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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
So much for the end of bad luck...
Ah, I'm embarassed to type this, but...My mom's fiance had some old blinds on the floor, and I did a mixture of tripping over them, and stubbing my toe on them. But the toe hit the metal part, and caught, and...bye bye toenail. Owie. Lets just say it looks gross and leave it at that ^^;
We've been getting along well with the moving, and have had no shortage in offers to help from friends. There's one friend in particular that I hope can come, because the new house is in a group of newer houses that haven't been purchased yet, and his family is searching for a new house as well. I think it would be cool to be neighbors, like we were when we were younger.
About the new house: It has a basement, which our current house doesn't, and appliances in the kitchen that aren't broken, which our current house doesn't have either. *coughlittlesisterdoesntknowwhatrinsingdishesbeforetheygointodishwashermeanscough* LOL!
We're also planning on getting DSL hooked up in the basement. Which I think is awesome, because dial up hates me. My new bedroom will be about half the size of my current bedroom because we're downsizing, so I'm throwing away some things. BUT NOT THE BOOKS! Those were the first things I packed, just to keep them safe. I actually don't have a lot of things to get rid of, just some old memorabilia. Things I've wanted to throw out for ages, but my mom would't let me.
I'm going to try and visit everyone's sites before I have to get back to work.
Take care
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Monday, August 7, 2006
Evil saw blades....pure evil...
Lol, as you can probably tell by the title, I had an encounter with a saw blade. I was looking through the tools for a screwdriver, to take apart some things and make them easier to move, when I grabbed the wrong metal surface, and it cut my finger. Heh...it was rusty too. And about ten minutes after that, I slammed the finger that I cut in the door. And while I was saying a four letter word for 'ow' over that, I walked into a wind chime. XD Just call me Grace.
Not much else to report really, still packing like crazy. We'll be able to move in the new house the tenth, and school starts the seventeenth. I finished my summer homework by the way.
And I'm sure you've noticed the theme change. I didn't mean to, really, it just kind of...happened. I tried for one that looked a bit different from my past ones; I hope you like it. Let me know if you see any bugs or glitches.
Sorry I don't have time for a longer post, but the rest of the family is waking up, and I need to get to work.
Take care
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Monday, July 31, 2006
Wow, it's been a little bit, hasn't it? Well, I'm finally updating again ^^;
For some reason, adults keep mistaking me as being so much older than I really am. The other day, one of the families I clean for had a guest over and he asked me if my husband lived in the city. And this lawyer my mom was taking too asked me if I was a friend of hers, and kinda froze when he found out I was her sixteen year old daughter. LOL! I have no idea why that keeps happening, because I'm not especially tall. There were other times too, but those were the most recent XD
I went to a horse show for about eight hours last Tuesday, and had a lot of fun ^^ I wasn't competing myself, just cheering on a friend, who got a trophy by the way! She didn't even know the pattern when she went out either, she had to watch the girl who went before her XD Problem is, for those eight hours it was an ozone alert, and high temp alert, and guess how much sunscreen I had on? None. And have I ever mentioned I'm over half Irish? XD A week later, I'm still peeling. LOL!
We got a new house a few days ago, and we're due to move the tenth. I was packing all day yesterday and finally got my room finished. I swear, my box of books is heavier than I am! My little sister is still packing her things. I don't think she's even half way through though XD She has so much more stuff than I do, it's amazing. We've also been doing a lot of remodeling. Tearing up carpet, ect. By the way, tearing up carpet with nothing but your bare hands and a steak knife is hard work XD I did our whole living room, except for the little space where we stashed our furnature ^^
I really should finish up my summer homework now...It's a four page essay and analysis of Fedralist Number 10 by Madison, and Second Treatise on Civil Government by Locke. School starts again the seventeenth.
By the way Welcome back Magnus Lensherr!
Take care
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Good Morning!
