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myOtaku.com: uchihaitachi56

Saturday, September 1, 2007

now sasuke dies like this:
naruto gets a mission from tsunadae. he has to find and kill sasuke.
naruto: alright gramma hes mine!
naruto runs all by him self with an unknone stalker following him.
next he goes to the valley of the end and theres no one there. then he uses a justu to look like itachi while hes out looking for nail polish.
he looks in the akatuski hideout. nothingg. then he leaves. later hes resting and sasuke comes out of nowhere and tries to kill naruto ny stabbing him with his big sword. naruto jumps and goes 9 tailed kyubii immidently. sasuke gose cs2 immidently. then they go all berserk throwing random crap at each other, kunai, sobi throwing stars, mud, their own headbands, well sasuke's uh....erm...headband he kept in his poket.
sasuke:naruto u moron u'll never beat me. u wont even get a scratch on my forehead.
naruto: sasuke! im tired of hearing that bullcrap! this time u lose!
sasuke:bringit!*draws sword*
naruto tries to summ his brand new summon, iferit! out of nowhere he gets a sword.
naruto:wtf?! i dont know how to use a sword! better learn fast!
naruto draws the sword.
naruto:this is light.*holds it like assassin blade*
naruto blokes sasuke's attack. naruto put chackara into the word.and both swords break.
sasuke activates the mangekyo sharingan. naruto's eyes turn from white to black.(the back part thats usally white)
naruto:u...u got the mankekyo sharingan!
sasuke: i said id find power my own way!
naruto: well...i did too!
he charges chakara as if to build the rasengan.
sasuke: i didint work before it wont work now!
naruto:this isnt rasengan! its a chakara energy wave.
he claps his hands and bursts of chakara fly every where.saske starts to build up chidori.
naruto builds a rasengan.
they get more powerful. sasukes goes from black to red and naruto's gose from red to pure black! they run at each other.
sasuke:wa? hes not caring as if he wants to die.
naruto puts his back against sasukes chidori. sending pain only through his back. then shoves his rasengan through sasukes heart. naruto suffers minor back ingeries. concidering the person stalking him was a medical ninja, sakura. who heald him before and after impact on back.
naruto:i told i wont lose this time.
sasuke:u...u...u lost.
naruto takes his arm out of sasukes chest. puts him down.
naruto:rest in peace old freind.
naruto hears a noise. sasuke stuck a paper bomb to his back hiddin im the chidri!
naruto:dang it
it explodes ripping a huge hloe in narutos body. thus killing them both. gaara tries to return narutos favor by resurecting him.
ill tell u if it works later my hands hurt now. bye!

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