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Occupation engineer
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too much
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8 years old
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Tecknoman,Roruni Kenshin...too much to list
i want to become a Animator
watching anime and listening to rock
Drawing,song writing,poetry,dark magic
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
gimme a girl wit de wickedess slam
well these days has been great,i got to really try to understand my oother words i spend alot of time with her....the bad thing bout that...i think i spoiling her (^ ^) well thats a good thing i guess
while she is making me happy (no sick thoughts plz) my downfall lies a whole other place as i travelle back to my past...yeh i am going back to the thing that made me the monster that lives in me, i got to finish something i started, i won't interfer with anything unless it posses a threat to my friends and it just happen to send one of my friends to the hospital...she was like the first gf i ever had and now we are good friend but i consider her more family than friend since she is like a sister to me.
its this cult and group i helped developed...its kinda a gang thing since there a three of them
gen x crew, sevex,omega creed..the race of destuction,
i was in sevex me and this other guy eli and because of both of us we were the most powerful group...eli being the one who holds the power of magic....and his phycho brother me...since i did any and almost everything without any concern for my life...and all thats diff now...i don't hate that much to feel that power again
and me and eli are like mortal enermys, i still wonder if i can overthrow him
i don't like to deal with ppl who know powerfull magic and since he taught me all i
should be worryed
and i have this thing about when the trouble is too much for me or when my life is in danger i literally switch my personality to a whole diff person, thats why i am not really afraid of anything cause if i can't face it damion/magnus can i mean its real it happens but rarly...whenever i go places by myself normally up a hill or in a spring i go and talk to them so i can figer out stuff, if i really suppose to be here?
if i am a mistake? which is true i was'nt suppose to be here so i consider myself a mistake
i still dont know what i doing here i just feel like drinking that bottle of poision i have hiding
but all my friends depend on me and i love dont matter what I AM NOT BACKING DOWN from this
i will aveng krystal and no one else will have to get hurt i will put a stop to this shit once and for all, i am weak now but i will get back my strenght
and the only way to stop all of this with only hurting one mortal is bringing eli cante down ^_~
which wont be easy but it is posible and will be fun(^_^)
hmm four days from school i kinda need it doh....kevin going to get mess up.
he got to friend justing coming home sunday and i am so happy thats its busting up inside of me i wanna screem with happyness
my frien b'day is saturday and i can't see her before( ,-_-,)
but one thing i am happy for i have something ppl seach there whole lifes for..i have love,from my friends and most importantly my wife
but its as simple as this two honest ppl who actually have honour and dedication
that are willing to go all out to show how much you care about a person and never stop trying...cause if you more surprizes and everything gets boring... oh yeh and guys....spoil your wife........
hmm oh yeh i bath in spring waters!!!!!
even though i felt somebody was watching me....i wonder who it was.....they had hot eyes
and i love that person, that it hurts to wake up knowing you not seeing that person
but still feels good knowing they love you and you love them back
hmm i think i've typed enough...i'll keep u posted bbyyyyeeee
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Sunday, June 6, 2004
my day
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well everything has been really great except one thing...i can't feel my hate and i haven't sat down and cryed for no reason for a long time...i mean notting wrong with that...but its strange JUST FOR THE RECORD I AM STILL A VIRGIN ppl refuse to believe me which i dont know why they don't,i am proud of it ok?....unlike other ppl i can actually keep my penis undercontrol.... yeh latly i haven't had evil one is pissing me off =(
i stopped
i stopped myself
maybe cause i not going out...i think i will do that...i will love those close to me and hate those who aren't...god if i had'nt meet my friends i will hate everything i might have already killed myself....damn..........i missing kitty, i not getting to spend time with her this week ;_; oh well,
atless i will see her monday tuesday and wednesday.....THATS NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!!....i should take her from school tomoro since no body teaching..god i love her......she preverted my potatoes so i can't type it and laught again...i am happy now..
i still gotta update this thing with some harcore info on me
i need some blood yyaahhhhhh
its still there its still there...i am still me!!!!! muhahahahahahahaha(sucks thumb)
oh shit i got a whole set of inuyasha comics today!!!!! yeeehhhh @_@
ow my fingers hurt......
strange so does my mouth....i wonder why ?_?