My car actually got fixed! And about time too! Now I want to trade it in...I've been driving it like it's a time bomb: please dont stall, please don't stall. XD
I got to go see Pirates 2, and it was awesome! I can't wait for the third one to come out. I think this one was a lot better than the first...*is still chuckling about some of the parts*
We got some new flooring the other day, and we're getting ready to put some of it in. Our puppy pretty much ruined all of our carpet, so we're going for that tile that looks like wood. It has these ridges on the sides, and they all fit together, so you don't have to nail it, or glue it.
I took our cat to the vet yesterday morning to get fixed, declawed, and get her shots, and I learned my lesson on one thing...never drive without coffee XD No I didn't get in a wreck, I was parked at the time. I was getting out of the car at a gas station to get a cappicino, when I slammed the car door on my hip. Yeah, my hip XD Don't ask how I managed that, because I have NO idea. It bruised though.
A friend of mine just got back from vacation, and he got to go to SALEM! *burns with jealousy* He got me a souvineer though, so I forgive him ^^ LOL! He wont tell me what it is over email, but he says it's something pagan. :D
Take care
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
*Yawns, stretches, and falls out of chair* Heya ^^
I've got most of the layout up now, let me know if you see any glitches please ^^ And also let me know what you think 
I haven't been doing much lately (which, in my opinion, is great ) Just hanging out with a friend of mine, Samie. She goes to her grandma's house every summer for about a month, and her grandma lives right across the street from us ^^
She fell on our porch too, and really banged up her knee.
My car is really irritating me. To the point where I am about ready to saw the top off of it, park it in the yard, and plant flowers in it. LOL! A few months ago, I got the oil changed, and the next day was the first time it stalled. I took it back to the place that changed the oil, but they said they couldn't get it to stall, so call them back when it died all the way. So I drove it around for a few weeks, and it finally died all the way. They towed it to their garage, and worked on it for 400 dollars, and when I was driving it home IT STALLED AGAIN!! *sighs* So now it's at a different, and hopefully more reliable shop. But I bought some flower seeds too, just in case. 
I got on a ladder to wash the windows yesterday, and only hit my head twice! That's gotta be a record. The first time, I left the cleaner on the top of the ladder while I was moving it, and the cleaner fell on my head. The second time I forgot how high up I was and stood up straight. I hit my head on the roof 
I've been trying to convince my mom that we HAVE to go see Pirates of the Carribean 2. She actually wants to see it also, so the future looks bright! 
Take care!
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Life Vest - the world's first wearable defibulator
As I'm sure you've already guessed from the title, they solved my mom's defibulator problem. She's wearing this vest with metal pads on the back(that I think looks kinda like a jetpack)and a monitor on the waist. She got home on Friday, but the internet was being evil, so I couldn't post.
I'm working on a new layout for this site, so I suppose we'll see how that turns out. Hopefully it will look alright.
I'll try for a longer post another day, this layout is distracting me from what I wanted to say...
Take care
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
I am sooo stressed out right now.
Last Sunday I got woken up at six a clock in the morning, by my mom's fiance comming in and saying: "there's something wrong with your mom, I'm calling an ambulance". Cue the panicing.
When I went into her room she was talking to herself rapidly, and trying to jump on the bed. She was acting like she was on speed or something most of the time, but every once in awhile she'd stop, and just start mimicing us. It was freaking scary. I'm shaking now just remembering it. We thought it was a combination on the cancer medicins that did it, and so did the paramedics, but it turned out to be her heart.
She had an arrythmia(sorry about the spelling), which was making her heart fibulate instead of beat, and when it did start beating again, it beat much too fast, which caused the strange behavior. She's acting normal now, but still in the hospital. They are going to put in a defibulator, and already would have, but her reconstruction is in the way. The defibulator wouldn't fit in that place, so they're finding a surgeon that actually knows how to put it somewhere else.
She's already been in there over a week. I waited to post this, because I wanted to wait until all this chaos was over, but I dont know when that is going to be, so I figured I'd update today. She's doing fine in the hospital, acting completely normal. She's just bored and lonely now.
