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Thursday, August 11, 2005

Sorry for not updating in a while!! >.< I've been sooooooooo busy since school started. Not to mention tired. And my English teacher already assigned us a book to read...and all the homework from all my classes...the only teacher I can stand is my fourth period teacher. Which is good, because by then, I wanna rip someone's head off!! He's cool though.
One of my friends told me that Exceed doesn't come out till the end of this month. That sucks if it's true! I've been waiting months for that game.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 26 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 23 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 34 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 130 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
Okay. The 130th member has joined the Kyo-Kun Fan Club. And it was kyorocks9490. She'll be getting a special banner when I have to time to make one. Probably during the weekend. Which isn't far away. (Thank God!)
Okay, sorry for not updating to tell who the mystery picture was. It's been killing you, hasn't it? (Yeah it isn't obvious...) Anyway, it's Tyson Kinomiya! (It's Granger but I like his Japanese last name with his American first name. His Japanese first name it Takako.) And the people that got it right were ryoko 1000, links lil faerie, and whitecat (I'll give her credit even though she didn't say his name).

Oh, and sorry in advance if I don't don't update for a while. I'll try to at least update on the weekends.
Alright, now that that's settled, another mystery picture! ^-^
Mystery Picture-

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Thursday, August 4, 2005
School Starts...damn...

Sorry for not updating yesterday. I went to see Sky High (Finally!!) And today was my first day of school too. So, I just got home and thought I'd post. So, sorry if I can't get to your site's today. Those damn teachers gave me homework...on the first day of school too!! Are they stupid, or what?!
But, although I don't want to go to school again, (It's too soon!) I want it to be Ausgust 17 already, so I can get Exceed: Pump it Up already.
Oh, and if you haven't seen Sky High, I suggest you do. I liked it. Well, see it, unless of course you're not into that kind of movie.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 25 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 23 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 33 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 128 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
Okay. The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is almost to it's 130th member. Only two more to go. And, as always, the 130th member gets a cool banner made just for them.
Alright, sorry for no mystery picture yesterday. So, here's today's.
Mystery Picture-

Comments (9) |
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
New theme!

Okay, new theme is up. Just like I promised. It's Cloud Strife.
I found the background a while ago and thought I'd put it up as my background. Everythin else was made by me. Even the color bar! ^-^
And all pictures of Cloud are from Advent Children. I made sure of that.
I just found out that Exceed comes out this month, the 17! And I'm getting it when it comes out. I heard it's 80 dollars. And I'm actually giving up the 4 (5 before) books my mom bribed me with to get the game. I like it that much.
Oh, and I'm finally going to watch Sky High today. (Hopefully...) I really want to see it. I don't know what it is about it but I do. Ever since I saw the commercials of it.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 24 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 22 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 33 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 126 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
Okay, I dilebrately made the mystery picture harder by making it more fuzzy. So I won't blame you if you got it wrong. It was Yuki Sohma from Fruits Basket. The only person that got it right was banzaiinu1.

Sorry, no mystery picture today. I spent a lot of my time putting up this theme. I'll have one tomorrow though. ^-^
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Monday, August 1, 2005
Disney Quest!

WOO! ^-^ I went to Disney Quest yesterday, the whole day. It was so much fun! I went with my sister and my brother. And I spent most of the time playing Exceed again. My sister dragged me away to play other games with all three of us. Like, Alien Invasion, Ride the Comix, and the Pirates of the Carribean ride.
I've decided to give up the 4 books (I bought one already, remember?) that my mom bribed me with, to go towards buying Exceed when it comes out. While I was at Disney Quest, I kept trying songs that were harder for me, and eventually, I got it! So, now, I can do level 4 songs when before, I could do only level 3 songs. ^-^ I'm so proud of my self.
Oh, and I ended up not watching Sky High. I'm going tomorrow to watch it. I had to chose what I wanted to do yesterday. Sky High or Disney Quest. I chose to watch the movie on Tuesday and go to Disney Quest first.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 24 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 22 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 33 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 126 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
Oh, and the Juvenile Orion Club isn't officially open for people to join yet. It was just a heads up for what's to come.
Oh, and I'll be changing my theme soon. Probably tomorrow. I want to change it agian before I have to start school again. 'Cause then, I won't have time to work on it. So, my Cloud Theme will probably be up tomorrow.
Okay, so yesterday's mystery picture was really easy. Only three people commented. And all three got it right. It was Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing. ryoko 1000, Azura the Kitsune and whitecat got it right.

Okay, next mystery picture.
Mystery Picture-

Comments (3) |
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Hot Topic, Disney Quest, and the movie- Sky High

^-^' I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was only online for a short time. I went out shopping for new clothes with my mom and sister. From about 2-3 in the afternoon to like 10:30 at night! I got this awesome Full Metal Alchemist shirt from Hot Topic! And a Yu Yu Hakusho shirt from Hot Topic too!

Before we even got to the mall though, my mom bribed me into wearing what she wanted me to wear. She told me she'd buy me 5 manga if I brought a least one shirt that she wanted. She even added in a trip to Disney Quest!

So, I bought one shirt that she wanted. (I'm wearing it today...) And now, she's gonna buy me 5 books!! I already got one yesterday while we were at the mall. I got D.N.Angel 8! Oh, and my sister still has to get me a book too! So, I've got 5 left! ^-^
Oh, and this post is gonna be short. I'm going to the movies in about a half an hour. I'm going to watch Sky High.

