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myOtaku.com: The Organization


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My Stuff

Preparing my !STUFF!


Name: Andrew
Age: 14
Birthday: 7/14/91
State: PA
Aim: imnotokay71491
Mail: imnotokay71491@aol.com

My Buttons

Making a BUTTON!

Members of the Organization

(Leader)Krazy4inuyasha -Inuyashachick13


Site host:-MyOtaku
Layout: -Krazy4Inuyasha



.:♥The Organization♥:.

Welcome to "The Organization!". I decided to create this community for all those Kingdom Hearts Fans out there. You may know me better as Krazy4inuyasha.Well i noticed lots of MyOtakuin's LOVE Kingdom Hearts as much, and even more than i do! So i thought that this community was a good idea. Now you don't just get into this community so easily. You will have to go through an application about yourself, and interests, etc. You post it in a pm and i'll read it ,and notify you if you made it. That will qualify you for the site. and if i like what you got!(which i most of the time do) You'll be in! Easy as that. I'll send you the link to add yourself and your in! Hope to see you around The Organization!

The Application

Organization Leader-Andrew


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