*^_^* oh i have it in for kitty 2 morow school or no school she gon get it but i need to make sure my lips taste good first..i aint forgeting rosh..i caking him...cream cake in his face..get him hype again..muhahahaha and watch alll he stupid ppl of this planet and laught
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My Friends!!!!!!!!
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yeh yeh yeh i do have friends
but the ppl i surround myself with is pretty weird, these r my closes friends............
rosh(rau),Catrianna(forsaken angel),Kevin(???),Capil(3d),justin(system zero),kris(???),anupa(enigma)..and well leeann is reaching there...did i leave anyone out?
strangly enought my nickname is biger than all of there's
ppl who i never meet but are close too...steph(devils daughter) and sheri(demonica)
my friends are basically my life, without them i would just be a mass of destruction, living for one purpose only(i'll tell you about that in the above post......)
i love my friends but latly its like i am losing them,
-(justin) was and still is my closes friend he knows me better than any person in this world,he knows how i think why i think that way and he is the person who is alway fighting next with me and standing my side,me and him always fight but that brings our bond closer, he is closer than a brother to me no matter how far away he is he will always be my best friend,(he is the adviser in my life)
-(rosh)ah my next close friend,rosh is like the good/childest side of me and i am like his darker side....we bring out the hyperness in each other when we are together we are like two children playing no matter how old we are, rosh is my other hafe, i talk to rosh about any probs i have he always inspire me, but lately its like we are drifting apart cause i don't have no time to bond anymore with him which is really worrying me..justin move away, rosh is getting diff., anupa droped out off school..all i really have left is kitty, because she is the only up to the level of rosh and justing
i will bring rosh back but it will be hard,the day someone breaks his soul i will murder that person,(rosh is my support)
-catrianna(kitty)ok with this child is alot of things diff,i say i love all of my friends equally, but there are two types of love,one wit friends and one with your true love, she have them both, she is me true love and yet still my friend...which gives her great avantage above the rest, now you see catrianna is really simple to understand, but like me has ALOT of mental walls, i can't help but feel she is so fricking like me, we are both f'd up children that love each other, what is strange is that i liked her to a limit were i refused to believe it and always hid my feelings cause at that time i didnt believe in love in that way i was caught up in my hate and was kinda threathen by her that we were always fighting i mean i didnt like her head...well i did i just pretent i did'nt so i was fooling myself, and very recently i guess i thought the feeling were gone so i started to talk with her real good..annd well i think me and her got a little too close...and then everything just clicked, and u know i am glad cause i am actually happy being with her.. and i will do everything in my power to keep it that way, she is the only person who knows the real personality of me(kitty is my strenght,support,inspiration,hope,soul and love)
-(3d)he is my sis bf....he got me into the rock,and from him i learn alot i respect him alot,basically he is a real living giant, no body can mess with me because of him,but i can handle everything by myself(he is my stronghold) and kevin aint got noting in common but we are really really close which is strange not much to say bout him(i am his adviser and support)
i kinda tired now i will modify this a little later cause the music just confused my head
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Saturday, June 5, 2004
Singled out
sup u entitys?
i wonder how many ppl died in the world today?
right now i just taking in some cradle of filth
most of my friends like they have forgotten me
i don't care, i dont like to be popular....especially for being a freak...atlest thats less prbs for girl friend is on this site so check out her profile (arietanna)
talking bout her......god i love her(melts) ^^
i don't know if she understands me or not...let me ask her....okay she say(i think that i do from wat i see analyze and wat u tell me)
....god i love her.......
right now......MY BEST FRIEND COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!^_^
i am so happy!!!!!
o lord and i hungry now
lol shit i gtg byyyyyyeeee
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hahahaha potatoes
lol..sup my homies?????
yeh i real smiling...i have my reasons which i rather not tell you about *^_^*
for the last couple of days everything has been great...i really got to talk alot with my luv
but i am just blushing alot
lol potatoes....sry
anyways i am just happy i got to pick up my book and revise cause test coming up so i won't be online alot
but anyhow i gtg sry i couldnt type alot byyyyyeeeee
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
and again more results?
