gravitation- Yuki and Shuichi
Full Metal Alchemist- Edward Elric
Final Fantasy VII- Cloud Strife
Full Metal Alchemist- Edward and Alphonse Elric
Final Fantasy VIII- Squall Leonhart
Full Metal Alchemist- Edward Elric
Naruto- Kakashi Hatake
D.N.Angel- Daisuke Niwa
Golden Sun- Isaac
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children- Cloud and Tifa
Full Metal Alcehimst- Winry Rockbell
D.N.Angel- Daisuke Niwa
D.N.Angel- Daisuke Niwa
Ah My Goddess
Pilot Candidate- Zero Enna
Ah My Goddess
Bleach- Ichigo
Gravitation- Yuki and Shuichi
Ah My Goddess
Death Note- Light
Full Metal Alchemist- Edward Elric
Naruto- Naruto
Full Metal Alchemist- Edward Elric
Pilot Candidate- Hiead Gnr
Fushigi Yugi
Kingdom Hearts 2- Riku
Devil May Cry- Dante
Final Fantasy VII- Aerith
Final Fantasy VIII- Squall Leonhart
Wild Arms- Rudy Roughknight
Wild Arms- Calamity Jane
Yeah...I think I went a little wallpaper crazy again... O_o And there's still more wallies I want to do...
And just so you know, I've never watched/read 'Ah My Goddess' and 'Fushigi Yugi'. I just thought the pictures looked pretty so I made a wallpaper out of them. Which is why I didn't put a name after the title, I don't know their names...
And here are some wallies that didn't get accepted...dunno why...O_o except for one...I know why...
Gravitation- Yuki x Shuichi (Beware...sorta graphic... O_o but not really...not for the faint of heart...or non-yaoi lovers...)
Full Metal Alchemist- Edward and Alphonse Elric (My Favorite! ^-^)
Naruto- Sasuke x Naruto ( it's yaoi, sue me...)
Oh, and I made four new greetings as well. I was gonna make five to make it an even 30, but I'm not sure what to make my last one...
D.N.Angel- Satoshi and Daisuke
'Best of Friends'
Full Metal Alcehmist- Edward Elric
'Reach out and touch someone' (XD I had to do this for this picture!!)
Fruits Basket- Kyo Sohma
'I didn't run fast enough and I've been caught by a fangirl'
Fruits Basket- Kyo Sohma
'Can someone PLEASE get these cats OFF ME?!' (XD Another one I just had to do!)
My club stats for this past week!
Anime Lover's Club- 47 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 35 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 157 Members
Squall Fan Club- 13 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
Loveless Fan Club- 2 Members
Oh, and it's Easter, isn't it? So, I made somthing for today! ^-^

XD Just a little bit of photoshop magic to get Dark to hold an egg for easter!
Well okay! Most of you got the mystery picture right! It was the Commander from FLCL.

And for those of you reading this, I know I have the keyblade cursor, but I like it so I don't feel like taking it off. I've had it on for a long time now and no matter what theme I have up, I always have the keyblade cursor on as well. Just to clear that up.
Okay! Next mystery picture!

My Clubs
These are all my clubs. Some, I am a Co-Founder with another person and some I made myself. Click on the button to go to the site.
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (7) |
Friday, March 31, 2006
New Theme!

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Tsuki no Curse- Loveless Theme Song
Hello everyone! Sorry for being gone so long. Too much school work! >.<
But, it's Friday, and I don't have a lot of homework. So, I finished my next theme and decided to put it up now. And as I said, it's Loveless!! ^-^
I'm really happy with this new layout!! I learned how to do a few new things with photoshop and used it throughout the layout. And I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo happy with the wallpaper. Made by yours truly! ^-^ I think it looks so cool!
Along with this wallie, I made a couple of other wallies using the same techniques. Tell me what you think.
D.N.Angel- Daisuke Niwa
Final Fantasy X-2- Yuna
D.N.Angel- Daisuke Niwa
Naruto- Naruto
D.N.Angel- Satoshi Hikari
D.N.Angel- Daisuke Niwa
D.N.Angel- Daisuke Niwa
And, because I wanted to, I decided to make a Loveless Fan Club. I've made two banners so far.

And the club site that I made. It's not finish yet, but you can visit it.

My club stats for these past few days!
Anime Lover's Club- 47 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 35 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 156 Members
Squall Fan Club- 13 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
Loveless Fan Club- 2 Members
Well, I decided to keep doing the mystery picture, just for a little while longer.
Mystery Picture
My Clubs
These are all my clubs. Some, I am a Co-Founder with another person and some I made myself. Click on the button to go to the site.
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (5) |
Friday, March 17, 2006
Sorry for not being here for so long!!

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Tsuki no Curse- Loveless Theme Song
Hello everyone! ^-^ Long time no see! Sorry I haven't been on for like, what is it now? Two weeks?! O_o I didn't realize it was that long! >.< So sorry I've been away so long.
Those FCATs were really annoying. >.< And after the FCATs, we had our mind-terms and what-not. And after that (or was it before? O_o I forgot...) my school had to take the NRTs. But, that's no excuse for leaving here for so long...sorry, again. I'll try to be on longer.
While I was away, I managed to get my new scanner working and I scanned some of my work! I've only put up 6 pictures so far because I'm deciding which others I should put up. Tell me what you think! ^-^
Edward Elric- Full Metal Alchemist
Shuichi Shindou- Gravitation
Satoshi Hiwatari- DNAngel
Gohan- Dragon Ball Z
Sora- Kingdom Hearts
Chrono- Chrono Crusade
For the short while I was on the computer, I watched this cool yaoi (sorta) anime called Loveless. I liked it so much, I made 3 wallpapers for it.
Loveless Wallpaper One
Loveless Wallpaper Two
Loveless Wallpaper Three
I'm thinking of making a club for Loveless. If I did, would anyone join it? O_o
My club stats for these past few days!
Anime Lover's Club- 46 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 35 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 153 Members
Squall Fan Club- 13 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. Just 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 40th member gets a special banner.
Check out SessLover18's Graphics Site- Yume. I'm the avatar designer for it! ^-^ I'm so proud!

Oh, and I might stop doing the mystery picture thing. I'm not on as much as I used to be so I think I should stop doing it.
To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (3) |
Sunday, February 26, 2006
New Theme

Current Mood: Hyper Happy
Listening To: Naruto AMV- Tomorrow
Hey everyone! Just posting today to tell everyone that my new theme is up! ^-^ And as I said, It's Zettai Kareshi, or in english, Absolute Boyfriend.
And since this is my theme and not Neon Genisis Evangelion, here's the wallpaper I made for my theme that almost was.
Neon Genisis Evangelion
My club stats for these past few days!
Anime Lover's Club- 46 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 35 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 153 Members
Squall Fan Club- 13 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. Just 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 40th member gets a special banner.
Well, this is the last time I'm gonna be on here for the next entire week. Because of FCATS and Mid-Terms, I don't think I'll have enough time to go on here. So, yeah...
Okay! Basically everyone got the mystery picture right. It was Envy from Full Metal Alchemist.

Mystery Picture- Sorry, none for today! >.< Gotta study!
To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

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