She let my cousin pick me and my little sister up for the fourth of July, and we all had some fun with fireworks. It was nice to see my cousin again, because he's in the Air force, and I hardly ever get to see him. I'm typing this at my aunt's house right now, taking turns glaring at my cousin's alarm clock, and his alligator. His alarm clock keeps going off, and I would turn it off if I could find it under all that junk! LOL! And I want to save all the fishies from his alligator...but I am not reaching my hand in there. No way.
Fourth of July damage report: 6 lawn fires, I got hit by shrapnel from fireworks 4 times, and my youngest cousin set himself on fire. He's alright though. He was cocking his hand back to throw a firework at his brother, when it went off in his hand. He almost did it again later, he lit a firework without realising it, and was holding it while he talked to his brother. He happened to glance at his hand, screamed, and threw it. It went off in the air, lol. This is getting long, so I'll let you go now.
Take care
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Sorry it's been awhile, I had a pretty busy week. For fathers day I wanted to go have a burger picnic up by our dads grave (which had nothing to do with my craving for mcdonalds whatsoever *looks around guiltily* nope I was just thinking of what he would want... :p ) But my mom figured the groundskeepers would kill us, so we just brought up some sea shells.
And i have some good news, and some bad news...
Good news: My mom has no more chemo treatments!
Bad news: It's because the treatments weakened her heart to the point where having more would be dangerous.
And she also had her last surgery yesterday ^^ Reconstruction is done and over with, and me and my little sister were dropped off at our aunts house on the way home. We were taken to see a lot of family members that we haven't seen in years, lol. One of them found out that I like to read, and was trying to dump off all these ancient english romance novels on me...XD I'm serious! We went to a few more reletives houses, then spent the night at our aunt's. We finally got to see X-3, and it was awesome! Definately the best out of the X-men movies :D
I got a new pair of shoes, because my other ones were pretty much dead. Lol, I'm so clumsy that I'm always tripping over my own feet, and it ruins all of my shoes. What ruined the pair I had was this board we have sticking out of our porch. It's at an angle that is almost upright, with nails sticking out of it. So I'm walking on it at about midnight, and guess where my foot got stuck under? XD So now I have this bruise on my ankle, and it looks like something bit my toes :p
Lol, I'm having an argument with my friend about how much the blog skin I made stinks :p I'm mostly keeping it out of stubborness ^^ I've been planning on changing it eventually, but just to irritate him I'm keeping it longer *evil grin*
And I'm also sad, because five of the kittens were given away, and one died. He was climbing on the top of the cage they were in, and he fell and broke his neck...it was Houdinni...so yeah...that left me a wreck for a little while...and here I thought giving the kittens away would break my heart. But when the rest were given to good homes, I was just glad that they'd be safe. In our house, we have five cats and two dogs, and we couldn't let them run around, but in their new homes they'll have free reign ^^
Take care!
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Strep :p
My mom has fully recovered now ^^ I'm the one that's been a bit sick lately XD I've got the symptoms of strep throat, but I haven't gone to the doctor for it yet, because my mom wants to wait it out. Which is absolutely fine with me ^^; In fact, if I go for the rest of my life never having to visit another doctor I would be more than happy, LOL!
The kittens are getting all cute and fluffy, and we have to give them away soon. *sobs* I named them all ^^; Mischief, Houdinni, Mist, Lucky, Shy Guy, and UFO. Lol, UFO is the runt, and he's in the habit of doing kamikaze dives XD
I was going to make this update longer, but I really can't think of anything else to say ^^; So I'll just go visit everyone.
Take care
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
My mom got out of the hospital...they think it was her ovaries. Her white blood cell count got really low also, for awhile we all thought she was going to die...a priest came in...yeah...but she's fine now. Getting a bunch of tests done, can't remember the names for all of them. Goodnight... *falls to the floor*
Take care
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