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Friday, July 2, 2004
daddy likeeee
 No one would really know your name. You would be called by what you do. For example, if you burn your victims to death all the time, you would be known as The Arsonist, or if you knife them, you would be known as The Slasher. You would be the mysterious killer who strikes at sporadic times, and would be very difficult to catch. You might dress up and mask yourself when you perform your horrible killings. Your identity would really be a mystery. Obviously you would be wanted all over the place, and authorities would desperately try to capture you. Even if you were caught, you would not say much. The public would greatly fear you because you could just strike unexpectedly.
What Would Your Serial Killer Name Be? What Would the Public Know You As? brought to you by Quizilla
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my finger hurts!!!!!!!!
beach lime
lol sry about the was so gf took me to the beach really first i thought she was'nt coming but i know women always late so i waited, we walk on the beach and on a dead road, and i was very alert during that time i wanted to get out of that road as quick as posible. i came on the beack with her and i held her as i suppose too, we made out alot..when i say alot i mean ALOT! was'nt the way i planned it but the next time we go it will be alot better cause i was'nt prepared this time.
i feel bad i can't go to see her tomoro. and she says that how i won't see her again untill 28th of august which is two months....ah i will always love her...its makes me happy to see her in love, and monday we had our first fight which i still feeling bad of, i thought i was in love before but i was sadly mistaken, i was getting there...but it was not love....its not the same with kitty....i get vex about certain things with her but notting to worry about, i can't believe i can be so close to someone and yet still know that you can even be closer. if i ever want to marry someone it would be her.....cause i want her to be my last....and i want her to be the mother of my children.
i love you with all my heart catrianna......i cut my finger pleting rocks at the (^^)
but god she can tire someone out and drain them......i am ssooo tired right now...and imagine if she was next to me i would somehow find energy and bad things would happen (^_^)
hmmmmmm i am gonna dream bout her tonight........but atless i can talk with her......
today was so intense, i have never been kiss like that know what makes it good too? me and her can talk about anything!..and we are acustom to each others bodys......we trust each other be on the limit...and also we never get bord of each other............
i never gonna let her go
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
i am so unlike you in so many ways
i know that i'm just a copy that carrys on the state
but we make the same mistakes
cause we all want it the same
we leave behind the staind
i cannot separate!!
all that lies in me, all that dies in me how can i live without you?
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Monday, June 28, 2004
i didnt believe it untill i saw it and guess wat?
the two dreadest baddest anime are coming down in a movie....yes a real f**((*^%% movie with reall ppl!
who are the two baddest anime excluding techno man
YES DBZ!!!!!, and the guy acting goku looks just like him.....the secound one?.......RURONI KENSHIN...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omdfg and it looks so maaaaddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't wait to see this i will be one of the first to have that on dvd
but for now the ruling movie is HERO!!!!! f^$$ riddick f^%$ troy f*&^ punisher IT HERO WITH JET LEE
its looks even better than matrix
and last samurai and i am downloading the trailer nowwwww lol
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Friday, June 25, 2004
Main Page2
welllll u got the guts to come into my site?????

i had fun but at this moment i am feeling so demonic...hey i finally learn html so i can put pic i want and this site and modify everything to suit me!!!! how cool!!!!!
