AIM ... Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger ratagus57
Birthday 1992-05-07 Gender
Female Location Cuba ;) Member Since 2004-09-11 Real Name ashley
Achievements Honor Roll Anime Fan Since a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time, well not that long. Favorite Anime Inuyasha,Fullmetal Alchemist, MegasXLR, Rurouni Kenshin, & other stuff even though i know most of them aren't animes Goals I don't Know yet... Hobbies drawing,and taking pictures, annoying my friends on a daily basis ratagus57
HI! Welcome to my site. It's kind of ordinary, but then again ordinary is good, right?...
oh yeah, I almost forgot, PLEASE SIGN MY GUEST BOOK!
Saturday, December 2, 2006
i am noob hear me rawr
woah i haven't been here in quite some time...gosh how i've seems taht i am er...were quite a bad sort of way. Comments
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okay... i like it i guess.. You are the Spirit of Peace. Purity is your gift, it sends away anybody with bad intentions, people just look at you and know that you are special, you have a sort of angel-like aura about you that says 'i'm pure'. People just cannot stay away from you, they want to be like you and have that same aura, so friends are easy for you to make, and your gift tells you whether they are good or not. A partner is just the same, they have to be of a good heart.
I like this quiz Hang on a sec! You're not an angel! You're a goddess! Always the leader in your group of friends you are the one to go to in a crisis, your advice is valuable if you give it out, which is only if you feel people deserve it. Go you!