myOtaku.com: SunderedYingYang
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
*Yawns, stretches, and falls out of chair* Heya ^^
I've got most of the layout up now, let me know if you see any glitches please ^^ And also let me know what you think 
I haven't been doing much lately (which, in my opinion, is great ) Just hanging out with a friend of mine, Samie. She goes to her grandma's house every summer for about a month, and her grandma lives right across the street from us ^^
She fell on our porch too, and really banged up her knee.
My car is really irritating me. To the point where I am about ready to saw the top off of it, park it in the yard, and plant flowers in it. LOL! A few months ago, I got the oil changed, and the next day was the first time it stalled. I took it back to the place that changed the oil, but they said they couldn't get it to stall, so call them back when it died all the way. So I drove it around for a few weeks, and it finally died all the way. They towed it to their garage, and worked on it for 400 dollars, and when I was driving it home IT STALLED AGAIN!! *sighs* So now it's at a different, and hopefully more reliable shop. But I bought some flower seeds too, just in case. 
I got on a ladder to wash the windows yesterday, and only hit my head twice! That's gotta be a record. The first time, I left the cleaner on the top of the ladder while I was moving it, and the cleaner fell on my head. The second time I forgot how high up I was and stood up straight. I hit my head on the roof 
I've been trying to convince my mom that we HAVE to go see Pirates of the Carribean 2. She actually wants to see it also, so the future looks bright! 
Take care!
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