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
apparently i'm married
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Rebirth Of The Undead and Excel
Were united in Marriage
on the 24th day of June 2004
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Rebirth Of The Undead and Kaname Chidori
Were united in Marriage
on the 24th day of June 2004
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Rebirth Of The Undead and Kikyo
Were united in Marriage
on the 24th day of June 2004
But the fact still is...i like them, but i don't love them as i love the next one,
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Micheal Sirjoo and Catrianna Eligon
Were united in Marriage
on the 25th of April 2004
i love you hon, don't ask me how i did this i just did cause i want you to know i love you above all thing, you are the most important thing in my life, the 25th of april is basically when we got together, and the 24th we first kiss each other, i remember every event that we had together and this is a special post for you and you alone, and i look forward to a good future with you, and i promise you as long as i am with you, you have my love and i will treat you the best way i can and give my all, even if we are not together i will still love you, but i would be so lost without you
and if this what it feels like to be inlove with you i don't want to lose it, cause it is the greatest feeling in the world, i am glad i met you
yours forever- micheal
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
yaayy a wolllfffff
 You'd turn into a lone wolf! Like a lone wolf you can coup perfectly well by yourself and do not feel the need for others company. However like a wolf you were once part of a pack and you can tolerate and get along okay with people when met with them. You are protective and loyal to the close friends you have but, will always be a true loner at heart
What animal would you turn into? brought to you by Quizilla
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My Poem!!!! (rebirth of the undead is my nickname)
 Animation from
he wakes up,gets up does'nt know what to do
look at his back its all black and blue
he goes to curse but the words jus wont come thru
his mom walks in the room and saids*jus look at you!!*
he stands on his feet and walks thru that door
walks in that bathroom he dont care no more
washes his face and looks in the mirror
the image of himself he jus cannot bare
he thinks to himself,thoughts of what he'll miss
takes a knife and he jus slits his wrist
kneels to the floor and starts to cry
thinks to himself how he jus wants to die
his last thoughts fill his soul with hate
he gives one last smile in deaths embrace
finally at peace he lays on the blood soaked floor
no more again he must be ignored
his eyes closes as his heart gives away
Rebirth of the undead not to see another day
 Animation from
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
U | Unforgettable | N | Negative | D | Deadly | E | Enigmatic | A | Appealing | D | Dysfunctional | W | Wicked | U | Unusual | L | Loving | F | Facinating |
Name Acronym Generator From
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
I am lost again
sry i can't write latly i have exams and other stuff on my mind three of my friend are in some deep trouble that might get too a boiling point soon so i have to monitor them and take the heat
beside for that i am not doing dog is dieing,alot of ppl ignoring me and i am fed up of going to look for them to talk with them, they never ever look for me even though they worry about me they are never there by me when i get in trouble and the sad thing is they never help me, i still wonder if i had killed myself three months ago if it would have make a diffence today, by now they might have forgoton me, i am sure if i don't talk with anyone and just wait no one will come and speak with me, makes me feel as if i bother them which is why i say i am sorry so many times for no apparent reason cause i always doing something wrong and i dont know, i wonder if i really have real friends, i dont care i am listing and if you see your name here too bad deal with it, if you want my blood for it you can get my life cause it dont mean notting to me, amanda used too call me and talk to me alot and i liked the attension alot, the day she got a bf she call me once a f'g month, she only talked with me cause her bf knew something was wrong and she was worried AND IF IT WAS'NT FOR HER I'D BE DEAD NOW i hate you u f'g betrayed me why didnt you mind your own buisness and leave me to die in peace!! u call your self my friend but you only used to call me cause you liked me, as for rosh i still care for him but its sad how he did'nt even notice me the other day, and some days he does'nt even say hi to me..i have to look for him to make sure he alive and to let him know i am still there but i feel like notting now and its hard to type with tears in your eyes, the only reason sonia stopped me that day was cause she felt i was gonna myself because of her, how can someone turn so easily from love to hate? i dont hate you but it hurts so much that it actually burns inside to hear those words that "i hate you and was a fool to ever believe u loved me" WHEN YOU WAS THE ONE WITH THE OTHER BF and i stood by u and loved you even though u were with him and you did notting but took avantage of my love, and i don't denied that you scard me cause a part of you showed me how i wanted to be treated cause you made me feel like i was someone u made me feel so good about myself and i lost you as my closes friend, i make sure and smile everyday around ppl to make sure they feel good i say what they want to hear so i know i did one thing right, i tryed to be a friend sonia i am sorry that i cause you pain i am sorry for everything i've done, kevin and justin i love so much for what they have done for me and i will never forget it, even though he gone away he remembered me and it meant so much...leeann saw me and come to check me this morning and that felt good all the times that i've cry all this wasting its all inside and i fell all this pain i stuffed it down its back again and i can't mend for what i did, elena calls me everyday its irritating but i love it, i think those who want to speak with me will come to find me, cause i am not looking for anyones company again, i've been alone most of my life and i just want to lose my head....steph never saw me but always checks for me....i love kitty too.
but i seem to be getting in her way so i am just gonna try to back off of her.
i know i am notting, and guess what? i don't care anymore..i just dont care three things i will take on love(she deserve better than me)
and i have yet to determind the thrid one
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