Ha ha.....Potatoes (^^)
.:: What's Your Anime Personalitiy? ::. brought to you by Quizilla
 A nameless character, someone lost behind the mask, another type of main are forgotten within yourself, lonely and yet trying to comfort others who are in pain as you. You seem to wear a mask so they cannot see you sad, so you wear the mask to lock away the true pain inside...but one day, you will be able to take off the mask, and live in the light...
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You attract an odd group that consists of vampires. But lucky for you are are the leader of the odd group. You different than the rest. You have an evil sex appeal to you, that some find irristable. Chances are, if you ever stumbled accross a vampire, it would welcome you to the dead side, but only cause it has an unexplainable attraction to you... Call me?
Would a vampire kiss you or kill you?... Or both? With pics! brought to you by Quizilla
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 you are a..MODERN vampire. you are pretty much in the middle of good and evil. you dont mind humans, but you like going along with your insticts as well. you show your opposite sides at very different times. you can be kind and merciful, but suddenly harsh and cold. you sometimes make a game of it. are you kidding? are you serious? one wrong step and who knows! you love tranquill water, going with the flow. you are pretty nutral
what kind of vampire are you?(hellsing pics) brought to you by Quizilla
What is your reason for suicide?(with images) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, May 28, 2004
My Results
 Your(good and bad)Hiei from yuu yuu hakusho. You are an evil looking person who dosen't like people. You live to fight demons and you aren't the nices person. Even thoough you're evil minded you hang out with the good people, even though you act like there not your friends. The only girl in you life is your little sister Yukina, who dosen't know she's your sister.
what anime guy are you? *UPDATED* brought to you by Quizilla
 ~Your Dead~ At least you feel like your your dead. Nothing matters to you, not even your own life. Your feeling all the terrible feelings out there like sadness and lonelyness and depression. You feel as if the world hates you and you hate the world and all the people on it. You even hate yourself. You mit as well be dead.Tip,?
what's your level in emotion? UPDATED agin!!!,GREAT PICS brought to you by Quizilla ~~~%SWEET LOVE%~~~
You have a avage normal love life. Where you care dearly about someone. That's normal. Tip, don't get to attach to people,your sweet love could be broken like that.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
 Your ~Inuyasha~ Inuyasha, the main star of the anime.He's a half demon, half human. He possesses a human heart but strong demon like claws and strength.He's sweet,loving,protective, but on the down side he can be Irritating and annoying.Hmm Inuyasha.^-^RATE PLEASE
~What inuyasha character are you~!!NEW!! REALLY COOL.^-^ brought to you by Quizilla
 ~SANO~ Your Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin.
Personality: Humourous and seems to not think things through. Likes to mess around with others, but is a generally good person after going a little crazy and trying to kill Kenshin.
Background: As a young child during the war, he was obviously an orphan and taken under the wing of an anti-royalist movement leader, Sagara Souzou. The man basically raised Sanosuke as his own kid or brother and Sanosuke looked up to him so much that he even asked if, after the war, he could change his last name to Sagara to match his captain's.
Wha anime brat are you? NEW!! brought to you by Quizilla
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a next day

hey ppl sup? well just in cast you should know i don't want a long post i delete one of day(posted up) when i start a new one.
i only keep two days at a time...the rest of the day i want it to be fulled with anime pic's and info.
today was...wat do you say?..weird
i got up 7am to listen to rock..i did that till 10...obsession...and i went by my friends house for like 12:10pm(leeann)....and i started to get to know her, you see me,kitty,sasha(another friend but not that close)and leeann was suppose to go to school to fix there classroom for some competition(note that it is not my class, but i used the excuse of helping them to see kitty) ^^
yeh i like her that much, i really don't care if we're doing long as she is near me i feel good..and i miss her now,-_-,....and she wore this tight pants today(Yuck :P)i'm sry i don't like skin fitting cloths...they distrack me alot i wore this sleevless shirt and actually dressed without the massive black, kitty says i looked really really good in the shirt but i think she is teasing we went in class in school and i meet this awesome child..leeann sister who is six years old named diane....omg this childs heart is so pure....she is so sweet and now i want a real daughter...=(...this child laughts at everything and i love the fact children are so happy off of little things...i mean yeh they make mistakes everyone does but you should'nt get vex...they mean no harm to you...all they crave is attension and love...the purest creatures on this planet is little children(my f'g father never did shit to make me happy).
