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Active Anime Congoer
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I was a little kid
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Right now, Death Note
To be an anime voice actor
Graphic Designing, playing video games
Graphic Design
| Queen of Anime
Saturday, May 6, 2006
I'm not dead people! I'm still alive! O_o

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Apocripha/0 - Chikai no Esuperosu
O_o I'm soooooo sorry for being gone so long!! >.< I just don't have a lot of time to come here anymore!
In the time I've been gone, I was working on a graphic project for my Commercial Art Tech class.
My assignment was to make a mousepad. I decided to make two (One for me, and one for my friend Azura the Kitsune)
And I was using illustrator so it was confusing to me! >.< I'm a photoshop person, not illustrator!

They're smaller than the original size so that they'd fit on my site.
My Site Theme
I've had my site theme as Loveless for the longest time now...and I want to change it. But I just don't have time anymore like I used to. I've decided on Full Metal Alchemist, but it still might take as long as a week to change my theme.
But, as soon as school is over, (Which is soon, THANK GOD!!!!) I will be on my site more often and updating about...well, nothing. O_o I won't have much going on since I'll be updating when I'm out of school...
My club stats for this past week!
Anime Lover's Club- 47 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 35 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 157 Members
Squall Fan Club- 13 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
Loveless Fan Club- 2 Members
I've been soo busy that I didn't even get a lot of time to make wallpapers. I've made one new one. And I'm currently working on another one with another CG Art.
CG Art- Precious Dreams
Graphics Site
In the time that I've been away, working on school stuff and what-not, I have actually been slowly building a graphics site. It's called Crescent Graphics, but that's all I'm going to tell you for now. I'm not putting the link up yet, at least until I have a good amount of stuff in the site. But since I don't have a lot of time to do anything with it, it's been going slow. When the time comes, I'll put up the site link here. ^-^
Mystery Picture
Well okay! Most of you got the mystery picture right! It was the Hiro Sohma from Fruits Basket.

Okay! Next mystery picture!

My Clubs
These are all my clubs. Some, I am a Co-Founder with another person and some I made myself. Click on the button to go to the site.
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

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