My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 24 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 22 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 33 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 126 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
I'm making a new club with darklore kaname. It's the Juvenile Orion Club. She's the Founder, and I'm a Co-Founder. I've only made one banner so far. She's working on the site.

Okay, so yesterday's mystery picture was somewhat easy. Only three people commented. And two out of three got it. It was Risa Harada from D.N.Angel. Azura the Kitsune and whitecat got it right.

Okay, next mystery picture.
Mystery Picture-

Comments (3) |
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Cloud Strife

^-^ Glad to know you all like my background. Oh, and I've decided on my next theme. It's gonna be...Cloud Strife!

I was looking for some pictures and found a bunch of Cloud pictures from the 'Advent Children' movie. And I think Cloud looks so cool there! So, he's my next theme. I won't be making the background this time, as I have found many awesome wallpapers and stuff. But, I'm making everything else. ^-^
My little nephew is over again. It's Thursday but he's here. He's currently sleeping on the bed next to me. He'll wake up soon for food and a diaper change. Which I'm gonna do neither of. Well, I might feed him, but I won't change him.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 24 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 21 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 33 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 125 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
Although I'm not going to disband the Squall Fan Club, I'm afraid nobody else will join...Don't people like Squall?
Oh, and, if I make a Cloud Club, would anyone join...? I want to make sure that people would join if I make another club.
Okay, so yesterday's mystery picture was really easy, it seems. It was Kagura Sohma from Fruits Basket. Baka No Hanyou, Azura the Kitsune, ryoko 1000, ShaniKun, divinemistress, whitecat ,and links lil faerie got it right.

Okay, next mystery picture.
Mystery Picture-

Comments (3) |
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
New Theme!

Okay! My new theme is up! It's Sasuke! ^-^

Like I said before, I didn't really know what to do with the background...I hope it looks good.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 24 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 21 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 33 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 125 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
Alright, I decided not to disband the Squall Fan Club. But it's up to me and the 6 members to recrute more people to join.
Now, I'm thinkin about my next theme, I have no idea what I should do. I coiuld continue with the advertising thing and do Gravitation next, for my Gravitation Club. Or, I could put up another character. Any ideas?
Okay, so yesterday's mystery picture was really easy, it seems. It was Ryuho from s-CRY-ed. links lil faerie, SongOfAnime, swtanimechick, and whitecat got it right.

Okay, next mystery picture.
Mystery Picture-

Comments (8) |
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Greetings and a Wallpaper!

My head doesn't hurt today! I think the pain is all gone now. My head does hurt, but that's just 'cause I have a headache. Too much reading on the computer. I think I might need glasses if I'm not careful... O.o
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 24 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 21 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 33 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 125 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
Still nobody joining the Squall Fan Club. Looks like I'm gonna have to disband it.
Glad to know that you guys liked my wallpapers! ^-^ I'm currently working on the Sasuke Background for my next theme. I don't really know what to do with it...
Oh, and I made a Gravitation Background too. I finished it, and put it up yesterday.
I also made some greetings! Check them out. I've only got 4 up. I have another one, but I haven't submitted it yet.
Okay, so yesterday's mystery picture was really easy, it seems. It was Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist. SongOfAnime, little inufan, Azura the Kitsune, links lil faerie, whitecat, and Finalfan1015.

Okay, next mystery picture.
Mystery Picture-

Comments (7) |
Monday, July 25, 2005

Well, my head is feeling somewhat better. It still hurts but I think that's just a headache...
It's Monday, that means that my nephew spent the night yesterday. He's still here.
Oh, and before I forget, new kanji of the week.

My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 24 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 21 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 33 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 125 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
I finished lots of Wallpapers and it's on the site! ^-^ Check it out.
Squall Leonhart
Full Metal Alchemist
Naruto- Sasuke and Itachi
Yu Yu Hakusho
Nauto- Hinata and Neji
I'm working on more, and I've made a total of 7 (including the Kyo one I have now) but now I don't know what anime series to make next. Any ideas?
Okay, so yesterday's mystery picture was sorta hard. Or maybe people just don't watch Gravitation...It was Hiroshi Nakano from Gravitaiton. Only two got it right. Azura the Kitsune and whitecat.

Okay, next mystery picture.
Mystery Picture-

Comments (6) |
Sunday, July 24, 2005
My Brother

Ow, my head hurts! See, I got attacked by my brother yesterday. He pushed me and I hit the head board on a bed. Now, I've got a huge bump on my head, and it hurts, a lot! And I didn't try to attack back, because if I did, then he'd attack me again, but harder. He's 17, and I'm 15. He could probably really injure me if he wanted to.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 24 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 21 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 33 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 124 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
Kamenki, the 20th member of the Anime Lovers Club finally told me who she wanted on her banner. She said Kyo, but in his cat form. Here's the banner I made for her.

Also, I made darklore kaname's banner too.

I don't think it's up yet, but I made another backgorund. Well, It's a variation of the Yu Yu Hakusho background I made for my Yu Yu theme. And, I'm working on another background to put up here. It's gonna be under Video Games, it's Squall! Well, actually, Leon but, same difference.
Okay, so yesterday's mystery picture was easy. It was Kazuma from s-CRY-ed. And mostly everyone got it right. spirit gun2, Azura the Kitsune, Neko-san, and whitecat got it right.

Okay, next mystery picture.
Mystery Picture-

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