i am sry i love and kitty was talking bout them...ya'll who read this..remember they aren't only the future..they are grown up in the image of YOU so set a good example
as i was saying now...yeh so i help kitty's class and i love the fact she is good with children...when all was done we carryed leeann and diane home while me and kitty travelled...i want to spend more time with does'nt have to be romancing but just to hug her and know the fact someone loves me deeply(atless i hope so)@_@
i just want to be near her...and as for my ex sonia...i no longer hold the failure get to my heart...she is with someone i know and finally released the moron that kept her and i apart...i wanted those two to separate cuz he was'nt good for her and would mistreat her....and well now...she is in good hands...and now she can live her life fully without having that soul is at rest now knowing i helped her some way...god you actually answered me....i'll keep my word is my word and i thx you
i miss my love.....and i wish she was with me now...i don't think she knows how much she means to me...and for one time in my life i am actually with someone i want to be with and someone i really like..unlike my other gf's...well i have to go do some quizes..i won't be on till tuesday so i'll keep you posted bye...

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Thursday, May 27, 2004
Anime Movies
here is a collection of anime movie that i have collected and seen that i remember that you all should take a look at
Movie Name
*Vampire Hunter D 2000-Bloodlust
*Burn Up W
*Trigun High Noon
*Trigun Series Vol 1-9
*Twilight Of The Dark Master
*Sorceror On The Rocks
*Plastic Little
*Cowboy Bebop
*Perfect Blue
*Blood The Last Vampire
*Ninja Resurrection
*Samurai X The Motion Picture
*Samurai X -Trust
*Samurai X - Betrayal
*Generator Gawl
*Sin The Movie
*Getter Robo Series
*Amon Saga
*AD Police
*Sakura Wars
*Arc The Lad
*Orphen - Spell Of The Dragon
*Bubble Gum Crisis
*Martian Successor Nadesico
*Dirty Pair - Flash - Angels In Trouble
*Gunsmith Cats
*Dragon Ball Z The Movie - Tree Of Life
*Akira The Movie
*Tekken The Motion Picture
*Legend Of Crystania
*Record Of Lodoss War
*Princess Mononoke
*ninja Scroll
*Ghost In A Shell
*Ah My Goddess The Movie
*Cat Girl Nuka Nuka
*Angel Sanctuary
*Apocalypse Zero
*Armored Trooper Votom
*Black Heaven
*Blue Seed Gasaraki
*Boogiepop Phantom
*Devil Hunter Yoko
*Dominion Tank Police
*Fist Of The North Star
*Fushigi yugi
*Harlock saga
*Hades Project
*Irresponsible Captain Tylor
*Jubei Chan
*Key The Metal Idol
*Lain Serial Experiments
*Macross plus
*Magic Knight Rayearth
*Mobile Suit Gundam
*Night Warriors
*Ninja Cadets
*Outlaw Star
*Pokemon The Movie
*Project Arms
*Project Aki
*Queen Esmeraldas
*Saber Marionette
*Sailor Moon
*Silent Mobius
*Shadow Skill
*StarBlazers Series
*Street Fighter Collections
*Sword Of Truth
*Tenchi Muyo
*Those Who Hunt Elves
*Vampire Princess Miyu
*The Animatrix
i have'nt rated it yet but if you want you can tell me which movie you saw and how good it was so other otaku fans who did'nt see it yet will have a Idea of the movie and how popular it is ^^
i have more but i want to also make a section for anime songs and manga...i also have to sectionise these movies into action,romance,Horror....and even Hentai for you prevs(Hint hint....two good movies are "Bible Black" and "La Blue Girl")....i know you guys who love to see breast and more @_@
anyways give me your thoughts.
(P.s.....samurai X is Rurouni kenshin for those who didnt know)
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